Mexico City, Mexico

Teotihuacan in Mexico - ancient city and complex

Where is located Teotihuacan?

Address of Teotihuacan is Teotihuacan, Mexico City, Mexico
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When was built Teotihuacan?

Built date of Teotihuacan is 200 - 800


Facts, informations and history of Teotihuacan

Teotihuacan, known as "place of the gods", is an ancient city in Mexico that still fascinates archaeologists, historians and tourists from all over the world. Although the name comes from the Aztecs, the roots of this monumental place go back to a much older civilization. In this article we will look at the history of Teotihuacan, its architecture, and the most important facts and curiosities that make this place extraordinary.


History and importance of Teotihuacan

Teotihuacan is a place that was created long before the arrival of the Aztecs. Although it was the Aztecs who gave it its current name, the city reached its peak of development between the 3rd and 7th centuries AD. Teotihuacan has become one of the most important cultural and religious centers in Central America, attracting craftsmen, merchants and pilgrims from various regions.

The city was planned with impressive precision. A network of perpendicular lines created its urban layout, which proves the advanced architectural and engineering knowledge of its inhabitants. In the center of Teotihuacan there were monumental religious buildings, craftsmen's quarters and numerous private houses. All this created the image of a city bustling with life and full of activity.


Street of the Dead: the main axis of the city

One of the most characteristic elements of Teotihuacan is the Street of the Dead. This 40-meter-wide and 2.3-kilometer-long avenue runs from north to south, dividing the city into two parts. On both sides there are temples and places of worship, which still delight with their monumentality.

The Street of the Dead was not just an ordinary road. It was along it that the most important religious processions and everyday life of the inhabitants took place. The Street of the Dead leads to the city's two most important pyramids - the Pyramid of the Moon in the north and the Pyramid of the Sun in the south.


Pyramid of the Moon

The Pyramid of the Moon is one of the most important places in Teotihuacan. It consists of several connected pyramids that create an impressive structure 46 meters high. It is located at the end of the Street of the Dead and played a key role in the religious and cultural life of the city. Around the pyramid there are smaller structures that probably served as places for ceremonies and rituals.


Pyramid of the Sun

A little further south of the Pyramid of the Moon is the Pyramid of the Sun. It is one of the largest pyramids in Central America, whose original height was approximately 73 meters. There are 248 steps to its top, and the structure itself contains over 765,000 m² of building materials. The Pyramid of the Sun was the central religious point of the city, and its construction testifies to the enormous engineering skills of its creators.


Citadel and Temple of Quetzalcoatl

In the center of Teotihuacan there are two places of public assembly: the Citadel and a large fortified square. The citadel is a square platform with a side of 365 meters, on which rises the Temple of Quetzalcoatl. It is one of the most important buildings in Teotihuacan, dedicated to the god Quetzalcoatl, who was one of the most important deities in the Mesoamerican pantheon.

The Temple of Quetzalcoatl is distinguished by its extraordinary decoration. Its facade is decorated with carvings depicting the heads of feathered snakes, which gives it a unique appearance. The temple played a key role in the religious life of the city, and its importance was great both for the inhabitants of Teotihuacan and for pilgrims coming from various regions.


Everyday life in Teotihuacan

Teotihuacan is not only monumental buildings and temples. It is also a place where the everyday life of thousands of people took place. It is estimated that at its peak the city could have been inhabited by 50,000 to 100,000 or even 200,000 people. It was one of the largest cities of its era, comparable in terms of population to Rome or Alexandria.

In Teotihuacan, there were craftsmen's districts where pottery, obsidian products and other everyday items were produced. The city was also an important trade center where merchants from various parts of Mesoamerica came. Thanks to this, Teotihuacan became a place of cultural and economic exchange, which contributed to its dynamic development.


