Great Wall of China - 2400 kilometers long fortress
Where is located Great Wall of China?
Address of Great Wall of China is China
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When was built Great Wall of China?
Built date of Great Wall of China is 214 BC - start construction
Facts, informations and history of Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is a monumental structure that has aroused delight and admiration of people all over the world for centuries. It is the largest structure ever built by man, and its history, dimensions and functions are as impressive as the structure itself. In this article, we will take a closer look at this extraordinary work, its role in Chinese history, construction techniques and interesting facts related to it.
History and importance of the Great Wall of China
The construction of the Great Wall of China began in the 3rd century BC, during the reign of the first emperor of the Cin dynasty, Shi Huang-ti. Its goal was to create a defensive embankment to protect China against invasions by nomadic Mongol tribes and to secure the Silk Road running nearby. In fact, however, separate sections of the wall had already been built by individual feudal states, and it was only during the times of Szy Huang-ti that they were combined into one defensive complex.
In its heyday, the Great Wall was over 7,600 kilometers long, although only about 2,400 kilometers have survived to this day. This is still an impressive distance, comparable to the distance between London and Moscow. Including the side branches, the entire wall is at least 21,000 kilometers long, making it the longest structure in the world. The wall rises at an altitude of about 1,000 meters above sea level, running along the ridges of mountain ranges.
Traditionally, the Great Wall is believed to have stretched from Shanhaiguan on the Liaotung Gulf (Yellow Sea) to Jiayuguan in the Nan Shan Mountains. Also known as "Wall 10,000 Li" (meaning "infinite length" of wall), it is the collective name for defense systems consisting of natural dams, a network of forts and observation towers, and defensive walls.
Architecture and construction
The Great Wall of China is a true engineering masterpiece. Its width at the base is about 6.5 meters and its height reaches 9 meters. At the top, the wall is 5.5 meters wide, which allowed infantry to march in a row of 10 soldiers or cavalry with 5 horses each. The building was built on stone foundations made of rammed earth, covered with bricks. The whole thing was glued using a mixture of rice flour and water, which ensured exceptional durability and resistance to weather conditions.
The wall is equipped with numerous defensive towers, watchtowers and storage rooms for ammunition and food. There was to be a guard tower every 100 meters, which means that there should have been over 40,000 of them along the entire length of the wall. About 300 million m² of materials were used to build the wall, which was enough to build 120 Cheops pyramids or to build a two-meter wall along the entire length of the equator.
Contrary to popular belief that the Great Wall of China is visible to the naked eye from the Moon, the truth is that even from low Earth orbit it is barely noticeable. It is relatively narrow, does not have long straight sections and does not contrast sufficiently with the surroundings.
Curiosities and myths
The Great Wall of China is the subject of many legends and myths. One of the most popular is the belief that this structure is visible to the naked eye from the surface of the Moon. In fact, this is a myth that was widespread during the first space flights. Satellite images using infrared photography showed the Great Wall of China in all its glory, but confirmed that it is not visible from the Moon with the naked eye.
Another interesting fact is that the Great Wall was not built only as a defensive structure against barbarians. It was also believed that it was supposed to protect against demons roaming the barren steppe areas. It was believed that demons could only move in a straight line and were unable to cross curved formations or around corners, which is why the wall was never built in a straight line.
The first embankments and the first "Great Wall"
Earth ramparts were China's primary defensive structures, especially as urban fortifications. The construction of fortifications on the borders of countries in Asia dates back to the Warring States period. The oldest textual sources about them date back to 656 BC. and concern the walls of the Chu kingdom. The first "Great Wall" was built by the first emperor of China in the 3rd century BC; it was supposed to be both a barrier against the invasion and a symbol of the ruler's power. About a million workers were said to have died of exhaustion during construction, and the dead were to be bricked up in the walls of the structure. These stories were elements of the legend of Qin Shi Huang's tyranny, actual evidence of his construction of the "Great Wall" is very scanty.
Fortification lines in various historical periods
In various historical periods, fortification lines in northern China were built and modified depending on the political situation. The Han dynasty initially tried to maintain and strengthen the Qin borders, and the active policies of Emperors Gaozu and Wudi were costly and risky. The Han extended their rule to the Gansu corridor and established contacts with the peoples of Central Asia. To protect the strategically important route to the west, they built the fortresses of Yumenguan and Yangguan and a fortified administrative base in Dunhuang.
Ming dynasty wall
The form of the wall known to this day comes from the Ming dynasty, in the 15th century. This dynasty, feeling great pressure from the Mongol peoples, decided to build, based on the still existing fragments of the ancient wall, a continuous system of fortifications - from the borders of Korea to the Gobi Desert. This system consisted not only of the wall itself, but also of adjacent border settlements, trading posts and a nearly 1 km wide strip of "burnt" land. During the Second Sino-Japanese War, it served as a defense line for Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang troops.
The importance of the Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China was of great commercial importance, especially its western section, which protected the Chinese part of the Silk Road. Even in its heyday, the wall never served as a fortification capable of withstanding a long siege by a strong army. However, it was quite an effective barrier against uncoordinated attacks by small hordes, ensuring relative peace in the border areas and enabling trade along the Silk Road. Signal towers placed every 100 meters were used to transmit alarm messages in case of approaching enemies, on which fire was lit at night and smoke was released during the day, which was instantly transmitted throughout the country in a tower-to-tower system.
