Stephen Hynes' House

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  • Category: residential
  • Section: Residential
Stephen Hynes is the founder of Hynes Developments, a small, research oriented development company focused on creating environments that are responsive to the needs of people.

He has reportedly spent over 6 years building this 22,500 sqft home. The property also includes the structure immediately to the southwest of the main house, which will be the guest house and will feature a tennis court on the roof once completed.

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Today (28 April)
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5.7 ° C
2.3 ° (min)     7.2 ° (max)
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1016 hPa
Tomorrow (29 April)
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4.4 ° C
-0.2 ° (min)     5.3 ° (max)
4.2 mm
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1017 hPa
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