Granada, Spain

Alhambra - castle in Granada (GSpain)

Where is located Alhambra?

Address of Alhambra is Granada, Andalusia, Spain
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When was built Alhambra?

Built date of Alhambra is Years 1238 - 1390


Facts, informations and history of Alhambra

The Alhambra, a majestic palace complex located in Granada, is one of the most famous and appreciated places in Spain. This extraordinary monument attracts millions of tourists from all over the world thanks to its rich history, breathtaking architecture and dazzling decorative details. Let's go on a journey through this pearl of Andalusia, discovering its secrets and immersing ourselves in the atmosphere of past eras.


History of the Alhambra: From the Nasrid Dynasty to the Catholic Monarchs

The Alhambra, built in the early 13th century by the Moorish ruler Muhammad I ibn Nasr, founder of the Nasrid dynasty, was the political and cultural heart of Granada for the next 250 years. During this time, as many as 25 sovereign rulers from the Nasrid dynasty ruled here, transforming the Alhambra into a thriving administrative, military center and royal residence. The architecture of this period, known as the Golden Age, was characterized by extraordinary development and expansion, giving the Alhambra its current impressive appearance.

In 1492, the history of the Alhambra changed its course when the Catholic monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile captured Granada, thus ending Muslim rule on the Iberian Peninsula. The Alhambra then became the seat of new, Catholic rulers, who began to adapt the complex to their needs, adding elements of Christian architecture.


Architecture of the Alhambra: Harmony of Cultures

The Alhambra is a real kaleidoscope of architectural styles. There are Islamic, Christian and Jewish elements here, reflecting the richness and cultural diversity of Spain at that time. From the outside, the Alhambra resembles an impregnable fortress with 27 towers that were intended to defend its inhabitants against potential invaders. However, it is the interior of the complex that hides the real treasures: courtyards, corridors and waterways that create an amazing whole, delighting with both craftsmanship and elegance.

When entering the Alhambra, we are immediately surrounded by splendor and a wealth of decorative details. Arabesque patterns, elaborate carvings, ceramic mosaics and decorative paintings testify to the highest level of Muslim decorative art. Some of them are considered the pinnacle of this art in the West, combining delicacy, elegance and technical perfection.


Court of the Lions and Hall of Ambassadors: Pearls of the Alhambra

One of the most famous places in the Alhambra is the Court of the Lions (Patio de los Leones), which is decorated with a characteristic marble fountain surrounded by 12 lions. This place is the essence of Muslim aesthetics, with elaborately decorated arcades and intricate details. Each element, from carved columns to arabesque patterns, is a testimony to the extraordinary talent and precision of ancient craftsmen.

The Hall of Ambassadors (Salón de los Embajadores) is another impressive place in the Alhambra, which was once the political heart of the Nasrid dynasty. Created in the image of paradise, this room delights with its rich decorations and majestic design. It was here that the sultans received foreign diplomats and conducted the most important negotiations. This hall is also a symbol of the power and prestige of the Nasrid dynasty, which dominated Granada for several centuries.


Nasrid Palace: Majesty and Splendor

The Nasrid Palace is the most impressive part of the Alhambra complex. Its interior includes audience rooms, private apartments, as well as gardens and courtyards that constitute an oasis of peace and beauty. This palace was not only the residence of the rulers, but also a cultural and artistic center where poetry, music and science flourished.


Alcazaba and Generalife: Defense and Peace

Alcazaba Fortress, built on a hill, served a defensive and guarding function. Its massive walls and towers were the first line of defense against invaders, as well as a vantage point from which the surrounding areas could be controlled. It is from here that there is an amazing view of Granada and its surroundings, which makes the Alcazaba one of the most picturesque places in the Alhambra.

The Generalife Garden, part of the Alhambra complex, is a true oasis of peace. It covers approximately 50 x 30 meters and is full of fountains, paths and lush vegetation. This garden was a place of rest and relaxation for the sultans, who could peacefully contemplate the beauty of nature. Generalife is also a perfect example of an advanced irrigation system that was used to water gardens and fountains in Muslim times.


