Pilchowice Dam
Pilchowice, Poland

Pilchowice Dam - second tallest dam in Poland

Where is located Pilchowice Dam?

Address of Pilchowice Dam is Pilchowice near Jelenia Góra, Bóbr River, Dolnośląskie, Poland
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When was built Pilchowice Dam?

Built date of Pilchowice Dam is 1921 - date of opening

Pilchowice Dam

Facts, informations and history of Pilchowice Dam

The Pilchowice Dam is one of the most impressive hydrotechnical structures in Poland, standing out both historically and technically. Located in Lower Silesia, it is a fascinating example of innovative architecture and hydraulic engineering that has stood the test of time. This dam, built in the early 20th century by the Germans, has become a key element in managing the waters of the Bóbr River and preventing floods in the region. In this article, we will present the most important information, facts and curiosities about this extraordinary work of human hands.


History and creation of the Pilchowice Dam

At the beginning of the 20th century, Lower Silesia was struggling with the problem of recurring floods that brought with them devastation and destruction. In response to these problems, the German authorities decided to build a system of dams on the Bóbr River, which aimed to control the flow of water and protect local communities. In 1908, a decision was made to build the Pilchowice Dam, which was to become part of a larger Bóbr regulation project that also included other dams, such as Leśna and Wrzeszczyńska.

The construction of the Pilchowice Dam began in 1908 and lasted until 1912. The dam was built of stones joined with concrete, which was a modern technological solution at the time. The materials used for the construction were carefully selected and transported to the construction site from nearby quarries. The Pilchowice Dam is the second highest in Poland - its height is as much as 62 meters, making it one of the highest structures of this type in the country. Another interesting fact is that it is the highest stone dam in Poland and one of the few arch dams, which makes it unique not only in Poland but also in Europe.


Architecture and technical solutions used in the dam

The Pilchowice Dam is an impressive work of hydrotechnical architecture. The use of stone and concrete in its construction was an innovative solution at the time, and the construction of the arch dam itself provides it with enormous resistance to water pressure. The length of the dam's crown is 270 meters, which makes it one of the longest in Poland.

One of the most interesting elements of this structure is the stepped discharge channel, which is located on the side of the dam's crown. Instead of a traditional straight channel, a solution resembling stairs was used here, which gradually slows down the water flowing down the dam. This solution was not only aesthetic, but also functional – it allowed for controlling the force of the flowing water, which was particularly important for protecting the power plant located below the dam.

Pilchowice Power Plant, located at the foot of the dam, is another element of this extraordinary hydrotechnical complex. Although at first glance it resembles a small family home, inside it houses advanced technology, which at the beginning of the 20th century was a true engineering marvel. This power plant uses the energy of flowing water to generate electricity – its current capacity is around 8 MW, making it an important element of the local energy infrastructure.


The importance of the dam for the region and its role in flood protection

Since its construction, the Pilchowice Dam has played a key role in managing the waters of the Bóbr River and protecting against floods. Thanks to its design, it is possible to control the flow of water, which prevents sudden surges of the river and minimizes the risk of flooding. In a region that has historically been subject to recurring water disasters, the dam has become an invaluable element of infrastructure.

Pilchowice Lake, which was created as a result of the construction of the dam, serves not only as a retention reservoir, but also as an important recreational area for residents of the region and tourists. There are numerous hiking trails around the lake, and the reservoir itself is an ideal place for water sports such as kayaking and fishing. As a result, the Pilchowice Dam not only protects against floods, but also contributes to the development of tourism in the region.


Pilchowice Dam as a tourist attraction

The Pilchowice Dam is not only an element of hydrotechnical infrastructure - it is also a fascinating tourist attraction that attracts hundreds of visitors every year. The view of the dam stretching across the Bóbr River, surrounded by picturesque hills, is breathtaking. Tourists are offered not only the opportunity to walk on the top of the dam, but also to admire its monumental structure from various viewpoints in the area.

One of the more interesting ways to visit the dam is to take a train ride, which runs right next to the dam. The railway line connecting Jelenia Góra with Wrocław runs through the railway bridge over Lake Pilchowickie, offering spectacular views of the dam and its surroundings. The railway route itself is one of the most picturesque in Poland and is an unforgettable experience for nature and history lovers.

It is also worth mentioning that the Pilchowice Dam was planned as a filming location for the Hollywood film "Mission Impossible 7". Although the railway bridge was not destroyed, as originally planned, interest in the site increased internationally, which contributed to its promotion.


Awards and distinctions of the Pilchowice Dam

The Pilchowice Dam, one of the most important hydrotechnical structures in Poland, has repeatedly won recognition in Poland and abroad. Already in the first years after its completion, the structure won distinctions at international engineering exhibitions. At that time, it was one of the most modern achievements in construction technology, which drew the attention of specialists from all over Europe.

Contemporary interest in the dam is not limited to engineering circles. In 2012, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its construction, the dam was honored by the Polish Society of Civil Engineers as one of the most important technical monuments in Poland. This prestigious award highlighted both the historical significance and functionality of the dam, which still plays an important role in the water management of Lower Silesia.

