Arc de Triomphe
Paris, France

Arc de Triomphe in Paris (France) - monument

Where is located Arc de Triomphe?

Address of Arc de Triomphe is Place Charles de Gaulle at Champs Élysées Boulevard and Avenue de la Grande Armée, France, Paris
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When was built Arc de Triomphe?

Built date of Arc de Triomphe is 1806-1836

Arc de Triomphe

Facts, informations and history of Arc de Triomphe

The construction of the monument was commissioned by Napoleon in 1806 to celebrate his military conquest, especially at Austerlitz. At the top, the names of the greatest victories are carved in the semi-circle. Smaller victories are described inside the arc, along with the names of 558 generals (including several Poles), the names of those who fell on the battlefield are underlined.

The Arc de Triomphe is modeled on the Arch of Constantine in Rome, but it is twice as tall, it is 50 m tall, 45 m wide and 16 deep.

At the top of the arch Napoleon's monument was to be found, but after his fall, the idea was abandoned. Now there is an observation deck, which can be reached by elevator or stairs.

On May 22, 1855, Wiktor Hugo's body was solemnly laid at the monument.

On February 2, 1916, on the day of the Battle of Verdun, the sword held by the figure representing France was eliminated. The sculpture was hidden from the inhabitants, so that they would not consider it a sign of future misfortune.

On November 11, 1920, an unknown French soldier was burnt at the monument, since then every November 11 (the Day of Suspension of the Arms) the president has made a wreath there.

The right side of the arch represents a sculpture known as "La Marseillaise". The left side of the arch represents Napoleon's triumph in 1810.

In memory of the Napoleonic victories, the names of five Polish cities were inscribed on the arch: Gdańsk, Wrocław, Ostrołęka, Pułtusk and Lidzbark Warmiński.

The Arc de Triomphe is an indicative mark in Paris because of its mass, beauty and the fact that 12 avenues cross each other where it stands.

When in 1730 the decision was made to build the monument, only 5 streets met in this place. The remaining 7 were added in the years 1853-1870.

The initial construction plans included building a huge elephant-shaped hotel with a theater. But because of the large number of elephant-shaped hotels around the world, this idea was abandoned.

Architect of Arc de Triomphe

Architect of Arc de Triomphe is Jean-Francois-Thérè se Chalgrin i Jean-Armand Raymond

How many meters have Arc de Triomphe?

Height of Arc de Triomphe is 50 meters

how many meters have Arc de TriompheScale

Construction/building type

Building Arc de Triomphe is of type Monument, Monument

Architectural style

Architectural style of Arc de Triomphe is Classicism

Classicism is an architectural style that originated in Europe in the 18th century and lasted until the end of the 19th century. Its name is derived from the Greek word 'klasis', meaning 'classic', which means perfection and perfect model. In classicism, adherence to the principles of proportion and harmony is paramount, which is evident in the simple and regular forms of buildings. ... czytaj więcej.

What material is the building made of?

Arc de Triomphe is made of the following materials: Stone


Build cost of Arc de Triomphe is 9.3 million francs

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Arc de Triomphe

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

Comments to Arc de Triomphe (48) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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2 years ago
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4 years ago
to nie klasyzm tylko styl romański to jest błąd na poziomie 5 klasy ale zdieńcie ładne akurat mam zadany łuk z plastyki
15 years ago
ekstra na historie
16 years ago
Byłam widziałam jest suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuppppppppeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!11
16 years ago
super na plaste
Julka z Gniezna  15 lat
Julka z Gniezna 15 lat
17 years ago
Buziaki dla wszystkich
17 years ago
Super stronka przyda mi sie na historie :-)
17 years ago
mam zrobic na plastyke łuk triumfalny.. hehe no moze cos z tego sciagne do mojego pomyslu ... widze ze sa pewne bledy ;] ale nie tego tu szukam ;p pozdrawiam
17 years ago
Aż się za głowe złapałam!! Strona z błedami!! łuk triumfalny jest zbudowany w stylu klasycystycznym!!
17 years ago
kiedy przejeżdżałam obok łuku nie sądziłam, że jest on taki potężny. zamieszczony na tej stronie wykres daje duzo do myslenia...
17 years ago
Ha,ha a ja wlasnie jestem teraz w Paryzu.A co do strony to super
17 years ago
straszne głupoty tu pisza!! Łuk triumfalny to klasycyzm nie styl romański!!!!!!
17 years ago
stronka super, tlyko ogólnie dużo pomyłek, np. w datach itp. ktoś mógłby to sprawdzić, co? bo tak troche niepwenie brać z tąd informacje :) pozdrówki XD
17 years ago
aaaajjjććććć... a aj mam zrobić łuk triumfalny;( koszmar
17 years ago
thx, naprawde bardzo przydały mi się te materiały na technike !!! pozdrawiam
18 years ago
spoko!przyda mi sie na kolokwium
18 years ago
Zajebiste, dzieki, brakowalo mi stylu budowy a tu RK CUK i mam :o)
18 years ago
dzięki przydało się na historie:*
18 years ago
fajne zdiątka i ciekawe informacje przyda sie do konkursu
18 years ago
fajne zdiątka i ciekawe informacje przyda sie do konkursu
18 years ago
dzieki przyda sie na histe
18 years ago
teee styl naucz się sztuki:D
18 years ago
Świetna strona, tylko przydalyby sie troche ogólniejsze opisy. Za duzo szczególów. Pozdr
18 years ago
Styl: Romański :( prosze zmieńcie to natychmiast, jaki romański romański to średniowiecze. To jest klasycyzm!
18 years ago
naprawde super!!!!!!!!! strona ;)

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