Cultural Heritage of the Alhambra

The Alhambra in Granada is not only a wonderful place with extraordinary architecture and a wealth of decorative details, but also an important testimony to the multicultural history of the Iberian Peninsula. Composed of Islamic, Christian and Jewish elementsch, the Alhambra reflects the long and turbulent history of the region, where various cultures and traditions intertwined.

It is thanks to this unique mixture that the Alhambra was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List, which further emphasizes its great importance for the heritage of humanity. Each element of this complex, from the defensive towers to the elaborate mosaics, tells its own story, creating an extremely rich and multidimensional narrative.


Fascinating Details and Decorations

One of the most stunning aspects of the Alhambra is its decorative details. Elaborate reliefs, arabesque patterns, ceramic mosaics and decorative paintings make every corner of the complex a real work of art. Particularly impressive are the so-called "architectural necklaces", i.e. filigree decorations placed on walls, ceilings and arches that resemble intricately woven lace.

These details not only add charm and elegance to the Alhambra, but also bear witness to the masterful craftsmanship of ancient artists and craftsmen. Their work was not only an expression of artistic expression, but also a manifestation of the spirituality and cultural identity that permeated the life of the Nasrid court.


The Contemporary Importance of the Alhambra

Today, the Alhambra is one of the most important tourist destinations in Spain, attracting millions of visitors every year. Its extraordinary architecture, rich decorative details and fascinating history make it a place that every history and art lover should see with their own eyes.

The Alhambra is not only a tourist attraction, but also an important cultural center, where numerous exhibitions, concerts and artistic events take place. It is a place that constantly inspires artists and creators from all over the world, being a source of endless fascination and admiration.



The Alhambra in Granada is a place that delights and inspires. Its extraordinary history, architecture and decorative details make it one of the most important monuments not only in Spain, but also in the world. From the times of the Nasrid dynasty, through the reign of Catholic monarchs, to the present day, the Alhambra has undergone many changes, while retaining its unique magic and charm.

If you haven't had the opportunity to visit this unique place yet, be sure to include the Alhambra on your travel list. This is a place that will not only delight you with its beauty, but will also allow you to understand the rich and complex history of the Iberian Peninsula. Regardless of whether you are a lover of history, architecture or simply beautiful places, the Alhambra will certainly provide you with unforgettable experiences and memories that will stay with you for a long time.

" Watching from the outside is a mere accumulation of towers and defensive walls, without any plan or architectural grace, giving a faint glimpse of grace and beauty prevailing inside. " - Washington Irving

How many meters have Alhambra?

Height of Alhambra is 27 meters

how many meters have AlhambraScale

Construction/building type

Building Alhambra is of type Castle, Palace

Architectural style

Architectural style of Alhambra is Moorish

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions


What area have Alhambra?

Alhambra have area of 140,000 square meters

What material is the building made of?

Alhambra is made of the following materials: Stone, marble, wood

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Alhambra is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 314bis.
The listing took place in the year 1984.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

Questions and answers

What are the main parts of the Alhambra?

The main parts of the Alhambra are the Nasrid Palaces, the Patio de los Leones, the Alcazaba (fortress), the Generalife (gardens), and other courtyards and residential buildings.

Why is the Alhambra so important?

The Alhambra is important because of its historical significance as a symbol of Muslim presence in Spain and due to its unique architecture and rich decorations.

What are the opening hours of the Alhambra?

The opening hours of the Alhambra may vary depending on the season and scheduled events. It is usually open from 8:30 a.m. until late in the evening.

How to book tickets for the Alhambra?

Tickets for the Alhambra can be booked online on the official website of the complex or through authorized travel agencies. The ticket is personalized and cannot be transferred to another person.

Is it necessary to book tickets in advance?

Yes, it is recommended to book tickets in advance, as the Alhambra is a popular tourist destination and tickets can sell out quickly, especially during the summer season. Therefore, booking a month ahead is advisable.

Is it possible to visit the Alhambra without a ticket?

Yes, some parts of the Alhambra are accessible without a ticket; however, the main attractions, such as the Nasrid Palace, are only accessible with a ticket.

Is the Alhambra a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

Yes, the Alhambra was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984 as one of the most outstanding examples of Islamic architecture in the world.

