Peterhof Palace
St. Petersburg, Russia

Peterhof Palace in St. Petersburg (Russia) - series of palaces, fountains and gardens

Where is located Peterhof Palace?

Address of Peterhof Palace is St. Petersburg (Russia)
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When was built Peterhof Palace?

Built date of Peterhof Palace is 1714 - 1723

Peterhof Palace

Facts, informations and history of Peterhof Palace

The Grand Peterhof Palace is one of Russia's most important architectural masterpieces, impressing with its beauty and monumentality. Located on the Gulf of Finland, this palace complex has attracted the attention of tourists from all over the world for centuries. Built by order of Peter the Great, Peterhof became a symbol of Russia's triumph over Sweden, as well as a testament to the ambitions of the Tsar, who wanted to modernize his country and give it a new, powerful image in Europe. In the article below, you will learn the most important facts, curiosities, dimensions and history of this extraordinary place.


The History of Peterhof: The Triumph of Peter the Great

Peterhof, which literally means "Peter's Courtyard", was built by order of Peter the Great after his victory over Sweden. This triumphant moment in Russian history, the Battle of Poltava in 1709, inspired the Tsar to create a place that would reflect the power of his nation. Peter's ambition was for Peterhof to become the Russian equivalent of the French Versailles, whose splendor and elegance inspired admiration throughout Europe.

Although Russia at the time was seen as a backward country, the Tsar had a vision to modernize it both politically and culturally. Peter the Great wanted to create an impressive palace that would not only be his residence but also a symbol of a modern, strong Russia that others would take seriously on the international stage. Peterhof became not only the home of the Tsar and his family, but also a place that reflected Peter's ambitions and aspirations to build an empire on the scale of Western monarchies.


Architecture and expansion: from vegetable garden to masterpiece

Peterhof was not originally planned as an impressive palace with countless fountains. It was initially intended to be a more modest place, and the Upper Gardens, which are now one of the main attractions of the complex, were used for growing vegetables. The gardens also contained ponds that were used for fish farming. It was only over time, with subsequent expansions and modifications, that Peterhof began to take on its monumental character.

The most spectacular part of Peterhof is the Lower Gardens, which cover an area of ​​1.02 km². It is here that you can admire the famous fountains, the most impressive of which is the Grand Cascade, consisting of seven steps, each of which is decorated with gilded sculptures. The fountains that adorn this complex were built to rival Versailles and are the quintessence of Baroque elegance. The Grand Cascade is decorated with over 200 sculptures that add a majestic touch to the whole view.

The focal point of this spectacle is the Samson Fountain, depicting the mythological hero opening the mouth of a lion, from which water shoots 20 meters high. The statue of Samson symbolizes Russia's triumph over Sweden, which is a direct reference to the Battle of Poltava, which took place on St. Samson's Day. The entire structure is a tribute to the Russian power and ambition of the Tsar.


Peterhof Fountains – a miracle of engineering without pumps

Peterhof is primarily known for its fountains, of which there are as many as 147. What is extraordinary is the fact that these fountains operate without the use of pumps. The hydraulic system that supplies water to these wonderful structures was designed by Vasily Tuvolkov. The water flows from Ropsha Hill, 20 km away, which allows for a natural flow of water from above. This hydraulic solution is based on the principle of ship communication and uses a system of locks and canals.

Peterhof consumes up to 100,000 m³ of water per day, and the fountains together throw out as much as 34,000 liters per second. This is an incredible technical achievement that still amazes engineers and architects around the world. Among the fountains you can find various structures, including the Humor Fountains, which unexpectedly shoot water at passers-by, and the Sun Fountain, which shoots water in 72 rays, creating a spectacular visual effect.

One of the most impressive fountains is the Pyramid Fountain, which consists of 105 water jets, creating a monument 10 meters high. Each of these structures was carefully designed not only to dazzle visitors, but also to symbolize the power of Russia and the finesse of its architects and engineers.


Peterhof during World War II - destruction and reconstruction

Peterhof, like many other monuments in Europe, did not escape destruction during World War II. In the years 1941-1944, the complex was occupied and destroyed by German troops. The palace was blown up and its ruins left to burn. Some of the fountains were also damaged, and many sculptures and works of art were taken away.

After the end of the war, Russia undertook an ambitious reconstruction of Peterhof. The first works began in 1945, with the aim of restoring the former glory of the place. In the years after the war, some of the destroyed elements of the complex were rebuilt, and today Peterhof has regained its former glory and continues to delight tourists from all over the world.

