Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China - 2400 kilometers long fortress

Where is located Great Wall of China?

Address of Great Wall of China is China
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When was built Great Wall of China?

Built date of Great Wall of China is 214 BC - start construction

Great Wall of China

Facts, informations and history of Great Wall of China

The longest building in the world runs from Shanhaiguan on the Gulf of Leia (Yellow Sea), through Inner Mongolia, to the Jiayuguan in the Qilian Shan mountains.

In the period of splendor, the building was over 7,600 km long, about 2400 km has survived to the present day. This is a distance equal to the distance between London and Moscow. The whole, along with side branches, has at least 21,000 km and runs the ridges of mountain ranges at an altitude of approx. 1000 m above sea level.

The Great Wall of China is the largest building ever erected by man. It served as a defense ramp against alien tribes of nomads who wanted to invade China.

Separate sections of the wall were built by individual feudal states. The combination of the building into one team, used to defend against nomadic Mongolian tribes and guarding the nearby Silk Road, occurred during the reign of the first emperor of the Cin (Qin) Szy Huang-ti (221-210 p.n.e.).

Its width at the base is approx. 6.5 m, while the height is 9 m. At the top, the wall is 5.5 m wide - enough to allow march on foot soldiers for 10 soldiers in a row or cavalry for 5 horses in a row.

In later times, the wall was repeatedly extended and modernized, especially in the 14th century during the rule of the Ming dynasty. In later periods, such as during the great proletarian cultural revolution, he was dismantled in order to obtain materials for the construction of houses and farms.

The wall was built on stone foundations, from compacted soil, which was bricked with brick, the whole was glued with rice flour and water.

The equipment of the wall consists of numerous defensive towers, watchtowers and storage rooms for ammunition and food.

In the designers' plans there was to be a watchtower every 100 meters, together over 40,000. It was calculated that 300 million m² of materials were used for the construction of the wall, which would have been enough to build 120 Cheops pyramids, or to place a two-meter long wall along the equator.

It is estimated that about 300,000 workers were employed in inhumane conditions during the construction of the wall, thousands of them lost their lives and their bodies were simply buried in the middle part of the wall.

Rumors say that every third man of the then empire participated in the construction of the wall and that only three out of ten recruits returned home. Therefore, the building is called the largest cemetery of the earth.

Contrary to the beliefs of many people, this building can not be seen with the human eye from the surface of the moon. Satellite images using infrared (thermovision) photography, which have been subjected to strong processing, showed the Chinese Wall in its splendor and showed that this myth widespread in the decade of the first space flight is false.

The Great Wall of China was not only built as a defensive building against the barbarians. His goal was also to protect against demons rushing over the infertile steppe areas. Once it was believed that these demons can move in a straight line without being able to cross curved formations and bypass the horns, therefore the wall has never been built in a straight line.

For many years, the wall fulfilled its defensive function and it would seem that its almost continuous structure is impregnable, however in 1211 the Mongol Chief Genghis Khan has invaded China and mastered the country for almost 100 years.

The wall is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

"If a daughter is born, drown her, if a son is born, do not bring him up, do not you see that the Great Wall arises on corpses"

"... Great Wall separates Great China from the desert,
and it stretches like the Great Snake infinitely.
Neither on one side nor on the other
there is no city left, but taken out of homes
three hundred sixty thousand people ...

"It must be said that the Great Wall had to be erected by great people" - Richard Nixon, 1972

Construction/building type

Building Great Wall of China is of type Wall, Fortification

Architectural style

Architectural style of Great Wall of China is Ancient Chinese

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Great Wall of China

How many meters have Great Wall of China?

Great Wall of China have length The main wall is 2400 km long
Total length with legs 21 196 km

What material is the building made of?

Great Wall of China is made of the following materials: stone, brick

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Great Wall of China is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 438.
The listing took place in the year 1987.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at

