Palace of Versailles
Versailles, France

Palace of Versailles (France) - Palace complex and the residence of the queen of French

Where is located Palace of Versailles?

Address of Palace of Versailles is Versailles, France
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When was built Palace of Versailles?

Built date of Palace of Versailles is 1661-1774

Palace of Versailles

Facts, informations and history of Palace of Versailles

Versailles is not only a majestic palace, but also a symbol of the power and splendor of the French monarchy. Located in a small town of the same name, just a dozen or so kilometers from Paris, it became the site of historical events and the cultural center of the era. Its construction took decades, employing thousands of people, and the result is a complex that still delights visitors from all over the world. Let's take a closer look at this impressive residence, its history, architecture and the garden wonders that surround it.


History and construction of the Palace of Versailles

Versailles began its history as a modest hunting pavilion, built by Louis XIII in 1623. However, it was his son, Louis XIV, known as the Sun King, who transformed Versailles into a monumental royal residence. The decision to expand the palace was made in 1661, and the work lasted for many decades. The construction of the palace and gardens employed a huge number of people - 36,000 workers and 6,000 horses, which were necessary to transport materials.

The architecture of the palace is the result of masters such as Louis Le Vau, who designed the main body of the avant-corps and the elongated side wings. On the front side there are three more courtyards: Cour des Ministres, Cour Royale and Cour de Marbre. It is these elements that give Versailles its distinctive appearance. The dimensions of the palace are impressive - the garden façade is 640 meters long, and its center is the Hall of Mirrors, 72 meters long, 10 meters wide and 13 meters high. It is here, in front of 17 windows overlooking the gardens, that huge mirrors are hung, creating a unique effect.


The Garden of Versailles - the masterpiece of André Le Notre

One of the most important elements of Versailles are its gardens, designed by André Le Notre. They cover over 100 hectares and are a perfect example of a French Baroque garden. The Gardens of Versailles are not only the beauty of nature, but also the result of precise work and thoughtful planning. Carefully planned views, promenades and terraces create a coherent whole that delights with its symmetry and harmony.

The most spectacular element of the gardens is the Grand Canal, called little Venice. It is an artificial canal that adds charm to the entire structure. The garden is rich in fountains - there are about 1,400 of them, and water is pumped into them from the Seine River. It is thanks to these fountains that the gardens of Versailles live and shine, and during the reign of Louis XIV, fantastic performances, operas and theater plays were organized here.


Palace interiors - a symbol of wealth and luxury

The interior of the Palace of Versailles is a true masterpiece of art and craftsmanship. Each room, each room has been designed with attention to the smallest details. The palace has 2,143 windows, 1,252 fireplaces and 67 staircases. Each of these elements testifies to the incredible splendor and wealth that reigned at the French court.

The Hall of Mirrors is the most famous room of the palace. Its ceiling is decorated with wonderful paintings by Charles Le Brun, depicting the glory of Louis XIV. It was here, on June 28, 1919, that the Treaty of Versailles was signed, ending World War I. This event forever inscribed Versailles into world history, making it a place of enormous political and historical importance.


Versailles as a cultural and political center

Louis XIV, when he moved the royal court to Versailles in 1682, made it the political and cultural center of France. It was here that the most important state ceremonies, ballets, concerts and lavish receptions took place. The French court in Versailles was a place where the most important personalities of that era met and social life flourished.

After the death of Louis XIV, Versailles did not lose its importance. In the 18th century, an opera salon and a palace called Petit Trianon were built, which became Marie Antoinette's favorite place. Unfortunately, the French Revolution in 1789 brought an end to the glory of Versailles. The palace was captured by revolutionaries and most of its treasures were looted or destroyed.


Awards and distinctions

The Palace of Versailles is not only an icon of architecture and art, but also a place that has won numerous awards and distinctions over the years. Already in the 18th century, Versailles was considered a model of baroque architecture and gardening. In 1979, the palace and its gardens were included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This prestigious status highlights the unique historical and cultural value of this place, which is protected and preserved for future generations.

Versailles has also been repeatedly appreciated by numerous tourist organizations. It has been recognized as one of the most important places to visit in Europe by organizations such as European Best Destinations and World Travel Awards. The palace has also received high ratings in travel guides such as Michelin and Lonely Planet, which highlight its unparalleled beauty and historical significance.


