Ryugyong Hotel
Pyongyang, North Korea

Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang (North Korea) - skyscrapper unfinished since 1992

Where is located Ryugyong Hotel?

Address of Ryugyong Hotel is Pyongyang, North Korea
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When was built Ryugyong Hotel?

Built date of Ryugyong Hotel is 1987 - 1992 (withheld)

Ryugyong Hotel

Facts, informations and history of Ryugyong Hotel

Is 105 storey unfinished reinforced concrete skeleton, which in the past was supposed to be a hotel. If it did, it would be the highest hotel in the world. The Chinese government is looking for an investor who would complete the construction, amounting to over USD 300 million.

The construction of the pyramid-like hotel was started in 1987 by Baihdoosan Architects & Engineers, but in 1992 the construction of the Hotel ceased due to electricity problems, hunger, as well as lack of funds.

The ferro-concrete structure consists of three wings with a common vertex, each of them is 100 m long and 18 m wide.

The opening of 3,000 rooms and seven revolving restaurants for customers was scheduled for June 1989, but due to material problems, it was delayed.

Currently the skeleton is finished, but without windows and electrical installation, probably due to funds.

In Pyongyan official photographs a building lit up at night is often shown, but it is only a propaganda photo montage.

The name of the hotel comes from one of the city's historical names - Ryugyong ("Wierzb Capital").

Ryugyong Hotel is the highest structure in the country and the most visible building in the city skyline.

It was the first building outside of New York and Chicago measuring over 100 floors.

The hotel has already been marked on the map and placed on stamps.

Architect of Ryugyong Hotel

Architect of Ryugyong Hotel is Baihdoosan Architects & Engineers

How many meters have Ryugyong Hotel?

Height of Ryugyong Hotel is 330 m

how many meters have Ryugyong HotelScale

Construction/building type

Building Ryugyong Hotel is of type Skyscraper, Hotel

Architectural style

Architectural style of Ryugyong Hotel is Modern

Modern architectural style is a style characterised primarily by simple and regular forms, a lack of ornamentation and the use of modern building materials. It is significantly different from other architectural styles, such as Baroque, Gothic or Renaissance, where more complex forms and rich ornamentation predominated. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Ryugyong Hotel

What area have Ryugyong Hotel?

Ryugyong Hotel have area of 350 000 m²

What material is the building made of?

Ryugyong Hotel is made of the following materials: concrete, steel


Build cost of Ryugyong Hotel is 750 million dollars

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is http://ryugyonghotel.com

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Fred [http://www.wp.pl]
12 years ago
Rząd północnokoreański szukał inwestora, chiński rząd nie ma tu nic do rzeczy!
15 years ago
Będzie problem z wyburzeniem gdy upadnie reżim. Obrzydliwy
16 years ago
To najbardziej fascynujący i tajemniczy budynek świata. Na mnie sprawia piorunujace wrażenie.
16 years ago
Robi wrazenie taki hotel. Jak sie dowiedzialem, ze stoi on w Koreii Północnej, to sie niezle zdziwilem. Szkoda, ze nie jest skonczony (i raczej jeszcze dlugo nie bedzie), bo moglby dorownywac bajkowym hotelom np. z Las Vegas.

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