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15 years ago
a ja musze sie troche nauczyg do szkoly:(
ja :))))
ja :))))
15 years ago
a ja byłam w Chinach :))) i widziałam ten Mur na własne oczy! Robi wrażenie, nie ma co :))) Pozdrawiam ciepło :*
Haha Haha
Haha Haha
11 years ago
Haha nie rozmieszaj mnie że ty w chinach bylas jestes
15 years ago
O Wielkie Nieba - polskie czy tez chinskie - bez roznicy... Kochani komentatorzy chinskiej rzeczywistosci architektonicznej- sugeruje (na szczescie tylko co poniektorym) siegnac najpierw do slownika jezyka polskiego, bo czlowieka moze zywcem zamurowac chocby pisownia -mor-....
do on
do on []
12 years ago
Wpierw sam pisz poprawnie, a później pozostałych krytykuj.
15 years ago
ty nie masz racji Chiny moze same w sobie nie sa takie fantastyczne ale na mur Chinski jest przepiekny ;/
15 years ago
NIE naiwdze chin i chinczykow i nigy tam nie pojade bo to jest NAJBARDZIEJ ochydniejszy kraj jaki moze byc i ludzie tez sa ochydni barany wybudowaly murek sobie i sie nim podniecaja zeby sie czasem nie posrali z tej radosci wescie to to samo co bym przeszedl most z franci do angli a nwet jeszcze bardziej ciekawsze by to bylo niz po tym muze isc
7 years ago
Baran z ciebie jaki masz most z gb do fr masz tunel ktorym pociagi jada i promy i tyle
15 years ago
ja ten mur zwiedzilem z mapy satelitarnej ale domnie to jeszcze nie dociera rze ktos bez cienszkiego sprzentu i maszyn buldoreruw mugl to cos zbudowac terz pracuje w cienrzkih warunkah klimatycznyh ale ja tam bym tego niekcial budowac za zadne skarby niewiem kto to budowal ale ci pracownicy przezyli prawdziwe pieklo jestem znih bardzo dumny co zrobili swoimi rekoma pozdrawiam i kiedys pojade tam napewno dotkne zobacze i uwierze
15 years ago
no fakt mor widze na zdjeciach i jest zaskakujacy kazdy by chcial go zobaczyc przejsc lub rowerkiem przejechac (ta druga opcja jest bardziej optymistyczna) z tym ze jak widze na zdjeciach niektorych to biegnie on miejscami w serpentyne szlag by mnie trafil jak bym szedl kilkanascie godzin a patrzac w bok widzial bym kilka set metrow dalej miejsce z ktorego ruszalem :D ale grunt to mazenia sam bym chetnie rowerem tam ruszyl tyle ze widze tu ze nie wszedzie da sie dojechac albo ze duzo ludzi a jak jest noca ?:P
15 years ago
Byłam widziałam - Rowerem nie ma szans go przejechać bo: 1. Jestesmy w Chinach wiec jest na nim masa ludzi (przynajmniej w miejsach typowo przeznaczonych do "zwiedzania" - doliczając do Chińczyków jeszcze turystów - masakra! 2. jest on stromy - są pseudo schody, które przy takim użytkowaniu, są bardzo mocno wytarte Warte zobaczenia mimo okrutnej historii jego powstawania. PS. Mur Chiński "w pigułce" wg mysi niemożliwy do zrealizowania hahaha
15 years ago
może w poprzek szła
15 years ago
nawet jak ci kolezanka to powiedziala to bedac inteligentna osoba powinnas ja wysmiac no ale widac duzo ci brakuje
16 years ago
hej moniśka żarty sobie robisz czy naprawde jestes taka roztrzepana
16 years ago
Ale beka gdyby nie było schodów można by było jezdzic po tym murze samochodem
16 years ago
ej to jak sie z tego muru zchgodzi jak ci sie jusz znudzi musisz isc zpowrotem??
16 years ago
Może sobie samolocikiem latała :D A tak apropo to Mur Chiński nie jest cały udostępniony do zwiedzania bo większa część nie jest odrestaurowana wiec może jakimś cudem jej się to udało.... :D aczkolwiek to niemożliwe:)
16 years ago
A może miała turbodopalacze:) Kanapka z ostrygą i papryczką chili? Któż to wie...
16 years ago
mysia:* co Ty opowiadasz, jakaś znajoma Ci głupot nagadała a Ty uwierzyłaś, ze przez cały dzien przeszła 1/2!!!! Mur ma długosć 2450 km, przykładowo z polski do Hiszpanii do Madrytu jest 3000km i jakbym, powiedzial, ze doszedłem do Hiszpanii w ciągu doby to też byś uwierzyła??? Zastanów się co piszesz i nie wierz w głupoty ktore opowiadaja Ci ludzie. Pozdrawiam.
16 years ago
połowe tego przeszła w jeden dzień ==> 2450 kilometrów??
16 years ago
co ty gadasz była tam moja przyjaciółka i chodziła cały dzień przeszła 1/2 tego muru noto nieopowiadaj głupot bo to chyba musiał by być ślimak zeby szedł 3 lata
16 years ago
Wszyscy tu piszą, że chcielibym przejśc mur piszo... fajnie i git ale podobno przejście takiego muru zajmuje 3lata ludzieeeeeeeeeee
16 years ago
uuuu ja tam pojade
16 years ago
ok 17 wieków...
16 years ago
ile oni to ku**a budowali

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