„The architect must be a prophet... a prophet in the true sense of the term... if he can't see at least ten years ahead don't call him an architect”
Frank Lloyd Wright


Dworshak Dam - This is the fourth highest dam in the United States and 25 in the world. The power plant turbines located in the hall built at the foot of the dam produce 380 MW of electricity, which is equivalent to the energy generated by three barriers in Solina.
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Today a small website update. I only updated the INFO section, you can read detailed information about the site, editors, cooperation, etc. I invite you.
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Taipei 101 - The building, 509 meters tall, is the new tallest building in the world, including 3 of 4 titles the tallest buildings: the building with the highest structural point, the highest to the roof and the building with the highest occupied floor.
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St. Paweł - Is the seat of the London bishop. It is the third largest cathedral in the world. The length of the main nave is 146 m, while the height to the top of the cross is 110 m.

Pilchowice Dam - The Pilchowice Dam is the second highest (69 meters) and the second largest dam in Poland. In addition, it is the highest stone and arch barrier in our country. The length of the dam's crown is 270 meters.
The author of both descriptions is Piotr Talik.
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I wrote a new script that supports the web directory. If you are the authors of an interesting site about buildings or know the addresses of some interesting sites, then boldly add them to the catalog.
Attention!!! Only pages about buildings and architecture can be added to the catalog. All pages must be approved by the administrator before adding.
All comments regarding the script, possible defects and errors in operation, please send an e-mail to: wojto2@hoga.pl.
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I added one new file to the FILE section, namely the true type font named "Cityscape".
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London Eye - The largest and heaviest grand mill in the world. It is 135 m high, and each of 36 capsules weighs 10 tons and is 9 m wide. The ride on the mill takes 30 minutes.

George Washington Bridge - Nearly 300,000 cars use this bridge connecting New York and New Jersey daily. The bridge is very durable, its towers are 194 meters high.
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Today marks the second anniversary of the terrorist attack on the United States.
I invite everyone to see pages about World Trade Center , Pentagon and to read the report from this tragic event.
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As you probably noticed from today, the website www.budowle.pl is dressed in a new graphic design. For creating the entire lay, and designing the thank you logo, please sound.dummy'emu
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I added to the FILES section a video showing the bridge Tahoma Narrows during its deviations in strong wind.
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