Cologne Cathedral
Cologne, Germany

Cologne Cathedral (Germany) - one of the largest church in the world

Where is located Cologne Cathedral?

Address of Cologne Cathedral is Cologne, Germany
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When was built Cologne Cathedral?

Built date of Cologne Cathedral is From 1248 to 1842-1880

Cologne Cathedral

Facts, informations and history of Cologne Cathedral

Excavations under the foundations of the cathedral proved that as early as 50 years after Christ, the Roman temple was erected in the same place. Later it was a bishop's church, and after 935 it was transformed from a nave church into a five-aisle church. In 1248, Archbishop Konrad von Hochstaden laid the foundation stone for the construction of a new gothic cathedral erected according to French designs.

Construction started in 1248. The choir was not completed until 1320, and was consecrated in 1322. Up to 1400, two floors of the southern tower were built, and from the 14th to the 16th century, the middle and side naves of the church were made to the height of 15 and 18 m. Nothing changed until the 19th century. In the years 1842-1880 construction was completed.

Soon after the construction was completed, the cathedral was considered a symbol of Germany.

The cathedral was celebrated in 1880 in the presence of William I.

The surface in the middle is 144 m long and 45 m wide, and the central nave is over 43 m high.

Cologne cathedral dedicated to Saint. St. Peter and Virgin Mary is a five-nave basilica with a three-nave transept (transverse nave, situated between the nave body and the presbytery) and presbytery (choir), surrounded by a byway and a wreath of seven chapels. The high, slender nave body closes the west façade with two towers, over which helmets are raised in the form of openwork spiers.

The apparent lightness, heavy stone structure and the play of light coming through colored windows, brings about the association of this place with the heavenly cathedral. An amazing impression of the lightness of the structure can be proved by the fact that a single nave of the nave's vault, weighs nearly 40 centuries.

These are works of art such as: the oldest preserved image of Christ on the cross from 970; reliquary of the Three Kings - the largest goldsmith's work in the world; the sculptures of the apostles, placed on pillars supporting the choir; medieval windows and wonderful works of art from the cathedral treasury; fourteenth-century stained glass; a three-part brush altar by Stephan Lochner; Archbishop Geron's crucifix before 976 with a supernatural statue of Christ.

During the Second World War, the vault of the nave and the northern side nave were destroyed. For eleven years, seventy workers were repairing losses. The work was based on the historic plans of the cathedral. Today, the Cologne Cathedral was again full of light.

Architect of Cologne Cathedral

Architect of Cologne Cathedral is Gerhard von Rile
Gerhard von Rile

How many meters have Cologne Cathedral?

Height of Cologne Cathedral is 157 meters

how many meters have Cologne CathedralScale

Construction/building type

Building Cologne Cathedral is of type Basilica, Cathedral

A basilica is a specific architectural type of sacred buildings, often ecclesiastical. Originally, the term 'basilica' referred to buildings used for judicial or commercial purposes in ancient Rome, but was later adopted by the Catholic Church and became a term to describe important churches with a specific plan layout.... czytaj więcej.

Architectural style

Architectural style of Cologne Cathedral is Gothic, Neogotyk

Gothic is an architectural style that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages, especially from the 13th to the 15th century. It was characterised primarily by tall, narrow and upright buildings of brick or stone, which were subordinated to the idea of a light and airy form. Richly decorated arches, vaults and arcades were also a major feature of Gothic buildings, giving them a light and airy appearance. Gothic buildings were also dominated by high, sloping roofs and towers and turrets, which were intended to be visible from a distance and serve as orientation. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Cologne Cathedral

What area have Cologne Cathedral?

Cologne Cathedral have area of 6 480 m²

What material is the building made of?

