Empire State Building
New York, United States

Empire State Building in New York (USA) - 449 m skyscraper

Where is located Empire State Building?

Address of Empire State Building is 350 5th Avenue, New York, New York, USA
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When was built Empire State Building?

Built date of Empire State Building is 1930 - 1931
March 17, 1930 - construction begins
May 1, 1931 - official opening

Empire State Building

Facts, informations and history of Empire State Building

102 floors of the building rise to a height of 381 m, and the total height with a 204-meter antenna is 449 m.


The Empire State Building has for more than 40 years been inscribed in the memory of everyone as the world's tallest building. In 1973 he was overtaken by another New York skyscraper 417 meters long World Trade Center . It was also the first building in the world that had over 100 floors.

The Empire State Building became the tallest building in New York after the collapse of the World Trade Center towers in 2001. In April 2012, the new One World Trade Center picked up give him this title.

Over 3400 people worked on the construction of a skyscraper, and as recorded in official documents, five of them lost their lives while working.

They used 60,000 tons of steel for the structure, 5663 m³ of calcium and granite, 740 tons of aluminum and stainless steel for external walls, as well as 10 million bricks and 5600 cubic meters of stones for floors, walls and basement.

The electrical wiring has a total length of approx. 692 km, there are also 112 km of water pipes, 80 central heating pipes, 1060 miles of telephone cables, 6514 windows , 3194547 light bulbs and 7450 tons of cooling devices.

The Empire State Building was built in just 410 days, which is a record speed compared to the much slower speed with which modern skyscrapers are usually built.

The building was officially opened on May 1, 1931, when President Herbert Hoover turned on the light by pressing a button in Washington.

There are 73 elevators in the building, including 6 freight lifts.

There are observation platforms on floors 86 and 102. About 4 million people visit this tourist attraction every year.

Every month hundreds of tonnes of waste and rubbish are removed from the building.

Empire State was designed as a lightning rod, every year about 24 lightning strikes a lightning bolt placed on the top of the building. Due to the static electricity that builds up at the top of the building, couples who are kissing there can sometimes feel sparks.

On a clear day, visitors can see distant areas of 80 miles towards New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.

In the building there are office spaces for 15,000 people, and elevators can carry 10,000 people per hour.

From the base of the building to the 86th floor leads 1575 stairs, there are organized competitions involving the fastest run this distance, the record belongs to Paul Crake, who defeated these stairs in 10 minutes and 15 seconds.

In July 1945, the US B-25 bomber hit the 79th floor of the Empire State, then 14 people were killed.

There are so many companies in ESB that they have received their own zip code 10118. Their headquarters here include LinkedIn, Shutterstock, Coty, Bulova, Skanska.

The observatory on the 102nd floor was originally planned as a check-in area for zeppelins (airships) docked near the tower.

Every year there is a Valentine's wedding competition, in which 14 couples are going to the wedding on February 14 on the observation deck. They become members of the Empire State Building Wedding Club and receive an annual free access to the observatory on February 14 (their anniversary).

In 2011, researchers from Cornell analyzed millions of photos from the Flickr site and concluded that the Empire State Building is the most photographed building in the world.

Architect of Empire State Building

Architect of Empire State Building is William Lamb z biura Shreve, Lamb & Harmon Associates.

How many meters have Empire State Building?

Height of Empire State Building is 449 m - to the top of the mast
381 m - without a television tower
369 m - the top floor

how many meters have Empire State BuildingScale

Construction/building type

Building Empire State Building is of type Skyscraper, Office building

Architectural style

Architectural style of Empire State Building is Art Deco

Art Deco is an architectural style that flourished in the 1920s and 1930s and was characterised by modern and elegant design. Its name comes from the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, or the International Exhibition of Decorative and Industrial Arts, which took place in Paris in 1925. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Empire State Building

What area have Empire State Building?

Empire State Building have area of 0.8 ha

What material is the building made of?