In the post-war period, due to anti-German propaganda, Peterhof was renamed Petrodvorets, which meant "Peter's Palace". Only in 1997 was it restored to its original name, which pays tribute to its founder and symbolizes the legacy of Tsarist Russia.


The Importance of Peterhof for Culture and Tourism

Today, Peterhof is one of the most important tourist destinations in Russia, attracting around 4.5 million visitors annually. In 1990, it was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List, underlining its importance to world culture and heritage. The Grand Palace, with its magnificent architecture, elegant gardens and magnificent fountains, is the epitome of Baroque luxury, as well as a reminder of the ambition and vision of Peter the Great.

The Grand Palace is the largest building in the complex, with its northern façade measuring 286 meters long. The palace's interior is as impressive as its exterior. The Room of Peter the Great, panelled in oak, contrasts with the richly decorated, gilded halls, where crystal and bronze create a unique atmosphere of royal luxury. The Portrait Hall houses as many as 350 paintings, which makes everyone who enters feel the weight and power of the Russian monarchy.


Peterhof Awards and Distinctions – International Recognition

Peterhof, called the "Russian Versailles", has won numerous awards and distinctions over the years, confirming its exceptional importance as both a cultural monument and a tourist attraction. One of the most important distinctions was the inclusion of the palace and park complex on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1990. This prestigious recognition not only highlighted the historical and artistic value of Peterhof, but also ensured its protection at the international level.

It is also worth mentioning that Peterhof is often mentioned as one of the most beautiful royal residences in the world. In numerous rankings and plebiscites, both domestic and international, it occupies leading positions as one of the most visited palace complexes. The Russian Tourism Award awarded Peterhof the title of "Best Tourist Attraction" in Russia, which additionally testifies to its great importance for domestic tourism.

Peterhof was also recognized for its achievements in the field of conservation and restoration of monuments. After World War II, when the palace was destroyed, its reconstruction was a huge challenge. Thanks to the efforts of Russian architects and conservators, the complex regained its former glory, which was noticed and appreciated by international organizations dealing with the protection of heritage. The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) has repeatedly recognized Peterhof for its exemplary reconstruction work, which has contributed to preserving its original character.


Peterhof in Film and Literature – the Palace as an Inspiration

The Grand Palace of Peterhof, with its extraordinary architecture and picturesque landscapes, has become an inspiration for many filmmakers and writers. Over the years, the complex has appeared in numerous film productions, often serving as a backdrop for historical dramas and stories about the Russian aristocracy.

One of the most famous films to feature Peterhof is “Rasputin” (1996), a historical drama depicting the turbulent events of the end of the Tsarist era in Russia. The Grand Palace, with its dazzling interiors and gardens, perfectly conveyed the atmosphere of the Tsarist power and splendor of the time. Peterhof also featured in the Russian costume drama series "Ekaterina", which tells the story of the life of Empress Catherine II. The scenes filmed in the palace capture not only the richness of court life, but also the political intrigues and tensions that took place within its walls.

The palace has also featured in numerous documentaries, such as "The Great Palaces of the World", where it is shown as one of the most important examples of Baroque architecture in Europe. In the documentaries, Peterhof is presented not only as a tourist attraction, but also as a symbol of Russian cultural heritage, with an emphasis on its significance in history and art.

Peterhof has also inspired many writers. In Russian literature, it is often invoked as a symbol of the Russian empire, wealth and power. Boris Akunin, a popular Russian author of detective novels, set one of his books in the surroundings of Peterhof in his series about the detective Erast Fandorin, which added mystery and drama to the plot. Peterhof has also been the backdrop for many historical novels and romances that draw on its majestic atmosphere and unique architecture.


Summary – Peterhof as a Symbol of Russian Heritage

The Grand Peterhof Palace is not only an impressive piece of architecture, but also a testament to Russia’s ambition, triumph and cultural heritage. Built by order of Peter the Great to modernize Russia and make it a powerful player in the international arena, Peterhof has become a symbol of national pride and majesty.

From its beginnings as a vegetable garden and residence for the Tsar, to its expansion into one of the most magnificent residences in Europe, Peterhof has never ceased to amaze with its beauty. Today, after being rebuilt after the ravages of war, it is not only a valuable historical monument, but also a living memorial to Russian history, culture and art. Peterhof is a place that must be seen with your own eyes to fully appreciate its majesty and the skill of its creators.