Curiosities and secrets of Teotihuacan

Teotihuacan is a place full of mysteries that have not been fully solved to this day. One of the greatest mysteries is the origin and identity of its builders. Despite many studies, we still do not know the exact identity of the people who created this monumental city. There are many theories about this, but none of them have been clearly confirmed.

Another interesting aspect is Teotihuacan's connection with cosmology. The layout of the city, and especially the arrangement of the main pyramids, suggests that its builders had advanced knowledge of astronomy. The Street of the Dead and the pyramids of the Sun and Moon can be arranged in such a way as to reflect the movements of celestial bodies. This is just one of many theories that attract scientists from all over the world.


Teotihuacan today: heritage and tourism

Today, Teotihuacan is one of the most important archaeological sites in Mexico and the world. It is visited annually by millions of tourists who want to see these impressive buildings with their own eyes and feel the atmosphere of this extraordinary place. In 1987, Teotihuacan was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List, which emphasizes its enormous cultural and historical importance.

A visit to Teotihuacan is an unforgettable experience. Walking along the Street of the Dead, climbing to the tops of the pyramids and admiring the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, you can feel like traveling back in time, transporting yourself to the era when Teotihuacan was the bustling center of Mesoamerica. This is a place that not only fascinates with its history, but also inspires further research and discoveries.



Teotihuacan is a unique place, full of history, secrets and unusual buildings. Its importance to Mesoamerican culture and history is invaluable. From the Street of the Dead, through the monumental pyramids of the Sun and Moon, to the Temple of Quetzalcoatl - each element of this city tells its own story and hides countless secrets.

Teotihuacan is also proof of the extraordinary skills and knowledge of its builders. It is a place that inspires and fascinates to this day, attracting scientists, historians and tourists from all over the world. It is worth visiting Teotihuacan to see this extraordinary place with your own eyes and feel the atmosphere of the former glory of this ancient city.

Isn't it fascinating how one place can hide so much history and secrets? Teotihuacan certainly deserves the attention of anyone interested in the history and culture of ancient civilizations. It is a real place of the gods that delights and inspires to this day.

How many meters have Teotihuacan?

Height of Teotihuacan is 73 m (about) - Pyramid of the Sun.

how many meters have TeotihuacanScale

Construction/building type

Building Teotihuacan is of type Building complex, City

Architectural style

Architectural style of Teotihuacan is Pre-Columbian

The Pre-Columbian architectural style is characteristic of cultures and civilisations that existed in the Americas before the arrival of European colonisers. These include: Maya, Aztec, Inca or Teotihuacanos. This style is mainly characterised by the use of natural materials such as stone, clay and wood. Also common to these cultures was the use of calcite stones and bricks for the construction of buildings and tall pyramids, which served as places of worship and burial for rulers. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions


What area have Teotihuacan?

Teotihuacan have area of 21 km²

What material is the building made of?

Teotihuacan is made of the following materials: Stone

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Teotihuacán

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is http://www.teotihuacanguide.com