Is the Alhambra accessible for people with disabilities?

Some parts of the Alhambra may be difficult to visit for people with disabilities due to numerous stairs and uneven surfaces. However, there are also facilities for people with disabilities.

How long does it take to visit the Alhambra?

The duration of a visit to the Alhambra can vary depending on the visitor’s pace and interests, but it typically takes between 2 and 3 hours.

Can you visit the Alhambra on your own or with a guide?

Both self-guided and guided tours are possible in the Alhambra. However, it is worth noting that guides can provide interesting information and historical context.

Is the Alhambra open all year round?

Yes, the Alhambra is generally open all year round, but it may be closed on certain holidays or special occasions. It is recommended to check the opening hours before planning a visit.

Does the Alhambra offer night tours?

Yes, the Alhambra often offers night tours, especially in summer. It is a great opportunity to admire the complex in a different atmosphere and lighting.

Can you take photos in the Alhambra?

Photography is allowed in the Alhambra, but flash photography is prohibited in the palace, and there are restrictions on using tripods.

Can you buy souvenirs in the Alhambra?

Yes, there are souvenir shops in the Alhambra where you can buy a variety of products related to the complex and Spanish culture.

Does the Alhambra offer audio guides in different languages?

Yes, the Alhambra often offers audio guides in various languages, allowing you to explore the complex at your own pace and in your preferred language.

