Nur al-Din Bimaristan

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  • Category: museums-science
  • Section: Museums - History Museums - Science
Nur al-Din Bimaristan (Arabic: البيمارستان النوري‎) is a large medieval bimaristan ("hospital") in Damascus, Syria. It is located in the al-Hariqa quarter in the old walled city, to the southwest of the Umayyad Mosque. It was built and named after the Zengid Sultan Nur ad-Din in 1154. The bimaristan is well known for its unusual portal, which displays an antique lintel and a curious flattened muqarnas vault. It is also unusual in its full-scale Mesopotamian-style muqarnas vault over the vestibule. It was restored in 1975 and now houses the Museum of Medicine and Science in the Arab World.

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