Versailles in films and literature

The Palace of Versailles, with its rich history and spectacular appearance, has become an inspiration for many film and literary artists. Its majestic interiors and wonderful gardens were the background for numerous film productions that take the viewer back in time to the era of Louis XIV and the French monarchy.

One of the most famous films shot in Versailles is "Marie Antoinette" directed by Sofia Coppola from 2006. The film tells the story of the young Queen of France, and the Palace of Versailles is the perfect backdrop for her luxurious and turbulent life. Another significant production is the film "The Man in the Iron Mask" from 1998, where the impressive halls and gardens of Versailles add the authenticity and atmosphere of 17th-century France to the film.

Versailles also plays an important role in literature. The palace is the setting of many historical novels that introduce readers to life at the French court. In the book Versailles: The Sun King and His Court, author Ian Dunlop describes everyday life at the court of Louis XIV, revealing both the splendor and the darker sides of life in the palace. Another interesting title is "Queen Marie Antoinette" by Antonia Fraser, which presents the fate of one of the most famous residents of Versailles.


Curiosities and importance of Versailles today

Versailles, despite its turbulent history, has survived to this day and is one of the most important monuments in France. Every year it is visited by millions of tourists from all over the world who want to see this majestic palace and its beautiful gardens with their own eyes. Versailles is also a place of numerous exhibitions, concerts and cultural events that refer to its rich history.

Did you know that there are about 700 rooms in Versailles? And each of them is as impressive as the Hall of Mirrors. The Palace of Versailles is also home to the French History Museum, which houses extraordinary collections of art, furniture and objects related to French history. This is a place where history comes alive again, and every step reminds us of the former glory and power of the French monarchy.



Versailles is not just a palace, it is a symbol of an era, a place that has become a permanent part of the history of France and the world. Its impressive architecture, wonderful interiors and beautiful gardens attract millions of tourists who want to feel the atmosphere of its former glory. Versailles is also a testimony to the power and wealth of Louis XIV and the French monarchy, which, despite the passage of time, still fascinate and delight. Isn't it amazing that a place that has witnessed so many important events is still alive and vibrant? Versailles is a real pearl in the crown of France, whose splendor has never dimmed.

Architect of Palace of Versailles

Architect of Palace of Versailles is Louis Le Vau, Jules Hardouin-MansartAndré Le Notre, Charles Le Brun, Robert de Cotte, Ange-Janques Bagriel

Construction/building type

Building Palace of Versailles is of type Royal Palace

Architectural style

Architectural style of Palace of Versailles is Baroque

Baroque is one of the most important architectural styles that developed in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. It was characterised by grandeur, sumptuous detailing, symmetry and lighting effects. Below, I provide information on the precursors, key features and some well-known buildings in the Baroque style. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Palace of Versailles

What area have Palace of Versailles?

Palace of Versailles have area of 100 hectares - Versailles gardens

What material is the building made of?