Cologne Cathedral is made of the following materials: Stone

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Katedra św. Piotra i Najświętszej Marii Panny w Kolonii

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Cologne Cathedral is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 292bis.
The listing took place in the year 1996.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

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Seneka z Lodzi
Seneka z Lodzi
18 years ago
No no katedra niczego sobie.Bardzo ladna.Pogratulowac tylko Niemcom.Nigdy czegos podobnego w Polsce nie bedzie.
18 years ago
jak jade do pracy na rowerze, wczesnym rankiem gdy slonce jest jeszcze nisko wyglada swietnie. i wieczorem tez i noca! tylko badzcie ostrozni gdy bedziecie schodzic za katedra w strone rzeki!tam nie jest przytulnie. na dann viel spass !
18 years ago
i ja też tam bylam
18 years ago
Byłem na dachu tej katedry, spacerowaliśmy i strzelaliśmy foty, jeśli ktoś jest zainteresowany to jestem na gg 3845808. Ogólnie Katedra jest niesamowita! Jak już ktoś wspomniał najwspanialsza z katedr. A, nie dodałem ze byłem tam rowerem..... 3 tys km w miecha:) pozdro fro ALLL !
18 years ago
18 years ago
Byłem tam w wakacje!!Kolonia to piękne miasto,tak się mi spodobało że nawet się tam przeprowadzam.Wyjeżdżam w wakacje 2006.A teraz będę jechał tam w ferie pod koniec stycznia!Warto zwiedzić to miasto.W centrum miasta można kupić bardzo tanie rzeczy:ubrania,pamiątki....Czasami koło katedry polacy malowali obrazy na chodnikach(Delfiny,zachód słońca itd)!CUDO!Jest tam tyle ciekawych rzeczy że nie da się tego opisać. PS: W samym centrum jest KFC na rogu.Jest tam o wiele smaczniej niż w naszych polskich KFC.I w ogóle jest tam SUPER.POZDRO
18 years ago
Ej wiecie co!? chciałam tam być i jadę!!!
18 years ago
podobno to chyba największa katedra tego typu na świecie ale nie jestem pewiem jest ogromna ale również wielki jest kościół w Monachium
18 years ago
niezwykła architektura tej budowly zachwyca, jej wielkość wzbudza podziw. jestem pod wrażeniem zawsze, gdy przechodzę obok katedry..
18 years ago
w kolonii byłam latem. katedre mam obfotografowananz kazdej stronki i o kazdej porze dnia i nocy! zawsze robi niesamowite wrazenie!! po prostu przytlaczajace!
18 years ago
Wy mi dajcie budowle i zabytki starożytnej grecij
18 years ago
Ogrom i strzelistość mnie przytłaczają!!! Pragne tam być...
18 years ago
ta katedra jest poczesci zbudowana z kawalkow meteorytu ktoru uderzyl kedys w ziemie
18 years ago
Miejsce jest cudowne, zwlaszcza widok z wiezy na miasto Kolonii, po prostu zapiera dech w piersiach, bede tam wracala tak czesto jak tylko sie da!
18 years ago
nie byłam tam moze znajdzie sie jakis romantyczny śliczny chłopak ktory mnie tam zabierze
Nie Znany
Nie Znany
18 years ago
super bylo ale sie skonczylo... festyn swiateczny ekstra przy katedrze
18 years ago
Byłam w Kolonii i do dziś pamiętam tę wspaniałą katedrę-po prostu cudowna,tak samo jak widok z wieży ...
18 years ago
Byłam w Kolonii i do dziś pamiętam tę wspaniałą katedrę-po prostu cudowna,tak samo jak widok z wieży ...
18 years ago
WIECIE CO!!!!!Mieszkam kolo koln i wiele razy tam bylem!!Ta katedra jest mala!!Myslicie ze to najwiekszy budynek w Koln!Mylicie sie jest tam TURM WIEZA ponad 240m!!!!!!To dopiero cos!!!!!!
18 years ago
katerdra jest poprostu sper!!!! piekny widok!!! piekne witraze..wogole zajebista!!!
18 years ago
ta katedra jest wspaniała, gdy się wejdzie na górę, czuję jakby się było królem świata... ta katedra wygląda jeszcze lepiej w nocy. Gorąco polecam zwiedzenie. To niepowtarzalne przeżycie. Pozdro 4 all!!!!
18 years ago
ile metrów wysokości mają wieże katedry?
18 years ago
katedra jest super
18 years ago
nie byłyśmy tam ,ale ogladając tę zdjęcia, czytając opisy jesteśmy pod ogromnym wrażeniem@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fenomenalne
18 years ago
dobra czoda fajna katedra jest oki wszytko wy tez niczego sobie ....

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