Euxinograd Palace

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  • Category: palaces
  • Section: Palaces Government - National - Foreign
Euxinograd (Bulgarian: Евксиноград [ɛfˈksinoɡrat], also transliterated as Evksinograd or Euxinograde) is a former late 19th-century Bulgarian royal summer palace and park on the Black Sea coast, 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) north of downtown Varna.

It is currently a governmental and presidential retreat hosting cabinet meetings in the summer and offering access for tourists to several villas and hotels. Since 2007, it is also the venue of the Operosa annual opera festival.

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Today (29 April)
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14.3 ° C
11.8 ° (min)     16.2 ° (max)
2.1 mm
8.4 m/s
1024 hPa
Tomorrow (30 April)
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13.4 ° C
12.7 ° (min)     14.5 ° (max)
5.9 mm
10.5 m/s
1024 hPa
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