Empire State Building is made of the following materials: Steel, stone


Build cost of Empire State Building is $ 40,948,900 - total including land$ 24.718 million - the building itself

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is http://www.esbnyc.com

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17 years ago
NYC jest przereklamowany
17 years ago
Ludzie!!!! Budować z cegły albo lać z betonu budynki mozna wznosić na setki metrów... czym Wy się fascynujecie to żadne cudo techniki w poruwnaniu z cieniutkim masztem w Gąbinie koło Płocka który był najwyższą kiedykolwiek wzniesioną konstrukcją na świecie (646,38m).
picture: empire_state_building
picture: empire_state_building
17 years ago
Hello, I found your brilliant foto "empire_state_building_18.jpg" I really like ths picture an I would like to use ist for a not commercial postcard for my village. I live in Germany and there are no postcards of our small village. I have an idea fo a funny postcard and really would like to use your picture there for. But I would like your get permission to do so. Please give it so I can design my funny art postcard. Yours Wilco.
17 years ago
chociaz wole bardziej nowoczesne budynki, to musze przynac, ze ten jest po prostu świetny.
18 years ago
empire im starszy tym piekniejszy
18 years ago
fanatyk, masz racje! Ten Citicorp Center to taki jakby "obcięty" budynek. Wg. (Napewno nie tylko mnie) Empire State Building to najlepszy, charakterystyczny budynek, nawet na świecie. Wg. mnie Empire State Building ma 449 m. Dobra, muszę kończyć. To pa!
18 years ago
Fajowa budowla i to zbudowana tak dawno temubo już będzie ponad 70 lat temu SUPER
18 years ago
Są obecnie 4 charakterystyczne wierzchołki w panoramie Nowego Jorku (Boże jak ja tęsknie za Twin Towers!!!!) nie pozwalające pomylić tego miejsca z żadnym innym na świecie,wsystkie 4 znajdują sie w midtown: 1.Empire State Building 2.Chrysler Building 3.Citicorp Center 3.Metlife Building (dawniej pan-am) Wszystkie cztery są dla mnie najważniejszymi,najpiękniejszymi,wzbudzącymi najwięcej emocji budynkami na świecie ,zresztą tak jak sam Nowy Jork.Mam pierdolca na punkcie tego miasta i ch** w d*** wszystkim antyamerykańskim pier******* na siłe hipokrytom oglądającym amerykańskie filmy,noszącym amerykańskie ubrania,jedzącym amerykańskie żarcie,słuchającym amerykańskiej muzyki ale nienawidzącym ameryki bo teraz taka jest ku*** moda.Przepraszam wszystkich wrażliwych ,zazwyczaj nie używam tylu wulgaryzmów,po prostu mnie poniosło i musiałem to z siebie wylać.Kocham Nowy Jork i pozdro dla wszystkich którzy też są chorzy na punkcie tego przegięcie uzależniającego,niepowtarzalnego, hipnotyzującego,nakręcającego, urywającego dupska,sprawiającego przechodzenie ciar po plecach,dającego zajebistego kopa w postaci energi i poczucia wszechmocy,najniesamowitszego miasta we wszechświecie.
18 years ago
je to super
mark benzin
mark benzin
18 years ago
hello, ajm glad to si ESB. I wery lajk ESB. Sija.
18 years ago
bylem tam na 74 pietrze wiecie jaki widoki ale konca miasta nie widac wspaniale przezycie
18 years ago
Wczoraj wlasnie bylem na 86 pietrze na tarasie widokowym. Jest naprawde super i warto wydac te 16 $.
18 years ago
to klasyk-w Polsce powinno być wiecej wysokich wiezowców zwłaszcza w Warszawie-wreście wyzszy od Pałacu Kultury-do dzieła
18 years ago
ej pomozcie ile ludu wijezdza rocznie na ta budowle?????
18 years ago
Taki sobie, nic specjalnego. Jednakże na równie wysoki sobie poczekamy z kilkanaście... pokoleń :)
18 years ago
18 years ago
Ja jestem w szoku,żeby w początkach lat trzydziestych zbudować takiego giganta.Pozatym to on przetrwał najwięcej...m.in.zderzenie z big samolotem.Także nasz symbol N.Y. jeszcze se postoji
18 years ago
Najfajniejszy budunek Nowego Yorku i najładniej wygląda z boku patrząc od strony New Jersey!!!
18 years ago
Piękny budynek szkoda że tam nie byłem
18 years ago
Empire State Building jest the best i cały Nowy York !! Szkoda tylko, że nie ma juz WTC :( Normalnie Bin Ladena to bym własnoręcznie za ... powiesił a później zrzucił z ostatniego piętra E.S.B. !!!!!!! :[
18 years ago
w 2005 24 lipca byłem na tarasie widokowym było super szkoda że klimatyzacja wysiadła ale najlepsze jest w nim że można być na zewnątrz !
18 years ago
bazylika św. jest najlepsza
18 years ago
bueee, nie wiem jakim cudem to jest na 1 miejscu, Bujr AL Arab jest około 100000000000 razy lepszy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 years ago
kiedyś to sie budowało, nie to co teraz!;)
18 years ago
jest ok ;)

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