Akashi Kaikyo Bridge
Kobe - Awaji, Japan

Akashi Kaikyo Bridge (Japan) - longest suspension bridge in the world

Where is located Akashi Kaikyo Bridge?

Address of Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is Kobe and Awaji-shima, Japan
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When was built Akashi Kaikyo Bridge?

Built date of Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is 1998 - completion of construction

Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

Facts, informations and history of Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

The Akashi Kaiyko bridge is not only very long, but also tall, its two towers, 282 meters high, are higher than any other bridge towers.

Akashi Strait is a very busy port because architects had to design a bridge so that it would not block traffic. In addition, they had to take into account the changing weather, strong winds, heavy rainfall, hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes. Among other things, they built towers with lattice bonds, which stiffened the structure and allowed the wind to flow between the bars.

The bridge is able to withstand a wind pressure of 180 miles per hour, and an earthquake magnitude 8.5 on the Richter scale.

The length of all cables used to build the bridge is 300,000 kilometers, it would be enough for a circle around the Earth seven and a half times.

The bridge has three records, it is the longest, highest and most expensive suspension bridge in the world.

The bridge originally had a length of 12,825 feet, but on January 17, 1995, a great earthquake stretched it and now it is 3 feet longer.

Architect of Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

Architect of Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority
Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority

Construction/building type

Building Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is of type Suspension bridge

A suspension bridge is a type of bridge structure in which the main load-bearing element is ropes or chains attached to supports and supporting the girders or deck. It is a popular type of bridge, used worldwide for its efficiency and strength. Here is some information about suspension bridges, their precursors and the most famous structures of this type.... czytaj więcej.

Architectural style

Architectural style of Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is Contemporary

The contemporary architectural style is characterised above all by modern solutions and the latest technologies. It is a style that focuses on minimalism and simplicity of form, but at the same time does not sacrifice high quality and functionality. In the case of residential buildings, the contemporary style is characterised by large glazings, which allow for optimum interior lighting and create an impression of spaciousness. In the case of public buildings, the contemporary architectural style pays attention to the comfort and convenience of the users and the adaptation of the building to the needs of people with disabilities. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

How many meters have Akashi Kaikyo Bridge?

Akashi Kaikyo Bridge have length 3,910 meters (12,828 feet)
1991 meters (6,532 feet) - the longest single span

What material is the building made of?

Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is made of the following materials: steel


Build cost of Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is 4.3 billion dollars

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Most perłowy

Comments to Akashi Kaikyo Bridge (116) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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19 years ago
Kur**** Tyż mają skubane talenta ;-)
19 years ago
masakra ...
19 years ago
Najdłuższa budowla świata? A co z Wielkim Murem Chińskim!?
19 years ago
długość owszem robi...konstrukcja-nic ciekawego.Coś w inną strone dla ciekawych,we Francji budują mościk na zaledwie 342m.
19 years ago
normalnie przegieli
19 years ago
Kocham japonię, japonia jest THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!To moja druga ojczyzna, a ten most jest wprost super!!!!!!!
19 years ago
i z powrotem...
19 years ago
Tak, wzdłuż Wisły ;-)
19 years ago
Bardzo mi się podoba ten most. Ile potrzeba wysiłku aby go zbudować. Mam nadzieję, że w Polsce też taki zbudują....... :)
20 years ago
No dobra...przesadziłem , ale ty nie będziesz mi rozkazywał czyv mam pisac czy nie.
20 years ago
Marcin, no super, ale jakbys nie zauwazyl, to jest lista najdluzszych budowli, a nie najpiekniejszych i najoryginalniejszych. czyli jak ktos zbuduje 100 KM most, podobny do tego w pcinie dolnym, to ten z pcina powinien byc tutaj umieszczony? pomysl.i nie pisz juz wiecej
20 years ago
TAK!!!JASNE!!!OCZYWIŚCIE!!! Ten most to jest syf,kła i mogiła!!! Jest taki pospolity jest taką podróbą...przecierz Golden Gate jest ładniejszy, krótszy ale ładniejszy!
20 years ago
Budownictwo mostowe jest ekscytując , a co dopiero taki most
20 years ago
Ten most jest wyjątkowym osiągnięciem inżynierii światowej.Zaprojektowanie i wykonanie tego rodzaju konstrukcji jest wybitnym osiągnięciem i należy brać przykład z japońskich inżynierów, którzy muszą na codzień zmagać się z trzęsieniami ziemi i huraganowymi wiatrami przy kształtowaniu wszystkich elementów konstrukcyjnych.
20 years ago
most jest kolosalny a konstrukcje wręcz przerażające aż strach patrzeć
20 years ago
Most jak most ale musi byc wyjatkowy skoro japonscy konstruktorzy stracili swój cennny czas na jego zaprojektowanie, a sa w tym najlepsi

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