"It seems that Peterhof was made of sea foam" - A. Benois

Architect of Peterhof Palace

Architect of Peterhof Palace is Alexandre Le Blond, Bartolomeo Rastrelly

Construction/building type

Building Peterhof Palace is of type Palace, Water equipment team

Architectural style

Architectural style of Peterhof Palace is Baroque

Baroque is one of the most important architectural styles that developed in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. It was characterised by grandeur, sumptuous detailing, symmetry and lighting effects. Below, I provide information on the precursors, key features and some well-known buildings in the Baroque style. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Peterhof Palace

What area have Peterhof Palace?

Peterhof Palace have area of Pow. 21 ha park

What material is the building made of?

Peterhof Palace is made of the following materials: Stone

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Pietrodworiec, Pałac Piotrowy

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Peterhof Palace is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 540bis.
The listing took place in the year 1990.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

Questions and answers

What are the opening hours of the Grand Palace of Peterhof?

During the summer, the palace is open daily from 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM. In winter, hours may be shortened, so it is recommended to check current information before visiting.

Is it possible to buy tickets online for the Grand Palace of Peterhof?

Yes, it is possible to buy tickets online, which can help avoid long queues.

Is the Grand Palace of Peterhof accessible for people with disabilities?

The Grand Palace is adapted for people with disabilities, with elevators and facilities to facilitate access.

How long does a visit to the Grand Palace of Peterhof take?

A tour of the palace can take about 2-3 hours, but this time may vary depending on the pace of the visit and interest in individual rooms.

Is it possible to buy a ticket that covers several attractions in the Peterhof complex?

Yes, combined tickets are available, which allow you to visit several attractions within the complex, such as the Grand Palace, parks, and fountains.

What are the most iconic fountains in the Peterhof parks?

The most famous fountain is the Samson Fountain, depicting the biblical figure defeating a lion. Other popular fountains include the Neptune Fountain and the Dragon Fountain.

Are there fountain shows organized in the Peterhof parks?

Yes, regular fountain shows are organized, usually from May to September, during which the fountains are turned on in special light and music choreographies.

Are there other attractions in the Peterhof complex besides the Grand Palace?

Yes, in addition to the Grand Palace and fountains, the Peterhof complex also includes other buildings, such as the Small Monplaisir Palace and numerous pavilions and gazebos.

What are the best public transportation options to get to the Peterhof complex from downtown St. Petersburg?

The most commonly used public transport is the hydrofoil, offering a fast and scenic trip from St. Petersburg to Peterhof. There are also buses and electric commuter trains.