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16 years ago
Na temat piramid w Giza i piramid w Teotihuacan jak i zresztą innych budowlach na naszej planecie powstało wiele teorii jak i komentarzy. Świątynie te jak by to można było nazwać zostały wzniesione po to by dany władca został pochowany w jej wnętrzu. Lecz czy na pewno? Otóż tego rodzaju rozumowanie uważam za błędne, gdyż prowadzę badania nad tą sprawą od ponad ośmiu lat i uważam, że piramidy w Teotihuacan są niczym innym jak tylko i wyłącznie gigantycznym zegarem astronomicznym, które odmierzają i wyznaczają konkretny czas nie tylko w przeszłości jak i w teraźniejszości. Zrobiłem ku temu obliczenia i wykresy, które doprowadziły mnie do czegoś więcej niż do grobowców. Te piramidy są gigantycznym zegarem, który wciąż działa. Ktokolwiek jest zainteresowany moją teorią odpowiem na pytania. Dostępny jestem pod numerem telefonu 504632341 lub drogą Mailową: ramzeswojtek@wp.pl Pozdrawiam wszystkich. Jestem przekonany, że rozwiązałem tajemnice piramid w Teotihuacan.
18 years ago
co tak mało tego!!:/
18 years ago
Rzeczywiście niedużo tego, duzo więcej dowiedziałam się ostatnio z programu National Geographic, strasznie ciekawe
18 years ago
Ogólnie faktycznie mało troche informacji na ten temat:) będąc tam dowiedziałam się więcej od przewodników:) pozdrawiam
KoFfAnie :*
KoFfAnie :*
19 years ago
zdeka malo tego i nie mozna z tego pracy napisac :/...........
Julka :)
Julka :)
19 years ago
no treść może być. Ale trochę tego mało :/.........
19 years ago
ostatnio oglądałam niedowiary (odcinek Teotihuacan) i postanowilam poszukac info w necie na ten temat. moim zadniem to miasto wybudowala jakas niezwykle inteligentna rasa istot. może kiedy ludzkość zniknie z powierzchni ziemi właśnie ONI będą rządzić na globie??? aha i ciekawostka: kalendarz azteków kończy się w 2005r.- koniec świata?? pozdro dla wszystkich zainteresowanych Teotihuacan...CDN
19 years ago
uważam,że oni to sami zbudowali lecz za małą poradą ich bogów. To,że Tetihuacan jest zbudowane w postaci wielkiego kalendarza nie oznacza tego iż przyczynili się do tego kosmici, bo przecież kultury żyjące w tym okresie[ np.majowie] posiadały rozległą wiedzę astrologiczną.
19 years ago
Niesamowite napewno jakas cywilizacja poza ziemska przyczynila sie do tak niezwyklego stadium zawansowania technologicznego.
19 years ago
Moi zdaniem kosmici pomogli Aztekom zbudowac to miasto .Sami by nie posiadli takiej wiedzy aby skonstowac to miasto ktore przeciez jest ogromnym kalendarzem. Zdecydowanie widac ingerencje istot pozaziemskich. Pozdro dla widzow NDW.
19 years ago
A skąd masz pewność, że to ludzie stworzyli ;] przecież jest wiele spekulacji, że ów misteczko zostało zbudowane z pomocą kosmitów.
19 years ago
Cos wspanialego-niesamowite. Mimo ze tego nie widzialam nauralnie to napewno kiedys tam pojade ze swoimi dziecmi i wnusiami. Wierze ze warto.Pozdrawiam wszystkich odwiedzajacych "te" strone.bb.
19 years ago
google maps to jednak fajna "zabawka" może ktoś też uzupełni inne budowle ? http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Teotihuacan,+Mexico&ll =19.692918,-98.843522&spn=0.005086,0.005545&t=k&hl=en
19 years ago
Internetowa podróż w miejsca starych cywilizacji i podziwianie tego co jeszcze zostalo - to coś wspanialego. Gratulacje.
20 years ago
szkoda ze bardzo mało
20 years ago
niesamowite miejsce , szczegolne wrazenie robi plac , prawdopodbnie sluzacy jakims zebraniom , gdzie mowiac szeptem jest sie slyszalnym z parudziesieciu metrow!! oprocz tego ogromna piramida ksiezyca , wejscie na ktora zajmuje dobre 10 minut i troszke mniejsza i bardziej stroma piramida slonca . naprawde takie miejsca robia na czlowieku wrazenie , pomyslec tylko ze ponad 1000 lat temu ktos bez komputerow i zaawansowanej technologii byl w stanie stworzyc cos podobengo
21 years ago
trudno głosować na coś czego się nie widziało, ja widziałem większość i powiem że ranking w tych przypadkach jest bardzo umowną rzeczą. Ale życzę wszystkim aby mieli kiedyś okazję podziwiać to wszystko. Imponujące co ludzie potrafią stworzyć

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