In its history, the wall was successfully forced many times by peoples from the Great Steppe (Xiongnu, Turks and Mongols). Finally, after the Ming dynasty was defeated by the Manchus in the 17th century, the wall found itself inside the state of Nurhaci's successors, losing any strategic importance.
Fragments of the wall
Currently, most of it is in poor condition and torn into several sections of various lengths (gradually rebuilt); only small fragments are open to tourists. There are six such fragments in the Beijing area:
- Badaling
- Jinshanling
- Simatai
- Huanghua
- Mutianyu
- Juyongguan
There are also fragments, such as Jiankou, which, however, are not open to mass tourism due to their poor condition.
Videos related to the Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China has become an inspiration for many film productions, both Chinese and foreign. Here are some of the most famous films in which this monumental monument appears:
"The Great Wall" (2016) - This is an American-Chinese action and fantasy film directed by Zhang Yimou, starring Matt Damon. It tells the story of the fight of Chinese warriors against supernatural creatures that are trying to break through the Great Wall.
"Hero" (2002) - Chinese historical drama directed by Zhang Yimou, in which the Great Wall is an important background for the epic story about ancient China and the fight for the country's unity.
"The Karate Kid" (2010) - Remake of the classic 1984 film in which a young boy moves to China and trains martial arts. One of the important training scenes takes place on the Great Wall.
"Mulan" (2020) - Live-action version of the 1998 animated Disney film. Although the plot focuses on Mulan's adventures, the scene of defending the Great Wall against the Hun invasion is one of the key moments of the film.
The Great Wall of China is not only an extraordinary structure, but also a symbol of human determination, engineering and history. Its impressive dimensions, complex structure and rich history make it one of the most important and fascinating monuments in the world. Despite the passage of centuries and numerous challenges, the wall still stands as a testimony to human ingenuity and perseverance. It is worth visiting this amazing monument and seeing for yourself its enormity and importance.
"If a daughter is born, drown her, if a son is born, do not bring him up, do not you see that the Great Wall arises on corpses"
"... Great Wall separates Great China from the desert,
and it stretches like the Great Snake infinitely.
Neither on one side nor on the other
there is no city left, but taken out of homes
three hundred sixty thousand people ..."
"It must be said that the Great Wall had to be erected by great people" - Richard Nixon, 1972
Construction/building type
Building Great Wall of China is of type Wall, Fortification
Architectural style
Architectural style of Great Wall of China is Ancient Chinese
Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions
How many meters have Great Wall of China?
Great Wall of China have length The main wall is 2400 km long
Total length with legs 21 196 km
What material is the building made of?
Great Wall of China is made of the following materials: stone, brick
Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

The listing took place in the year 1987.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at
Questions and answers
How long is the Great Wall of China?
The Great Wall of China has a total length of approximately 21,196 kilometers (13,171 miles), making it one of the longest structures in the world.
Is the Great Wall of China a continuous wall?
No, the Great Wall of China consists of different sections built during various historical periods and using different materials. Some parts are well-preserved, while others have deteriorated.
Can the Great Wall of China be visited?
Yes, many sections of the Great Wall of China are open to tourists. The most popular tourist routes include sections at Badaling, Mutianyu, and Jinshanling.
What is the best time to visit the Great Wall of China?
The best time to visit the Great Wall of China is in spring and autumn when the weather is mild. Summer can be hot, and winter can be cold, which may affect travel comfort.
Is there a section of the Great Wall of China that is the most popular among tourists?
Yes, the section of the Great Wall at Badaling is one of the most popular among tourists, due to its easy access and well-preserved walls.
Are there guides on the Great Wall of China?
Yes, there are guides available on some sections of the Great Wall of China, who can take tourists on tours and provide historical facts and information about the wall's construction.
Is the Great Wall of China listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
Yes, the Great Wall of China was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.
Is it possible to visit the Great Wall of China at night?
Some sections of the Great Wall of China are open to tourists at night, allowing them to enjoy the illuminated views of the ruins in peace and quiet.
Can you organize a trip to the Great Wall of China from Beijing?
Yes, many travel agencies offer trips from Beijing to various sections of the Great Wall of China, making it easier for travelers to access this historic site.
Is the Great Wall of China accessible to people with different levels of physical fitness?
Yes, many sections of the Great Wall of China have been adapted to different difficulty levels. Some are easily accessible, while others require better physical preparation.
Are there souvenir shops on the Great Wall of China?
Yes, at some entrances and viewpoints on the Great Wall of China, there are souvenir shops where you can buy a variety of wall-related gifts.
Is it possible to walk the entire Great Wall of China on foot?
Walking the entire Great Wall of China on foot is practically impossible, as the wall is too long and crosses many difficult terrains.
Is the Great Wall of China one of the Seven Wonders of the World?
No, the Great Wall of China is not officially recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of the World, but it is considered one of the most impressive architectural achievements.
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