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Jarosław Bobiński
Jarosław Bobiński
2 years ago
Nie mogę zrozumieć dlaczego człowiek człowiekowi zadaje największy smutek. Kim Dzong Un, przywódca Korei Północnej i jego śliczna córka byli widziani podczas testowania pocisku balistycznego. Zastanawia mnie, czy wódz wytłumaczy swojemu dziecku ile ten jeden pocisk może odebrać istnień, zadać cierpień, ile łez wycisnąć po wysłaniu tej rakiety na niczemu winny naród. Z pewnością nie, ponieważ to dziecko patrząc na niego nie uśmiechałoby się, bo tkwi w niej jeszcze dobro, oby zostało z nią na zawsze. Słuchając i patrząc na niektórych polskich polityków, nie mogę zrozumieć, że po dwóch, czy trzech spotkaniach z Putinem, lub Ławrowem wypalając na balkonie papierosy stali się sprzedawczykami, zdrajcami własnej ojczyzny... Jak szybko zrobili la*ke ruskim, przepraszam za to brzydkie stwierdzenie. Jak politycy, tacy jak Emmanuel Macron swoim postępowaniem zapiszą się w historii? Na pewno nie ciekawiej niż nasi niektórzy politycy. Są ludzie, którym żadna z uczelni nie jest w stanie dać mądrości. Przytoczę krótkie wspomnienie ze spotkania rzeźbiarsko-konserwatorskiego, dotyczącego prac zabytkowych. Pani prowadząca spotkanie nadmieniła o jednej z uczelni, że stamtąd wychodzą najlepsi, że daje najlepszą sztukę. Odpowiedziałem, że może to nie uczelnia, ale uczeń, który dostał dar i nauczyciel, który ten dar zauważył i nie pozwolił go zmarnować. Poznałem artystów po tej uczelni, którzy wycofywali się ze skomplikowanych prac, a wykonał je człowiek, który w młodości musiał przerwać naukę, a później zdobywał warsztat i przyjmował wiedzę od "starych" mistrzów. A co można powiedzieć o ludziach, szczególnie o niektórych aktorach, którzy szydzą, naśmiewają się, z tych, którzy doświadczyli bardzo trudnych przeżyć, jak np. śmierć bliskiej osoby? Takiemu człowiekowi zadałbym pytanie: Też śmiałbyś się i szydził, jeśli stałoby się to Twojej najukochańszej osobie? Jaki to człowiek, jaki aktor, że nie może się wczuć w smutek, w cierpienie innych? Chciałbym podzielić się z Wami wspomnieniem o bohaterskiej Rosjance, która postawiła się potworowi. Wiele lat temu, wyjeżdżaliśmy na kontrakty do Rosji, prace wykonywaliśmy w wielu miejscach, jednym z nich był Peterhoff, w którym wykonywaliśmy konserwacje, firma PKZ zapewniła nam obiady w restauracji o wdzięcznej nazwie Parkowa. Którejś z sobót, po zjedzeniu obiadu postanowiliśmy posiedzieć dłużej, z biegiem czasu sala zaczęła się zapełniać. Sąsiedni stolik zajęły bardzo miłe Rosjanki. Lokal pękał w szwach, orkiestra dbała o atmosferę, dopóki nie weszło kilku rosyjskich osiłków o tęgiej posturze. Podeszli oni do stolika, przy którym siedziały wspomniane wyżej dziewczyny, jeden z nich kazał im opuścić miejsca, aby zwolnić im stolik. Rosjanki sprzeciwiły się, szczególnie jedna z nich. Wtem jeden z bandytów chwycił ją za włosy, uderzył pięścią w twarz, dziewczyna próbowała stawiać opór, lecz bezsilna wpadła pod stolik, on nie chciał jej odpuścić. Zerwałem się z krzesła, wykrzyknąłem:"co robisz?". Odpowiedział mi pytaniem - "A Ty też chcesz?" Odrzekłem: "To spróbuj ze mną" - odrzekłem. Pragnę nadmienić, że jako dziecko pracując w gospodarstwie rodziców znajdowałem czas również na rzeźbienie, rysowanie, grę na akordeonie, a także na systematyczne, amatorskie treningi siłowo-szybkościowe. Umiejętności nabierałem w zabawach zapaśniczych, wygrywałem z kilkoma na raz, czasem przypadkowe spotkania z miastowymi huliganiakami kończyły się dla nich przegraną, mimo iż ich nie uderzałem, a nie należałem do osób potężnej budowy - wzrost zaledwie 170cm. Wracam do głównego wątku bandyta zgonił ludzi z parkietu, orkiestra przestała grać, wszystko zamarło. Stanąłem oko w oko z bandytą. Bałem się, bo oni nie walczą honorowo. Zareagowałem szybciej na jego ruch i tak, jak kiedyś ciężkie worki z kartoflami, czy ze zbożem wrzucałem na furę, tak nim rzuciłem po stolikach, przycisnąłem go do parkietu, nie bijąc, chcę nadmienić, że nikogo w życiu nie uderzyłem. Koledzy Polacy zaczęli klaskać i wykrzykiwać: "Jarek, Jarek". Dołączyli inni Rosjanie, wspólnie wykrzykując moje imię. Po wszystkim bandyta chciał mi podać rękę i zaprosić do stołu. Odpowiedziałem, że bandytom nie podaję ręki i nie siadam z nimi do stołu. Nie zdążyłem poznać imienia tej bohaterskiej, ślicznej Rosjanki, lecz poznałem jej charakter i wówczas zrozumiałem i rozumiem teraz, że w Rosji byli i są ludzie, którzy narażając swoje życie za wolność i prawdę potrafią powiedzieć "tak nie wolno" bandytom. Człowiek, który popełnia zbrodnie mówi do prezydenta Bidena, że wszystko jest możliwe, a czy możliwe jest zwrócenie życia, tym, którym je odebrał? Prezydent Biden porównał Putina do rzeźnika, przepraszam, ale rzeźnik odbierając życie zwierzęciu, stara się nie zadać mu cierpień, a co robi zbrodniarz? Odbiera życie, zadaje cierpienie i tego nie żałuje. Jeżeli internet poniósłby ten komentarz z historią, o bohaterskiej, młodej Rosjance to przydarzyło się w Peterhofie, pod Petersburgiem, pod koniec lat 90-tych. Lokal nosił nazwę "Parkowa". Zachęcam do przeczytania artykułów: "Czy mozna zdradzić ojczyznę" - "Powiem Ci syneczku" - Jarosław Bobiński
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4 years ago
Piękny jest ten pałac, moim marzeniem jest pojechać kiedyś do Rosji i zobaczyć głównie Moskwę i st. Petersburg. Mam nadzieję, że kiedyś się to marzenie spełni :)
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