Paro Taktsang (Tiger's Nest) - Tibet monastery complex in Bhutan
Where is located Paro Taktsang?
Address of Paro Taktsang is Paro, Bhutan
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When was built Paro Taktsang?
Built date of Paro Taktsang is Built in 1692
Facts, informations and history of Paro Taktsang
The complex was built in 1692, in Guru Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche, founder of Tibetan Buddhism) meditated for 3 years, 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 hours. According to legend, Guru came to this place where the temple was built.
The monastery is located in the Paro valley, about 3120 meters above sea level.
Temple to be Tenzin Rabgye, the then leader of Bhutan, who is considered the reincarnation of Padmasambhava.
Paro Taktsang consists of four main temples and a group of residential houses. Each building has a balcony overlooking the valley. The buildings attached to the walls are connected by a few wooden bridges.
Four of the eight caves found here are fairly accessible. A narrow passage to the main cave is decorated with twelve images of bodhisattvas. More paintings can be found on the walls of the monastery. There is also the Holy Bible, which has been printed with the Golden Lama.
In the middle of the church there is a prayer wheel, which is rotated by the monks every morning day.
The highest building of the complex contains the Buddha's hairstyle. Other significant buildings are Taktshang Zangdo, where the wife of Padmasambhava - Yeshe Tshogyal once lived. The next one is Urgyan Peak or Urgyan Tsemo, above which the temple of Phaphug Lakhang is located.
Monks, Buddhist practitioners in this cave monastery, live here for three years and hardly descend to the Paro Valley.
On April 19, 1998, and fire broke out in the main building of complex, consuming valuable paintings and artifacts. Over half of the buildings were burnt. One monk died then. Since then, the buildings have been renovated and restored to the original form. The repair cost was over $ 2 million.
In the complex you can see the prayer flags hanging over their heads. C These Buddha with Buddha with Buddha with Buddha with Buddha with Buddha with. C These Buddha with Buddha with Buddha with Buddha with. C These Buddha with Buddha with.
The road to the complex is a long walk, more than 2 hours of climbing. Despite the hardships, this place is worth a visit. In 2015, Prince William of the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, wandered to the Tiger's Nest during a visit to Bhutan. Earlier, in 2008, Prince Charles visited this place.
Construction/building type
Building Paro Taktsang is of type Temple, Complex of temples
Architectural style
Architectural style of Paro Taktsang is Tibetan
What material is the building made of?
Paro Taktsang is made of the following materials: stone, wood
Other names
The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Tiger’s Nest Monastery, Tygrysie Gniazdo
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