Washington Monument
Washington, United States

Washington Monument (USA) - 170 meter high, tallest stone statue of the world

Where is located Washington Monument?

Address of Washington Monument is National Mall at 15th Street Northwest, Washington, USA
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When was built Washington Monument?

Built date of Washington Monument is 1848-1885

Washington Monument

Facts, informations and history of Washington Monument

The Washington Monument is one of the most recognizable symbols in the United States. It is located in the heart of Washington, the capital of the USA, and is a tribute to the country's first president, George Washington. It is a monumental obelisk that rises majestically against the backdrop of the National Mall, attracting millions of tourists from around the world every year. In this article we will take a closer look at the history, architecture and curiosities related to this impressive monument.


History of the construction of the monument

Construction of the Washington Monument began in 1848, but its completion took much longer than originally planned. The first work on the structure was interrupted for many years due to lack of funds and the Civil War. Ultimately, the monument was completed in 1884, which means that the construction took over 30 years and ended almost three decades after the death of the project architect.

In 1845, the monument was designed by Robert Mills, a famous American architect. Initially, it was planned that the monument would be 600 feet high and that a circular Greco-Dorinthian temple would be built on its base. However, over time, these plans were modified by George P. March, the Italian ambassador, and other decision makers. As a result, the final height of the monument was 555 feet (169.2 meters), and the temple project was completely abandoned.


Architecture and dimensions

The Washington Monument is the tallest stone monument in the world. Its imposing height of 169.2 meters (555 feet) and width of 16.8 meters (55 feet) at the base are the standard Egyptian proportions of 10:1 height to base. The monument is made of marble, granite and sandstone, and its total weight is 90,854 tons.

One of the most characteristic elements of the monument is the difference in shades of marble visible above 45 meters. This color change precisely separates the earlier part of the structure, built before work was interrupted in 1854, from the later part, completed in 1876. The granite that supports the first 452 feet of the monument's interior comes from Maine, further emphasizing the variety of materials used in construction.


Viewing platform and aluminum pyramid

One of the most exciting experiences for visitors to the Washington Monument is the opportunity to enter the observation platform, which is 500 feet above the ground. You can get there by elevator or by climbing 897 stairs. The platform offers a breathtaking view of the entire city, including the White House, the Capitol and the National Mall.

At the top of the monument is a nine-inch aluminum pyramid. At the time, it was the largest aluminum piece in the world because aluminum was a precious material back then. This pyramid also serves as a lightning rod, protecting the monument against lightning strikes.


Curiosities and unusual events

The Washington Monument is not only an impressive structure, but also a place of many curiosities and unusual events. One such event was the story of David G. Morris, a worker who jumped from the monument in 1934 during renovation work. He was the only man who dared to do such a feat.

Another fascinating story concerns a cat that jumped 160 feet from the monument in September 1880 and survived the fall. Unfortunately, according to legends, he was later killed by a nearby dog. These extraordinary events only add color to the rich history of the monument.


The significance and heritage of the monument

The Washington Monument is not only a tribute to George Washington, but also a symbol of American heritage and national pride. Its majestic presence against the backdrop of the US capital is a reminder of the values ​​of freedom, democracy and unity that were the foundation on which this nation was built.

Everyone who visits the monument has the opportunity to get closer to history and feel the spirit of a place that played a key role in the formation of the United States. The monument is also the site of numerous celebrations and events that attract tourists and Washington residents, making it an integral part of the city's life.



The Washington Monument is not only a monumental structure, but also a living symbol of the history and heritage of the United States. Its impressive height, rich history and cultural significance make it one of the top places to visit in Washington. This monument, standing as a tribute to George Washington, reminds us of the values ​​on which this great nation was founded. Whether you are a lover of history, architecture, or simply a tourist, the Washington Monument is sure to provide you with an unforgettable experience and deep understanding. American heritage.

Architect of Washington Monument

Architect of Washington Monument is Robert Mills
Robert Mills

How many meters have Washington Monument?

Height of Washington Monument is 169.2 meters (555 feet)

how many meters have Washington MonumentScale

Construction/building type

Building Washington Monument is of type Monument, Monument

Architectural style

Architectural style of Washington Monument is Neo-Egyptian

What material is the building made of?

Washington Monument is made of the following materials: Stone, marble


Build cost of Washington Monument is $ 1,187,710.00

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is http://www.nps.gov/wamo/

Comments to Washington Monument (8) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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6 years ago
hej hhh a po co wiedzieć co pod ziemią kiedy 555 stóp to dokładnie 6660 cali
17 years ago
Byłam ... widziałam ... podziwiałam !! Pomnik doskonały, widok niesamowity !!! Polecam każdemu :)
19 years ago
ciekawe czy to prawda ze pod ziemią jest jeszcze 111 stóp ... 555+111=666 Masoni(?)
12 years ago
polecam ksiazki Dana Browna , 666 -satanisci nie masoni z masonami prędzej kojarzy sie liczba 33- tzw liczba doskonała
19 years ago
jest bardzo ładny chciałbym tam być i obejrzeć wszystko z bliska
20 years ago
zajebisty jest
Astronauta Hubert Ta
Astronauta Hubert Ta
20 years ago
Monument Waszyngtona jest wielki i wspaniały.
20 years ago
Kot skoczył ale pies go zeżarł...

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