Washington, United States

Pentagon in Washington (USA) - headquarters of US Department of Defense

Where is located Pentagon?

Address of Pentagon is Washington, D.C., USA
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When was built Pentagon?

Built date of Pentagon is September 11, 1941 - the beginning of construction
January 15, 1943 - opening day


Facts, informations and history of Pentagon

The Pentagon, a monumental building located in Arlington, just outside Washington, is not only the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, but also the largest office in the world. Its size and construction arouse admiration and curiosity among both US residents and tourists from around the world. In the article, we will look at the most important information about the Pentagon, the fascinating facts that surround it, and some lesser-known curiosities that make this place unique.


The power of the Pentagon: size and design

The Pentagon is a real giant among office buildings. Its total floor area is approximately 604,000 square meters, making it three times larger than the famous Empire State Building in New York. Moreover, Capitol, the symbol of American democracy, could fit in any of the five parts of the Pentagon, which perfectly illustrates its enormous size.

Each of the five sides of the structure measures an impressive 280,728 meters. This unique, pentagonal form is not accidental - it ensures extraordinary communication and logistic efficiency inside the building. Despite there being 17.5 miles (about 28 kilometers) of corridors, it takes no more than seven minutes to walk between any two rooms. This is thanks to the carefully thought-out layout and the central courtyard, which shortens distances.

The Pentagon is not only the main building. The entire complex also includes numerous parking lots, 30 miles (approximately 48 kilometers) of streets and 21 bridges that enable efficient movement around the area.


Life inside the Pentagon: everyday functioning

Around 23,000 people work at the Pentagon every day. To meet their needs, the complex has as many as 16 parking lots with a total area of ​​67 acres that can accommodate 8,770 cars. The interior of the building contains many amenities that make the working life of employees more comfortable.

The Pentagon has its own library with 300,000 volumes, making it one of the most important information resources for Department of Defense personnel. There are also 284 relaxation rooms in the building, which allow you to relax during an intense working day.

When it comes to gastronomy, Pentagon does not disappoint. There are 17 restaurants, 6 cafeterias and 8 fast food bars. These numerous food and beverage outlets meet the needs of employees' diverse tastes and culinary preferences.

We also cannot forget about the numbers, which are impressive. There are 87,000 telephones installed in the Pentagon, connected to 257,000 kilometers of cables. About 200,000 conversations take place here every day. In addition, the special post office handles as many as 1,200,000 letters a month, which proves the extraordinary scale of operations carried out in the building.


Fascinating curiosities and facts

The Pentagon is a place full of fascinating facts that show its complexity and uniqueness. Although there are 17.5 miles of corridors in the building, it takes no more than seven minutes to walk between any two points. There are also 131 stairs, 19 escalators and 13 elevators in the Pentagon, which make it easier to move around this huge space.

Huge amounts of materials were used during the construction of the Pentagon. 680,000 tons of sand and gravel, 4,200,000 square meters of earth and 332,000 square meters of concrete were used. 41,492 concrete piles were driven into the foundations, which ensured the stability and durability of the structure.

The Pentagon also has an impressive number of windows - exactly 7,754 of them, which ensures access of natural light to the interior of the building. In addition, 16,250 light devices, 691 drinking fountains and 4,200 watches were installed throughout the facility to help maintain time synchronization among employees.


Secret corners of the Pentagon: the office of the secretary of defense

One of the most fascinating places in the Pentagon is the office of the Secretary of Defense. It has the largest desk in the building, with three telephones for different purposes on it. The white telephone provides a direct connection to the White House, the red one is used for calls with Russia and commando staging areas, while the blue one enables communication with the most important people in the Pentagon.

The office of the Secretary of Defense is connected by one elevator to the underground operations room, where reports come from all over the world. This is where the command center of the largest defense organization in the world is located. This is where key decisions about national security are made, making it the heart of the Pentagon.


The Pentagon and the attack on September 11

On September 11, 2001, the Pentagon became one of the targets of the most tragic terrorist attack in the history of the United States. On that day, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the west wing of the building, causing extensive damage and the death of 125 people in the Pentagon and all 59 passengers and crew members on board the plane.

This attack shocked not only the United States, but also the entire world. After the attack, rescue operations and reconstruction of the destroyed part of the building began immediately. This process, called "Project Phoenix", was completed less than a year after the attack, a symbol of the determination and strength of the American spirit.

In the place where the attack took place, the Pentagon Memorial was established, dedicated to the victims of September 11. It consists of 184 benches, each symbolizing one of the victims, arranged according to their age - from three years to seventy-one. It is a place of contemplation and memory that attracts visitors from all over the world.


Myths and interesting facts about the Pentagon

The Pentagon, like any great and mysterious institution, is surrounded by many myths and curiosities. Here are some of them:

Myths about secret passages: There are many stories surrounding the Pentagon about alleged secret tunnels and underground passages. Although the building has extensive underground infrastructure, most of these stories are pure speculation. The fact is, however, that there is an underground elevator connecting the Secretary of Defense's office with the underground operations room.

Bad feng shui story: Some say the Pentagon has bad feng shui due to its shape and structure. This is more myth than reality, as the building was designed for functionality rather than compliance with the principles of ancient Chinese practice.

Numerical and statistical interesting facts: The Pentagon has its fascinating numbers that attract attention. For example, on the five floors of the building there are 7,754 windows, 672 fire extinguishers, 16,250 lighting devices, 691 drinking fountains and 4,200 watches. These numbers show the enormous scale of operations carried out in the Pentagon.

