Reconstructed All Saints Church

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  • Category: religious-christianity
  • Section: Religious - Christianity
"All Saints" was an Orthodox Church in Ruse. Built in 1898, demolished in 1975 and the new location is almost restored by the end of 2012

The idea to build a church in Ruse (then Ruschuk), named "All Saints"
One of the earliest discovered documents confirming the intention to build a new church is November 20, 1861 This is a letter from Citizenship Russe Major Misha Anastasijevic, Serbian millionaire head of "Kamarashi" - monopoly in production and trade rock salt in the European part of the Ottoman Empire. Ruse proposal to the developer to pay it is the place on which to build the temple. The merchant refused to support the initiative.

Established in 1865 Bulgarian church-assigned to the municipality's master Genco Kanchev make a plan for church. On 27 April 1870 the plan is ready, Bishop Gregory blessed the cornerstone for the cathedral, but the Turkish authorities do not allow the construction of Bulgarians selected place (girls' school). Ruse are forced to look for another solution and choose Kraynenskite Cemetery (now Park Revival).

Immediately after the liberation resumed the idea of ​​the new temple and the 12 May 1879 the editor of the local newspaper "Slavyanin" urges readers to support the holy work.

On 15 July 1884 a General Assembly district, which are elected two committees - hazyaystvena and technical - to build a new church. City Engineer vote to make Edward Winter project.

By the end of 1888 with many difficulties and a chronic shortage of funds has been completed rough construction of the temple.

"All Saints" is finally completed and consecrated in 1898, the same year died Bishop Gregory, who dedicated the last years of his life to the building of the church.

The interior of the temple was completed in 1930 after years Dorostol-ordination in the Diocese of Cherven Michael Bishop (1927). Assign Ruse iconography work of Professor Stefan Ivanov, Ivan Mrkvicka student. Decorative work was completed by Professor Haralambi Tachev and finally adopted on August 19, 1939

On October 25, 1964 Bishop Sophronius celebrates the last Divine Liturgy at "All Saints". The church was ceded to the City People's Council, to be used as a pantheon (ossuary).

On 12 January 1965 the church was handed over to the City Council and all his equipment was removed and transferred to the church "Holy Trinity."

On October 26, 1975 - Dimitri - City National Council on the orders of the church was demolished. Longstanding efforts and devotion of Rousse public in the name of Christianity, which has preserved the Bulgarian nation over the centuries, collapsed overnight with the temple "All Saints."

On 28 February 1978, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Bulgaria's liberation, found the Pantheon in Ruse. It was built on the site of the ruined temple "All Saints." Personally, the first secretary of the Communist Party and head of state Todor Zhivkov attend the opening, but remains disappointed by the Pantheon and deliver the intended speech, and then did not confer state awards anticipated project team. He wonders whether it has something to change in the appearance of the building to make it consistent with the old architecture Rousse. Since its opening in 1978, the Pantheon was imprisoned several times for repairs.

The change of political system in Bulgaria after 1989 returns officially topic insults and destroyed a church. The first article in the local press is 1991 and the journalist Bojan Draganov.

On May 28, 1993 in the premises of the Diocese Cherven Dorostol-30-something people create Ruse Public Council for the Restoration of the Church "All Saints."

On Oct. 29, 1993 City Council adopted a resolution, which gives ground to restore the temple in the Park Revival.

A nomination committee and headed by His Eminence Metropolitan Gelasiy. The chief architect of the city invites Tsveti Rusinov architect Toncho Tonchev to tackle the detection and recovery of the drawings of the fallen temple, which has proved very difficult.

On October 29, 1998 in Ruse observes the 100th anniversary of the death of Bishop Gregory. Bulgarian Patriarch Maxim leads procession from the church "Holy Trinity", which reached the place around the station "Water" (which for 2012 now stands the new building of the new temple "All Saints"). There His Holiness, in the presence of the mayor of the city and numerous Dimitar Kalchev Ruse, bless the place and lay the foundation stone for the restoration of the church.

Actual construction began only in 2007 when the Association created "All Saints", which is co-chaired by Metropolitan Neophyte and then mayor of Ruse Bozhidar Yotov. Construction is led by an engineer Patrikov.

By the autumn of 2012 the building of the church and bell tower were built and the appearance of the church is almost complete. It has yet to stand the floor to complete the heating system and to restore the altar, to be able to resume worship.

On October 17, 2012 held a workshop with the Mayor of Rousse Plamen Stoilov the Management Board of the Association "All Saints" and a group of citizens. The goal is finishing the "All Saints" and the opening of the temple of worship.

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