Cologne Cathedral (Germany) - one of the largest church in the world
Where is located Cologne Cathedral?
Address of Cologne Cathedral is Cologne, Germany
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When was built Cologne Cathedral?
Built date of Cologne Cathedral is From 1248 to 1842-1880
Facts, informations and history of Cologne Cathedral
St. Cathedral Peter and the Blessed Virgin Mary in Cologne, also known as Cologne Cathedral, is one of the most impressive works of Gothic architecture in Europe. This monumental building in question hides many secrets, history and countless works of art. I invite you on a journey through the centuries to learn about the fascinating history of this unique temple.
History of the Cathedral: from the Roman temple to the symbol of Germany
Excavations under the foundations of the cathedral revealed that there was a Roman temple on this site as early as 50 AD. It was here, where the majestic cathedral now stands, that a story began that continues to this day. In the following centuries, this place served as a bishop's church, and after 935 it was transformed into a five-nave church. However, the real transformation began in 1248, when Archbishop Konrad von Hochstaden laid the foundation stone for the construction of a new Gothic cathedral, modeled on French cathedrals.
Construction and architecture: challenges through the centuries
Construction of the cathedral began in 1248, and it took almost seventy years to complete the choir - the choir was completed in 1320 and consecrated two years later. By 1400, two floors of the southern tower were built, and over the next two centuries, work continued on the church aisles, which reached a height of 15 and 18 meters. Then there was a period of stagnation, lasting until the 19th century, when work was resumed and the cathedral was completed between 1842 and 1880.
In 1880, in the presence of Emperor Wilhelm I, the cathedral was consecrated and recognized as a symbol of Germany. Its monumental dimensions are truly impressive: the interior is 144 meters long and 45 meters wide, and the main nave rises to a height of over 43 meters. Cologne Cathedral is a five-nave basilica with a three-nave transept and a presbytery surrounded by an ambulatory and a wreath of seven chapels. Its western facade, with two towers topped with openwork spiers, is one of the most recognizable views of Cologne.
Architectural wonders: light and stone
One of the most surprising aspects of Cologne Cathedral is its apparent lightness. Although it is built of heavy stone, the way the light coming through the colorful windows plays with the interior makes the structure seem almost ethereal. It is a true masterpiece of Gothic engineering. An example of this astonishing impression of lightness is the fact that a single wedge of the nave vault weighs almost 40 hundredweight.
Treasures of the Cathedral: works of art and relics
Cologne Cathedral is also home to many priceless works of art and relics. They include the oldest preserved image of Christ on the cross from 970 and the reliquary of the Three Kings - the largest goldsmith's work in the world. There are sculptures of apostles on the pillars supporting the choir, and medieval stained glass windows can be admired in the windows. The cathedral treasury contains wonderful works of art, including a three-part altar by Stephan Lochner and an oak crucifix of Archbishop Gero from before 976 with a supernaturally sized figure of Christ.
Cathedral during World War II: reconstruction and restoration
During World War II, Cologne Cathedral suffered significant damage, especially the vaults of the main nave and the northern aisle. For eleven years, seventy workers worked to repair the damage, guided by the cathedral's historic plans. Today, thanks to their efforts, the Cologne Cathedral shines again, attracting crowds of tourists and pilgrims from all over the world.
Symbolic meaning: Cathedral as an icon
The Cologne Cathedral is not only an architectural masterpiece, but also an important symbol for Germany. Its majestic silhouette and rich history make it a special place that reminds us of the spiritual and cultural roots of the nation. The cathedral constantly inspired artists, poets and writers, becoming an icon whose significance goes far beyond the borders of Cologne.
St. Cathedral Peter and the Blessed Virgin Mary in Cologne is a place that must be seen with your own eyes to fully appreciate its beauty and importance. From an ancient Roman temple to a Gothic pearl, this cathedral has come a long way, becoming not only a symbol of Cologne, but of all of Germany. Every stone, every stained glass window and every sculpture tells a story about faith, determination and the human capacity to create extraordinary things. Cologne Cathedral is a real treasure worth rediscovering every time you visit.
Architect of Cologne Cathedral
How many meters have Cologne Cathedral?
Height of Cologne Cathedral is 157 meters
Construction/building type
Building Cologne Cathedral is of type Basilica, Cathedral
A basilica is a specific architectural type of sacred buildings, often ecclesiastical. Originally, the term 'basilica' referred to buildings used for judicial or commercial purposes in ancient Rome, but was later adopted by the Catholic Church and became a term to describe important churches with a specific plan layout.... czytaj więcej.
Architectural style
Architectural style of Cologne Cathedral is Gothic, Neogotyk
Gothic is an architectural style that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages, especially from the 13th to the 15th century. It was characterised primarily by tall, narrow and upright buildings of brick or stone, which were subordinated to the idea of a light and airy form. Richly decorated arches, vaults and arcades were also a major feature of Gothic buildings, giving them a light and airy appearance. Gothic buildings were also dominated by high, sloping roofs and towers and turrets, which were intended to be visible from a distance and serve as orientation. ... czytaj więcej.
Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions
What area have Cologne Cathedral?
Cologne Cathedral have area of 6 480 m²
What material is the building made of?
Cologne Cathedral is made of the following materials: Stone
Other names
The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Katedra św. Piotra i Najświętszej Marii Panny w Kolonii
Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?
The listing took place in the year 1996.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at
Official website
The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is
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