Sydney Opera House
Sydney, Australia

Sydney Opera House (Australia) - building in the style of modern expressionism, symbol of Australia

Where is located Sydney Opera House?

Address of Sydney Opera House is Bennelong Point, Sydney, South Wales, Australia
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When was built Sydney Opera House?

Built date of Sydney Opera House is 1959 - construction begins
1973 - completion of construction
October 20, 1973 - opening

Sydney Opera House

Facts, informations and history of Sydney Opera House

Opera building is an architectural fantasy adapted to the modern era of space travel. It is one of the most famous symbols of Australia.

The winner of the best design competition announced in 1956 was Dane Jörn Utson, his project was selected from 222 projects from 32 countries around the world. As the winner he was awarded 5,000 pounds.

The opera building is 183 meters long and 120 meters wide. The roof, 67 m high, is covered with 2194 sections, each weighing 15 tons.

The skeleton of the roof weighs 161000 tons and supports 350 km of cable. More than a million Swedish anti-fungal ceramic tiles have been laid on "sails" that shine in the sun and do not require cleaning.

In the building there are concrete ceiling vaults supported on steel ribs and 6225 m² of colored glass. There are also the largest curtains in the world, and the largest mechanical organs. The total length of electric cables is 645 kilometers.

There are five halls in the building where theater and ballet performances and concerts take place, there is also a cinema and two restaurants. There are 1,550 people in the opera house, 2,700 in concert theater, 550 in theater, and 420 people in the chamber music hall.

Every week, about 40 performances and concerts take place in the opera. The construction of the huge organs located there took 10 years, they are the largest in the world, they have 10 154 pipes.

The construction of the opera lasted 10 years longer than originally thought.

Initially assumed cost of construction was to amount to 7 million dollars, but its cost increased to 102 million, similarly the construction time, instead of the planned 4 years, the Opera was completed only after 14 years. When the construction costs increased, Utzon (Pritzker Prize winner in 2003) withdrew and completed construction: Peter Hall, Lionel Todd and David Littlemore.

Every year, the opera attracts over 8.2 million tourists, which translates into revenues of one billion dollars. In addition, over 12,000 people find additional work.

The building was opened in 1973 by Queen Elisabeth II, she has visited him four times since then.

Opera is cooled by sea water taken directly from the port. Circulating through a total length of 35 kilometers, it is both heated and used for cooling and air conditioning.

In 2015, the building received 4 stars and an ecological certificate from the Green Building Council of Australia.

The building is open 363 days a year, it is closed only on Christmas and Good Friday.

Sydney Opera was in 2007 inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

"The Sydney Opera House is a building that will be seen from above, this is the point - you can not design a building of this type without underlining the roof structure, which is why I created something that meets all requirements from a functional point of view. When you think about the gothic church, you can understand what I really intended. The form of the building was modeled on the sphere. The halves of the sphere are harmonizing with each other, the building is therefore balanced."- Jörn Utzon

Architect of Sydney Opera House

Architect of Sydney Opera House is Jörn Utzon, Ove Arup
Jörn Utzon, Ove Arup

How many meters have Sydney Opera House?

Height of Sydney Opera House is 67 meters

how many meters have Sydney Opera HouseScale

Construction/building type

Building Sydney Opera House is of type Opera house

Architectural style

Architectural style of Sydney Opera House is Modern expressionism

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Sydney Opera House

How many meters have Sydney Opera House?

Sydney Opera House have length 185 meters long, 120 meters wide

What area have Sydney Opera House?

Sydney Opera House have area of 1.8 ha

What material is the building made of?

Sydney Opera House is made of the following materials: Steel, concrete, glass


Build cost of Sydney Opera House is 400 million marks

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. National Opera House

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Sydney Opera House is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 166rev.
The listing took place in the year 2007.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

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muj kowid_19
muj kowid_19
3 years ago
muj kowid_19 najlebszy :)!! faina praca polecam
gonzo ;)
gonzo ;)
12 years ago
najlepsza daje naj za wszystko a nocą najpiękniejsza
13 years ago
is Greate
Isabella swansen
Isabella swansen
13 years ago
this is the very very big and beautyfiul place!! you must be on sydney becouse you understande the place!!l was on sydney house!!!!love it love thats
14 years ago
Byłem widziałem coś wspaniałego polecam wszystkim.
14 years ago
Australia the place to be
15 years ago
15 years ago
Naprawdę warto jest tam pojechać:):) bylem tam i to są niezapomniane chwile:):)
15 years ago
Ta budowla jest piękna!!!:) Bardzo bym tam chciała pojechać!!! Kto wie może za rok do babci:)
16 years ago
Tak trzeba przyznać, że to świetna budowla. Od zawsze moim marzeniem jest podróż do Australii i mam nadzieję, że kiedyś się spełni:) pozdrowienia dla kangurów:D
16 years ago
nie byłam tam ale bardzo bym chciała tam pojechac jest to moje najwieksze marzenie
17 years ago
No fajniu$ko:)) he he
17 years ago
najbardziej mi się podobają zdjęcia
17 years ago
opera sydney house jest to najładniejsza opera na całym świecie :-)
17 years ago
jest hicior dajcie zdięcia z wewnącz
18 years ago
Opera House fascynuje mnie juz od dawna kiedy bede starszy to chcę tam pojechać i zobaczyć ją na własne oczy mam nadzieje ze moje marzenie bedzie zrealizowane
18 years ago
Rany...Beznadzieja . Ochyda.Jak wogóle można na to patrzeć.Luwr we Francji to jest coś , ale to...:/:
18 years ago
Wielokrotnie miałam przyjemnośc fotografować gmach opery - jest piękny z każdej strony wygląda inaczej. Zapraszam do fotogarlerii na mojej stronie o Australii:
18 years ago
Byłam tam 2 lata temu, miałam okazje byc w sali operowej na Otello w wersji włoskiej.Zrobiło to na mnie piorunujące wrażenie.Ale dlaczego ktos z Australijczyków ( polskiego pochodzenia) nagadał mi ze Opera Sydneyjska jest zaprojektowana przez Polaka a dokonczona przez tych , których wymieniliście . Jest to dla mnie szok!
18 years ago
Usytuowanie gmachu nawiązuje do lądowania statku "First Fleet" w 1788 roku.
18 years ago
wiele bym oddał żeby zobaczyć tą operę i w ogóle Australię
18 years ago
Architekyura Opery w sydnej jest rewelacyjna Przypomina Morze bijące o brzeg. Nawiązuje do klimatu Australii Ja osobiście chciałabym obejrzeć operę ale ownież zwiedzić Alice spring i Góę Macedon Wspaniałę
18 years ago
Nie jest zła ta strona ale mogła by być lepsza !!
18 years ago
ta strona naprawdę bardzo mi się przydała. Ładny opis, niezłe zdjęcia...
18 years ago
Architekyura Opery w sydnej jest rewelacyjna Przypomina Morze bijące o brzeg. Nawiązuje do klimatu Australii Ja osobiście chciałabym obejrzeć operę ale ownież zwiedzić Alice spring i Góę Macedon Wspaniałę

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