In addition, the Pilchowice Dam is part of the European Route of Industrial Monuments, which is another distinction on an international scale. Thanks to this, the facility not only attracts tourists from Poland, but also from other countries who want to see one of the most unique structures in Europe.


Films and books featuring the Pilchowice Dam

The Pilchowice Dam, thanks to its monumental architecture and picturesque surroundings, has become an inspiration for many film and literary creators. The aforementioned production "Mission Impossible 7" aroused great interest in the place, but the history of the dam's connection with cinematography dates back much earlier.

One of the first films to show the dam was the Polish drama "Man on the Bridge" from 1978, where the Pilchowice Dam was a key background for the dramatic events taking place in the film. The unusual structure of the dam and its austere, monumental aesthetics perfectly matched the mood of the film's story, creating an additional dimension of horror and anxiety.

Literature also did not avoid this place. In thriller and crime novels, such as "Cienie nad Bobrem" by Marek Krajewski, the dam appears as a place full of secrets and symbolic for local history. Its presence in books further enriches the narratives of local heritage and confirms its cultural significance.

Over the past few decades, the dam has also become the setting for several documentary productions that have focused on the history of water engineering in Poland. These documentaries have highlighted not only its architectural value, but also its importance in the context of flood protection and renewable energy production.

In summary, the Pilchowice Dam, as a place with a rich history and unique architecture, has received deserved attention in films and books, which only confirms its status as an icon for lovers of both technology and the art of film and literature.


Fun facts about the Pilchowice Dam

The Pilchowice Dam holds many fascinating facts and curiosities that attract both history and engineering enthusiasts. One of the most interesting facts is that it is the second oldest dam in Poland, second only to the Leśna Dam. It was the Germans, who were then in charge of these areas, who were responsible for building the first dams in Lower Silesia, making this region one of the pioneers of hydrotechnics in Europe.

The Pilchowice Dam was also a place of experiments related to water power. At the beginning of the 20th century, various technologies related to the production of electricity were tested here, which made the Pilchowice power plant one of the most important centers of renewable energy production in the region.

Another interesting fact is that the Pilchowice Dam was used for military purposes during World War II. The Germans were aware of its strategic importance and used it to protect their supply lines. Although the dam survived the war without major damage, its role in armed conflicts adds an additional dimension to its history.



The Pilchowice Dam is not only an impressive hydrotechnical structure, but also a fascinating tourist attraction and an important element of local infrastructure. Its history, architecture and significance for the region make it one of the most interesting places in Lower Silesia. Whether you are interested in engineering, history or simply the beauty of nature, the Pilchowice Dam is certainly worth your attention. Pilchowice Lake, the picturesque surroundings and the majestic structure of the dam make it a place worth visiting and learning about.

Architect of Pilchowice Dam

Architect of Pilchowice Dam is prof. Otto Intze, dr inż. Curt Bachmann

How many meters have Pilchowice Dam?

Height of Pilchowice Dam is 69 meters

how many meters have Pilchowice DamScale

Construction/building type

Building Pilchowice Dam is of type Heavy firewall, Stone building, Arc

Architectural style

Architectural style of Pilchowice Dam is Neogotyk

Neo-Gothic is an architectural style that emerged in Europe in the 19th century and inspired many buildings, both public and private. Its name comes from Gothic, which was one of the most important architectural styles of the Middle Ages. Neo-Gothic was designed to recreate the look and feel of medieval Gothic buildings. ... czytaj więcej.

What material is the building made of?