Comments to Alhambra (38) Average rating: 4 Add comment    /    Rate building

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5 years ago
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Piotrek []
9 years ago
Hejka. Mieszkam w Granadzie i swoją relację wraz ze zdjęciami zamieściłem na blogu: Pałac Alhambra Granada
13 years ago
pfff... przepisane słowo w słowo z książki... moglibyście choć podać to w źródłach.... a, i zastanawiam siię czy osoba pisząca na tej stronie była w Alhambrze. nawet Cię na własny opis nie stać ??
14 years ago
Czy jest jakiś sposób, żeby zabukować bilety do Alhambry, i nie musieć potem mieć karty kredytowej przy sobie? Mam tylko pożyczane do dyspozycji no i nie zabiore ich na wakacje.. :/ Plis Help
15 years ago
prosze o kontakt ludzi którzy byli na costa del sol i zwidzali andaluzje wypozyczonym autem, chciałbym dowiedziec sie czegos wiecejo regionie co warto zobaczyc jak równiez porady praktyczne prosze o info na gg 508478
15 years ago
byłem tam 15 lat temu zapamiętałem akustyczną salę w której stojac przy ścianie szepcząc w kierunku niej osoba w przeciwnym rogu słyszy cię jakby miała założone słuchawki był tam ktos!!
16 years ago
Byłam tam w zeszłym tygodniu, bilety podrożały i kosztują teraz 13 euro. Nie musiałam nic rezerwować wcześniej. Z zewnątrz faktycznie nie wygląda zachwycająco, ale jak się wejdzie do środka to można się zakochać.Poprostu bajka. Polecam i pozdrawiam:)
16 years ago
zwiedzałam Alhambre w zeszłą niedziele (10.08.2008) a bilety do pałacu rezerwowałam ok tygodnia wczesniej telefonicznie, pytali o wszystkie dane, plus numer karty kredytowej z której od razu odciągnięli za bilety - 13 euro za osobę.. odbiór na miejscu w automatach - po włożeniu karty kredytowej drukuja sie bilety - sprawnie i szybko - choć po odstaniu małej ale nieuciązliwej kolejki... sama Alhambra cudowna, magiczna... a wnętrze pałacu imponujące...jesli jedziecie do hiszpani polecam...ja spedzałam wakacje na costa del sol i wypozyczonym autkiem zwiedziłam wiele, nie tylko granadę i alhambrę...polecam
16 years ago
Byłam niedawno i polecam:) Robi wrażenie...
17 years ago
Byłem, widziałem, jest piękna. Byliśmy w czerwcu o 16ej i bilety mieliśmy do Palacios Nazaries na 19.30 bez rezerwacji.
17 years ago
Zamierzając zwiedzać Alhambrę należy przede wszystkim wziąć pod uwagę fakt, iż kupno biletu do pałacu jest niesamowicie utrudnione bez wcześniejszej rezerwacji. Sprzedawane są 2 rodzaje biletów - do ogrodów i palacu ( 10 euro) lub do samych ogrodów ( 5 euro). O ile biletów do ogrodów ( 5 euro) są dostępne bez ograniczeń, o tyle do samego pałacu i ogrodów ( łącznie cena 10 euro) brakuje już o 9.00. Kasy sa czynne od 8.00 i aby bilet dostać należy przyjść i ustawić się w kolejce najpóźniej o 7.00-8.00. Ja przyszłam o 7.30, stalam w kolejce do 12.00 i udało mi się nabyć bilet dopiero na zwiedzanie o godz.17.00, a był to miesiąc kwiecień-maj ( niski sezon). A poza tym jest cudownie.
18 years ago
mejce niesamowite i fascynujace! Polecam zdecydowanie... i sama marze o tym, by sie tam wybrac jeszcze raz! W kompleksie Alahambry oprocz Palacu Nasrydow znajduje sie jeszcze renesansowy palac Krola V, Alcazaba oraz Generalife - cudowne ogrody, a niegdys rezydencja letnia. Masa niezwyklych obiektow.... Odwiedzcie koniecznie! Ps. Faktycznie Alahambra zasluguje na bardziej szczegolowy opis :)
18 years ago
Jest to sliczne miejsce, a te osoby, ktore tam nie byly i sie negatywnie wymawiaja na temat Alhambry (czyt. Alambry, bo w Hiszpani nei wymawia sie H) niech sie przymkna. Bylam tam i mi sie bardzo podobalo
18 years ago
Witam! Bardzo proszę osoby, które odiwedzały ostatnio Alhambrę o kontakt mailowy lub tel 600 068 331. Bardzo zależy mi na poradach praktycznych. Dziękuję i pozdrawiam. Paweł
18 years ago
ślicznie!!! jak dla mnie wyglada tak jakby magicznie:) chcialabym sie tam wybrac...
18 years ago
Srednio ciekawe na pweno nie w okresie upalow, nie polecam
18 years ago
piekne miejsce mi sie bardzo podobało wole tam zostac
18 years ago
Nazwa "Alhambra"(po arabsku "czerwony")może nawiązywać do koloru cegieł,z których Maurowie wznieśli zewnętrzne mury.Wielu jednak bardziej przekonuje wyjaśnienie arabskich historyków,że budowa Alhambry odbywała się w "blasku pochodni"rzucających nocą na mury czerwoną poświatę.
19 years ago
zniwolajaca relikt naszej ludkosci. widze kobiety w czarczafach, groznych facetow i woojsko. Fascynyja mnie te czasy ,sredniowiecze bylo najwspanialsze w dziejach naszej kultury. Ale.. opis Alhambry jest delikatnie mowiac lakoniczny, szkoda,
19 years ago
co to ma byc!!!!A przez kogo został zbudowany zamek Alhambra?!:P
Spanish girl
Spanish girl
19 years ago
Alhambra jest cudowna!! Polecam wszystkim!!
19 years ago
świetna, zapamiętam ją na długo, zgubiłam się tam w oststnią sobotę i... nikt mnie nie szukał :(
mgr. Ryszard M
mgr. Ryszard M
19 years ago
prosze państwa czy wy czytaliście ten tekst on wogóle kłamie fotorafie sa prawdziwe ale teksty troche przekrecony zawarte tu informacje sa niepawdziwe
19 years ago
Alhambrę można podziwiać całe życie, zwłaszcza wewnątrz jak i spoza murow, np. ze wzgórza Albaicin w dodatku o wschodzie lub zachodzie słońca. Polecam. Żal mi tych, ktorzy wulgarnością pokrywają własne nieuctwo, chyba jednak resztki człowieczeństwa drzemią i w nich, bo chyba szukają czegoś ciekawszego, niż te swoje teksty. Po co by wchodzili na tę stronę? Żal serce ściska...
20 years ago
Opisy są troszkę powierzchowne i nie mówią zbyt wiele o samej architekturze budowli.

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