Palazzo Vecchio
Florence, Italy

Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy - the 13th century "Old Palace"

Where is located Palazzo Vecchio?

Address of Palazzo Vecchio is Piazza Signoria, Florence, Italy
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When was built Palazzo Vecchio?

Built date of Palazzo Vecchio is 1299-1314

Palazzo Vecchio

Facts, informations and history of Palazzo Vecchio

Palazzo Vecchio in Piazza della Signoria, next to the Uffizi Gallery, is one of the most beautiful palaces in Italy.

The design of the building was done by Arnolfo di Cambio, and construction began in 1299. The original structure was built between 1299 and 1313 and became the residence of the Medici family, who ruled Florence and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

The present building was erected on the site of the demolished "Palazzo dei Fanti" and "Palazzo dell'Esecutore di Giustizia", once owned by the Uberti family. The family was considered to be connected to Rome at the time and according to the 14th century "Nuova Cronica", the palace was built to ensure that the Uberti family houses would never be rebuilt on the same site.

In 1310, a 94-foot tower with a terrace was added to the structure. From 1343 to 1592, the original design of the palace was altered and completed. During this period, Duke Cosimo I had the building doubled in size. When he moved into the building with his family, the palace lost its importance. Only in 1872 it returned to its original role and became the seat of the City Council.

The palace was built on a quadrangular plan and consists of three separate parts built in three different periods.

The largest of the rooms, the Hall of the Five Hundred Years (52 × 23 meters) was added in the late 1400s and then modified by the famous architect Giorgio Vasari in 1565. New Quarters were added in the early 1540s.

Palazzo Vecchio is a three-story building with dentil finials and semicircular windows. It contains two rows of two-light Gothic windows, each ending in a trefoil arch.

The tower of the building is not exactly in the center of the building, this is due to the fact that the architect included in the design of the new tower the old tower that still stood on this site. The old tower belonged to the Foraboschi family and was called "La Vacca" ("The Cow"), while the new one is called "Torre d'Arnolfo", in honor of its architect.

The tower has three bells, and the oldest was cast in the 13th century. It is interesting to note that the clock in the tower has a mechanism that dates back to 1667.

In the tower are 2 cells where the infamous prisoners Cosimo de' Medici and Girolamo Savonarola resided.

In front, under the arcades, one can see frescoes with the nine coats of arms of the municipalities. On either side of the entrance to the palace are marble sculptures.

In 1501-1504, Michelangelo sculpted one of the most famous statues in history called "David". This statue was supposed to adorn the roof of Florence Cathedral, but it was deemed too heavy to be raised to the necessary height. Eventually the statue was placed just outside the front door of Palazzo Vecchio, next to Hercules and Cacus. It stood there from 1504 until it was moved to the art museum, the Accademia Gallery in Florence in 1883. In 1910, a replica of the statue was placed where the original stood.

In the courtyard of the palace hangs a plaque commemorating the 1786 resolution, which was the first in Europe to outlaw capital punishment and torture.

Although most of Palazzo Vecchio is now used as a museum, it remains a symbol of local government. It houses the office of the mayor of Florence and is the seat of the city council.

The Palazzo Vecchio is a symbol of local government.

Architect of Palazzo Vecchio

Architect of Palazzo Vecchio is Arnolfo di Cambio

How many meters have Palazzo Vecchio?

Height of Palazzo Vecchio is 94 meters

how many meters have Palazzo VecchioScale

Construction/building type

Building Palazzo Vecchio is of type Palace, Town hall

Architectural style

Architectural style of Palazzo Vecchio is Renaissance, Gothic

The Renaissance is an architectural style that developed in Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries, characterised by a return to the classical forms and elements of ancient Greek and Roman architecture. The Renaissance was a reaction to the Gothic style that prevailed in Europe from the 12th to 15th centuries and was associated with churches and sacred buildings. Renaissance means 'rebirth' and the style is considered the precursor to modern architecture. ... czytaj więcej.

Practical informations

Palazzo Vecchio

What is the cost of entry for Palazzo Vecchio?

Tickets for Palazzo Vecchio are available at the following prices and variants:

  • Museum:
  • - normal ticket: €10,00
  • - reduced for children 18-25 and students: €8,00
  • - free for children under 18 years, people with disabilities and their carers

At what times is open Palazzo Vecchio?

Palazzo Vecchio is open or accessible to the public on the following dates and times:

  • Open usually from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Thursdays until 2 p.m.
  • Detailed hours:

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. The Old Palace, Palazzo della Signoria, Signoria of Florence

Questions and answers

What is the significance of Palazzo Vecchio in Florence?

Palazzo Vecchio, also known as the Old Palace, is a historic city palace in Florence, playing an important role in the city's history. It was built in the 14th century and served as the town hall and residence of the city's authorities.

Is Palazzo Vecchio open to visitors?

Yes, Palazzo Vecchio is open to visitors. Tourists can explore its rooms, courtyard, and terrace with a view of the city.

Are there historic works of art in Palazzo Vecchio?

Yes, Palazzo Vecchio houses many historic works of art, including frescoes, sculptures, and paintings that adorn the palace's interiors.

Was Palazzo Vecchio ever the residence of the Medici family?

Yes, Palazzo Vecchio was originally the seat of the city authorities, but it was later also used by the Medici family, who continued to have influence over Florence.

Does Palazzo Vecchio have its own tower?

Yes, Palazzo Vecchio has an impressive tower from which you can admire a panoramic view of Florence.

Is there an entrance fee for Palazzo Vecchio?

Yes, there is an entrance fee for Palazzo Vecchio, but there are various tickets available, including discounted and group tickets, providing access to different parts of the palace.

Was Palazzo Vecchio used for defensive purposes?

Yes, Palazzo Vecchio also had a defensive function, which is evident in its construction and strategic location in the city.

Can you see the hall where city council meetings were held in Palazzo Vecchio?

Yes, there is a hall in Palazzo Vecchio, known as the Hall of the Five Hundred, where important meetings of the Council of Five Hundred took place.

Is Palazzo Vecchio a UNESCO site?

No, Palazzo Vecchio is not directly listed as a UNESCO site, but it is located in Florence, whose historic center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Was Palazzo Vecchio ever a target of war attacks?

Yes, in historical times, Palazzo Vecchio was a target of war attacks and sieges, highlighting its strategic importance.

Are there any valuable historical documents exhibited in Palazzo Vecchio?

Yes, in Palazzo Vecchio, you can see various valuable historical documents, such as legal acts and agreements that reflect significant events in the city's past.

Can you see representative rooms in Palazzo Vecchio?

Yes, Palazzo Vecchio has numerous representative rooms, including the Hall of the Two Hundred, which are beautifully decorated and used for official receptions.

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3 years ago
Taka mała uwaga. Największa sala Pałacu nie nazywa się "Salą Pięćsetlecia" a "Salą Pięciuset" (il Salone dei cinquecento). Było to odniesienie do pojemności pomieszczenia, które było największą salą z przeznaczeniem dla władz cywilnych i mieściło mniej więcej pięćset osób.

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