Pilchowice Dam is made of the following materials: Concrete, stone

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3 months ago
I znowu powraca temat powodzi... :( Mam nadzieję, że wytrzyma i nie będzie potrzeby zalania terenów poniżej.
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jurek  p..
jurek p..
1 year ago
Byłem nad zaporą"" 100 lat temu"i pływałem po zbiorniku stateczkiem i w okolicach zapory,Dawne czasy.
3 years ago
Czy zapora jest przejezdna rowerem na dzień dzisiejszy?
3 years ago
Tak, nie ma problemu
14 years ago
kto pisał te głupoty? Niemcy budowali zapory na dolnym śląsku pod zaborami? tutaj nigdy nie było zaboru. Oni budowali je na swoich ziemiach. Ta propaganda PRLowka mnie dobija.
Rodzinka z Krakowa
Rodzinka z Krakowa
14 years ago
Przepiękne miejsce. Mała plaża kamienisto-piaszczysta multum zabaw dla dzieci. Teren monitorowany dużo policji jak na wodzie tak i na lądzie. Wybieramy się tam za tydzień.
14 years ago
Z tego co przeczytałem na tablicy to budowano ją od 1904 do 1912 i wtedy oddano ją do użytku a nie w 1921r.
15 years ago
Hotel "Nad Zaporą" kto tam teraz mieszka? ptaqe@yahoo.fr
15 years ago
piekniejszej buydowli ( i wsi Pilchowice ) nie ma na swiecie!! mieszkam w lodzi ale co roku jezdze na ta tame zeby podziwiac jej uroki :)) poprostu trzeba tam byc i to wszytko zobaczyc :)
15 years ago
Byłam na pilchowickiej tamie niemal przejazdem, byłam krótko.PIĘKNA.Podziwiam mądrość budowniczych - cudo. Bardzo chciałabym tam wrócić ponownie, przejść wokoło, pooglądać, pospacerować. Pozdrawiam.
15 years ago
To są moje rodzinne strony jestem dumna tego skąd pochodze.To prawda że naszym władzą brak organizacji do poprawienia warunków turystycznych w tych okolicach.Mam nadzieję ze to się zmieni bo naprawde warto.Polecam wszystkim odwiedzenie tych okolic.
16 years ago
polecam noclegi w Pilchowicach miło, domowa atmosfera a przede wszystkim cisza i spokoj www.karkonosze.popracy.pl/info.php?&dzial=&id=3296
16 years ago
Uważam, że jest to świetne miejsce =) bo w końcu tam mieszkam
16 years ago
Wg moich informacji najstarszą zaporą wodną wybudowaną na terenie Polski jest zapora w Mylofie - 1842 r. - także budowana przez Niemców podczas Zaborów.Wydaje się zatem że jest starsza niż Zapora Lesna która pochodzi z początku XX wieku.
16 years ago
W tym roku wybieram się w tamte strony na urlop. Pochodzę z Pilchowic i oczywiście odwiedzę swoją rodzinną miejcowość i Zaporę na Bobrze, która jest jednym z najpiękniejszych miejsc w Polsce. Żałuję, że ze wzgledu na odległość nie mogę bywać tam częściej. Pozdrawiam mieszkańców .
16 years ago
Pamiętam, że pod koniec lat siedemdziesiątych, świetnie funkcjonowal hotel na zaporze. Przybywały tam wycieczki z Niemiec . W tamtych latach była też powódź, ktoś pytał czy woda przelewała się po schodach - odpowiadam, że tak. Na przełomie lat 70-tych i 80- tych budował się tam nowy hotel o nazwie REMON , niestety spłonął zanim go na dobre odnowiono.
16 years ago
czy jest knajpa "nad zaporą " ?
16 years ago
Znów nie oparłem się, chęci zobaczenia tego zakątka. Byłem widziałem, miałem kaszel i katar ale po wycieczce a następnie wieczorze przy kominku i przespaniu nocy w agroturystyce w Pilchowicach, rano byłem zdrowy bez dolegliwości. Już Niemcy leczyli tam, choroby dróg oddechowych. Dom z pruskiego muru, działa jak najlepsze sanatorium no i ten kominek !! kontakt: surmus82@wp.pl lub : www.urlop.info.pl/info.php?id=2067 ............. życzę dobrego zdrowia .... pozdrawiam
16 years ago
Znam zaporę i zalew od ponad 30 lat, jest to przepiękne miejsce. Zapora i most kolejowy nad zalewem są arcydziełem sztuki inżynierskiej. Również linia kolejowa z tunelem obok zapory, poprowadzona na stoku góry oraz most kamienny nad drogą w Pilchowicach, są też tego przykładem. Miejsce to przyciąga swoim urokiem oraz wyjątkowością krajobrazu i widocznych struktur geologicznych. Noclegi w Pilchowicach można zarezerwować : "agroturystyka pod szczęśliwą 13-tka", szukaj: surmus82@wp.pl Zawsze gdy jestem w tej okolicy, odwiedzam to wyjątkowo urokliwe miejsce , pozdrawiam
17 years ago
mieszkam w pilchowicach... zapora jest bardzo wielka i piękna ostatnio przez te schody woda przelała się w lipcu 1997 roku
zbigniew pakiet
zbigniew pakiet
17 years ago
wielkie dzieki za udostepnienie zapory.to robi wrazenie-cos pieknego.
17 years ago
ja w pilchowicach mieszkam i jakos nie nie ciągnie do zapory ja nic w niej nie widze ciekawego dziwie sie ludzia którzy np. w niedziele jezdza jak debile na ta zapore i ja ogladaja i podziwiają heheh pzdr.
17 years ago
Pokrzywnik 35 - agroturystyka Różanka (oferta na Allegro). Blisko Pilchowic i jeziora. Cicho, spokojnie, można rozbić namiot. Miejsce na grill i ognisko. Dobre miejsce na spacery w okolicę jeziora. Dobre miejsce na wypady samochodem we wszystkie strony Dolnego Śląska. Bez wyżywienia. Właśnie stamtąd wróciłem. Miła gospodyni. 25 zł za dobę. Polecam!
17 years ago
Chciałabym wybrać się z rodziną do Pilchowic na weekend. Czy ktoś mógłby polecić mi jakieś miejsce na nocleg?
17 years ago
witam wszystkich mieszkam niedaleko pilichowic dokladnie w nowogrodzcu to jakies 30km niedawno tam mialem wycieczke z nowogrodzca bylo super to sa moje rodzinne strony az mnie ciarki przechodza jak sobie o tym wszystkim czytam co kiedys ludzie potrafili zbudowac na moich terenach:) i ze wszystko mam pod reka. na tych wakacjach planujemy tam pojechac pod namiot:P

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