The Top Secret Myth: Although the Pentagon is the center of national defense, not all sections of it are top secret. There are many areas open to regular civilian and military employees, although of course there are also areas with the highest degree of confidentiality.

False Conspiracy Theories: There are many conspiracy theories surrounding events related to the Pentagon, especially the 9/11 attack. Most of these theories have been repeatedly debunked by experts and investigators.


The Pentagon as a symbol of security and defense

The Pentagon is not only an office, but also a symbol of American military power. Its design and work organization reflect the desire to ensure maximum effectiveness and defense readiness. This is a place where decisions affecting national and global security are made every day.

As the largest office building in the world, the Pentagon is impressive in its size and complexity. It is a place that still fascinates and inspires both with its history and contemporary functions.



The Pentagon is an extraordinary building that arouses admiration all over the world with its power and size. It is the largest office in the world, with an area three times larger than the Empire State Building. Its unique, pentagonal form, impressive numbers and the secrets hidden inside make it one of the most important symbols of American defense and national security.

Despite its monumentality, the Pentagon is a place where 23,000 people work every day, and life inside the building goes on smoothly and effectively. Thanks to the carefully considered design, employees can quickly navigate numerous corridors, use numerous amenities and resources, and make key decisions regarding national security.

The Pentagon is a place full of fascinating facts that testify to its complexity and uniqueness. It is a building that combines modernity, history and extraordinary work organization, which makes it the true heart of American defense. In the face of tragedies such as the September 11 attack, the Pentagon has proven its resilience and strength, becoming an even more significant symbol of national security and determination.

How many meters have Pentagon?

Height of Pentagon is 32 meters (77 feet and 3.5 inches)

how many meters have PentagonScale

Construction/building type

Building Pentagon is of type Government building, Office

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions


What area have Pentagon?

Pentagon have area of 29 acres - building area
344 194 m² - office space
583 acres - total area

What material is the building made of?

Pentagon is made of the following materials: Concrete, stone


Build cost of Pentagon is 49 600 000 dollars - the cost of the building; 83 million dollars - the cost of the entire project

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

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1 year ago
Nie to jest ważne jak wygląda PENTAGON i z czego się składa ale co ukrywa i jakie połączenia ukrywa głęboko pod ziemią
2 years ago
Nie wiedziaøem o tym ze Ameryka jest az taká potega chociaz nie do konca jestem o tej potedze przekonany.
18 years ago
Supcio "BUILDING"! Nic dodać, nic ująć!!!
18 years ago
Racja, dzieki, poprawione.
18 years ago
W opisie jest blad, 77 stop to 24 metry, sprawdzcie jeszcze raz.
18 years ago
Kapitalna budowla!Tylko jak ktoś tam przyjedzie do roboty autem,to do budynku ma chyba jeszcze TRZY przystanki tramwajowe :-)
19 years ago - bzdura, uderzył Boeing - chcesz dowody to zobacz te www.
19 years ago
Jeszcze warto dodać że 11 września w Pentagon napewno nie uderzył samolot pasażerski Boening (co widać na zdjęciach z kamery).
19 years ago
W jakim sposób w ciągu siedmiu minut można sie pzremiescić z jednego końca na drugi?
19 years ago
Jeżeli już Chcesz podać dokładnie to i wklej +38° 52' 15.52", -77° 03' 21.61"
19 years ago
google maps to jednak fajna "zabawka" może ktoś też uzupełni inne budowle ?,+D.C.,+USA+%2Bpentagon &ll=38.870755,-77.056153&spn=0.005086,0.005545&t=k&hl=en
Mr. X
Mr. X
19 years ago
taka chatka ma ochronę ale czy jest dobra ??? Ciekawe czy w Polsce będzie kiedykolwiek coś podobnego przy tych naszych chamakach z sejmu i ich "wydatkami"???
19 years ago
dużo ludzi się tym interesuje. A ufolutkami zajmują się inni muj gg:7260049
19 years ago
Czy ktoś zna nazwisko architekta?
19 years ago
Obrazki są biedne ale opis ujdzie :)
19 years ago
mam pytanie dlaczego pentagon jest w formie pięciokątu foremnego??
Karolina 15
Karolina 15
19 years ago
Oglądałam,całkiem niedawno program o tym jak powstawał,do czego służy i dlaczego powstał pentagon... Dużo się dowiedziałam ;-)
19 years ago
Budynek jest Ogromny to cza przyznać.Tam spoczywaja same teajemnice !!!!
19 years ago
ja bym chciał więcej wiedzieć na temat ich uzbrojenia,dokładnych celów i zarządzania osobiście nie widziałem na zdięciach żadnych kamer
19 years ago
ciekawe ile cieciow trzeba do sprzatania tego balaganu... (ps: "podlug" sie nieco inacze pisze) pzdr
19 years ago
ale macie skojazrenia..wszyscy jak jeden..fajny ten pentagonik..taki matematyczny ksztalt:]
19 years ago
odpalac rakiety!!!!!!!!!!!!! pokazać ufo ludków!!!!!!!!!!
20 years ago
heh, fajny ten pentagon, tylko dupny i odrazu kojarzy mi sie z archiwum x i ufo :P
20 years ago
Budynek jest nie kiepski i robi wrazenie. Jest zapewne najlepiej chronionym budynkiem rzadowym na świecie. No ale nie ma obawy do zazdrości bo już nie bawem i Polska doczeka sie podobnego budynku. Mówie podobnego bo z nakładem 15,5mld zł nie mamy dużych możliwości :-)
20 years ago
idealne londowisko dla obcych

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