Palace of Versailles is made of the following materials: Stone


Build cost of Palace of Versailles is About 500 million marks

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Chateau de Versailles

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

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1 year ago
Paryż zachwyca dużą ilością wspaniałych zabytków ,wieżą i zamkami nad Loarą.
12 years ago
Piękna budowla, aż trudno uwierzyć, że zbudowano ją tak dawno. Inspiruje.
Józef Leszczyński
Józef Leszczyński
13 years ago
Patrzcie i podziwiajcie.Bez sensu jest tu wymądrzanie się panienek-specjalistek d/s sprzedaży w jakichś chujniach.Co najwyżej mogą wybrać kolor kafelków w swoich łazienkach albo torebkę sobie kupić. Wersal zawsze będzie zachwycał.
14 years ago
Dwa lata temu będąc we Francji mogłem gościć w Wersalu.Jest to najpiękniejszy budynek jaki chyba może tylko istnieć na świecie.Polski Wawel czy Pałac w Przczynie mogą się schować przy wersalu.Te ogrody nie mające końca piękne fontanny i rzeźby naprawde warto to wszystko zobaczyć.
16 years ago
Wersal je super. ma nie tylko ogromną wartość historyczną, ale jest też niezwykle piękny.
16 years ago
Dzikie tlumy, to jedno zapamietalam z Wersalu. W dodatku remont :(
Marko from Tychy
Marko from Tychy
16 years ago
Gdy z jakiegos powodu nie mozecie pojechac do Wersalu, to na poczatek polecam odwiedzic palac w Pszczynie na Gornym Slasku. Palac w Pszczynie, w stylu francuskiego neobaroku, z jednej strony przylega do urokliwego rynku, z drugiej do pieknego parku krajobrazowego w stylu angielskim. P.s. Nie interesuja mnie szydercze komentarze debili.
16 years ago
Wersal jest wyczepany poprostu totalny odjazd:)Jak tam byłam odrazu wiedziałam ze nie jestem tu ostatni raz:) Poprostu super isadze ze w Polsce nigdy nie było i nie bedzie niczego tak pieknego ja wersal i cały Paryż
17 years ago
Ludwik XIV ;]
17 years ago
Wersal bardzo mi się podoba. Piękniejsza jest tylko Wieża Eiffl'a. Powiedzcie mi tylko skąd po tylu latach (ponad 300!!!) nadal ten odrażający smród w Wersalu???? Aż się wierzyć nie chce, że pozostał po Ludwiku XIV i jego świcie. Nie wierzyłam, że tam śmierdzi póki sama nie poczułam. Jak w kloace - zresztą tak też nazywano na innych dworach wspaniały pałac Króla Słońce:-)
17 years ago
Mnie sie podoba Wersal oraz palac krola.Podoba mi sie w palacu najbardziej oranzeria
Norbert von *********
Norbert von *********
18 years ago
Palac w Wilanowie zwany także polskim wersalem
18 years ago
kotka - podaj przykład polskiego dzieła sztuki o równej pałacowi w Wersalu wartości artystycznej i semantycznej , a zwrócę Ci honor i jeszcze pocałuję w Twój tłusty ignorancki zad !
18 years ago
Nie ma to jak Wersal on jest wspaniały
18 years ago
warto zobaczyć, aby poznac charakter wybrednego władcy.
18 years ago
to jest piękne, jak ja chciałabym tam pojechać
Louis XVI
Louis XVI
18 years ago
to prawda ze czuć tam ogromnym przepychem ale to dlatego że mieszkali tam najwspanialsi władcy świata...niezgadzam sie ze u nas jest coś rózniw pięknego wersal jest jedeny w swoim rodzaju to isna siedziba godna samego Boga
Louis XVI
Louis XVI
18 years ago
Kocham To miejsce bywam tam co roku i odpoczywam niesamowicie, jestem wprost zakochany w tym niesamowitym miejscu...uwielbiam tam przebywac czuje sie tam tak bardzo dobrze to miejsce wpływa na mnie niesamowicie...pozdrawiam wszystkich któzy lubią to miejsce a tych któzy nie...hmmm tez was pozdrawiam nie każdy mósi lubi Wersal
18 years ago
no ja to myslllllleeeee, ze taa budooowla musssssiałaa byc zbudowaaana przez jakisssss slawnych decydenntow frannncccuskiccccch ddlllllatego to mnie przzzzeraza a czaaaasssssem nawet obrazzzzaaa :(((
18 years ago
wersal jest czadowy, a zwłaszcza stajnie są obłedne!!!!!!! a te konie!!! hehehheh
18 years ago
poaptrzcie sobie na Wersal np. przez google earth, czyli z góry. Wtedy dopiero można zobaczyś to dzieło w całości.
18 years ago
ogrody sa bardzo ladne, budynek z zewnatrz tez ladny, ale bez rewelacji. w srodku mi sie nie podoba, za duzo wszystkiego (jak wszystko w tamtej epoce)sala lustrzana to juz w ogole tragedia.tak jak napisala kotka, tam jest po prostu nasrane, a jak sie dowiedzialam ze oni tam nie myli wlosow, tylko uzywali takich gumowych mlotkow do zabijania wesz, to stwierdzilam, ze powinni walnac sie sie wielkim mlotem w glowe, to moze by im sie polepszylo
18 years ago
Konrad, jakżeś wpadł na to ,że wzorzec barokowego pałacu jest perłą klasycyzmu?
18 years ago
!!ISTOTNA pomyłka: to nie jest budowla barokowa w żadnym wypadku!!! Wersal to jedna z najpiękniejszych pereł klasycyzmu, stylu Ludwika XIV-Roi Soleil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 years ago
pięknie, ładnie, ale dlaczego tak mało fotografii??? :-(

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