Two new descriptions of the building
St. Paweł - Is the seat of the London bishop. It is the third largest cathedral in the world. The length of the main nave is 146 m, while the height to the top of the cross is 110 m.
Pilchowice Dam - The Pilchowice Dam is the second highest (69 meters) and the second largest dam in Poland. In addition, it is the highest stone and arch barrier in our country. The length of the dam's crown is 270 meters.
The author of both descriptions is Piotr Talik.
Pilchowice Dam - The Pilchowice Dam is the second highest (69 meters) and the second largest dam in Poland. In addition, it is the highest stone and arch barrier in our country. The length of the dam's crown is 270 meters.
The author of both descriptions is Piotr Talik.

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19/12/2024 14:53
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