Pont du Gard
Nimes, France

Pont du Gard in Nimes (France) - Roman Aqueduct

Where is located Pont du Gard?

Address of Pont du Gard is Nimes, France
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When was built Pont du Gard?

Built date of Pont du Gard is From 15 o'clock until 14, e.

Pont du Gard

Facts, informations and history of Pont du Gard

The aqueduct on the River Gard is 49 meters high and 27 meters wide.

It was part of a 48-kilometer aqueduct that supplied the city of Nimes with water. The difference in the height of this aqueduct at both ends is only 17 meters. A large part of the aqueduct is located underground. The aqueduct was very carefully and accurately built, had a small drop, 1 meter by 3 km long, so that the water could run down.

It is estimated that daily Pont du Gard supplied the city of Nimes with 50,000 inhabitants in 400 liters of water per person.

On the first level there is a road, on the second level for pedestrians, and the third level, high on 1.8 m, wide on 1.2 m and inclined under from 0.4%, water was transported.

There are 6 arches on the first floor, 11 on the first floor and 35 on the third floor.

Three levels were built of stone, without mortar. During the construction, the blocks were supported by scaffolding.

Only one of the six lower arches connects the banks of the river, the arches of individual storeys are not identical. The bridge does not cross the river at an angle of 90 °, but it runs slightly bent, against the current of water.

Architect of Pont du Gard

Architect of Pont du Gard is Marcus Agrippa
Marcus Agrippa

Construction/building type

Building Pont du Gard is of type Roman aqueduct

A Roman aqueduct is a monumental architectural structure that was used to supply water to cities in ancient Roman times. Here is a bit of information about the architecture, the precursors and the most famous structures of this type.... czytaj więcej.

Architectural style

Architectural style of Pont du Gard is Ancient roman

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Pont du Gard

How many meters have Pont du Gard?

Pont du Gard have length 275 meters

What material is the building made of?

Pont du Gard is made of the following materials: Stone

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Roman Aqueduct

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Pont du Gard is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 344bis.
The listing took place in the year 1985.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/344bis/

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is http://www.pontdugard.fr

Comments to Pont du Gard (12) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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Based on 12 comments
14 years ago
Wszystkim polecam :) CUDO
14 years ago
byłem, widziałem jest na co popatrzeć
15 years ago
Mieszkam w Nimes i chodze tam na imprezy to nei jest anjleprze sa duzo leprze zeczy kawalek dalej wodospadu itp wiecej informaci nasz-klasa Dawid Trusiak
3 years ago
Zazdroszcze tych widoków to kawał historii Gratuluję wyboru miejsca zamieszkania
16 years ago
zwiedzałem tą budowlę - jest fantastyczna i dobrze zachowana, będąc w pobliżu nie można jej zobaczyć. Również okolica jest warta zobaczenia, jest urocza a kąpiel w rzece wspaniała.
16 years ago
Oglądałem go w nocy zdecydowanie polecam tę porę świetna iluminacja
17 years ago
piekne ,jeszcze raz piekne
18 years ago
bylem tam. OGROMNY!!! robi wrazenie
18 years ago
Naprawdę warto zobaczyć go na żywo,ale w rzece dużo kamieni...uwaga na stopy ;o)
18 years ago
na zywo robi wrazenie, cos pieknego
19 years ago
no moze ładne nie ale ile oni musieli sie nameczyc aby to zbudowac dzis do tworzenia tego typu projektow uzywamy komputorow a wtedy... juz nie wspominajac o maszynach i sposobie budowy...
20 years ago
No ladne, to to nie jest.

Location on map / How to get there

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