Petra, Jordan

Petra in Jordania - cemetery and historic city of the Nabateans

Where is located Petra?

Address of Petra is Petra, Ma'an Governorate, Jordan
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When was built Petra?

Built date of Petra is About 300 years of BC


Facts, informations and history of Petra

Petra is one of the most fascinating places on Earth, full of history, secrets and extraordinary architecture. It is located in Jordan, in the former Nabataean kingdom. This place, which for centuries was hidden from the world, today attracts tourists from all over the world. Petra, also known as the "Pink City", delights with its beauty and extraordinary atmosphere, transporting visitors back in time to ancient civilizations. Did you know that Petra is actually a huge, historic cemetery and not a real city? I invite you to discover this extraordinary place, its history, architecture and the secrets it hides.


History of Petra: from the Nabataeans to the Romans

Petra was the capital of the kingdom of the Nabataeans, an ancient people who settled in the area as early as the 3rd century BC. The Nabataeans were extremely talented traders and builders, which allowed them to create one of the most important trading cities of the time. Initially, the Nabataeans lived in tents and natural caves, creating a camp in the Wadi Musa valley. Over time, as a result of the development of trade and the enrichment of society, permanent buildings began to be built.

Petra reached its greatest prosperity between the 1st century BC. and the 1st century AD, when the city could have had up to 40,000 inhabitants. It was one of the most important cities on the route of trade caravans that transported goods between Egypt, Syria, Arabia and the Mediterranean Sea. Petra was known for the production and trade of spices, incense and textiles.

In 106 CE Petra was incorporated into the Roman Empire, which brought new buildings and infrastructure development to the city. The Romans introduced, among others, a forum, thermae (public baths), a theater and numerous administrative buildings. Unfortunately, the change of trade routes in the Middle East resulted in the gradual decline of Petra. The city was ultimately abandoned and forgotten for over 800 years.


Architecture of Petra: wonders carved in rock

One of the most amazing aspects of Petra is its architecture. This place is famous for its unusual buildings carved in pale pink sandstone that have survived thousands of years. The most famous of them is The Treasury of el-Kasne (Al-Khazna), which is considered the symbol of Petra. The treasury is 40 meters high and 27 meters wide. The facade of this monumental tomb is richly decorated and shows Egyptian and Assyrian influences. The treasury was carved into the rock and its interior is relatively simple, which is typical of Nabataean architecture.

Another impressive structure is Ad-Dajr, Petra's largest structure, measuring 47 meters high and 48 meters wide. Ad-Deir, also known as the Monastery, is located on a hill and is only accessible by climbing numerous steps. The facade of this building is less ornate than the Treasury, but its size and location make it one of the most breathtaking places in Petra.

Petra also has numerous other structures, including tombs, temples, a theater and water systems. The theater in Petra could accommodate approximately 3,000 spectators and is one of the best examples of the Roman influence on the city. Water systems, including canals, cisterns and reservoirs, were extremely advanced and allowed water to be stored in the dry, desert climate.


Secrets and curiosities of Petra

Petra is full of secrets and curiosities that make it even more fascinating. Did you know that for over 800 years this place was virtually unknown to the Western world? It was only in 1812 that the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt rediscovered Petra for the world. His reports and descriptions aroused great interest and attracted the first tourists.

One of the most famous films in which Petra appears is "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". The el-Kasne Vault served as a background for scenes in which Indiana Jones searches for the Holy Grail. It was thanks to this film that Petra became even more recognizable and gained popularity.

Petra was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985 and was added to the list of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007. This unique distinction highlights its enormous historical and cultural importance.

An interesting fact is that Petra was not only a commercial and residential place, but also a religious one. The Nabataeans were polytheists and built numerous temples to honor their gods. There were numerous temples in the Wadi Musa valley, which today are among the most important monuments of Petra.


Petra today: discovering the ancient city

Today, Petra is one of the most important tourist destinations in Jordan and the entire Middle East. Every year, thousands of tourists come to discover this amazing place and admire its monuments. Petra is not only the Treasury and the Monastery, but also numerous other places worth seeing.

One of the most popular ways to visit Petra is to walk through As-Sik, the narrow gorge leading to the Treasury. This is a unique experience that allows you to feel the magic of this place. The gorge is surrounded by high, colorful walls that at certain moments reveal a view of the Treasury, which is one of the most iconic images of Petra.

Visiting Petra also means discovering lesser-known places, such as the Royal Tomb, Roman's Tomb and Qasr al-Bint, a temple dedicated to the goddess Dushara . It is also worth seeing the Great Theater and the Lion Temple.

For nature and hiking lovers, Petra offers numerous hiking trails that lead through picturesque valleys and hills. One of the most popular routes is the route to Deir, which offers amazing views of the entire Petra valley.


How to get to Petra and practical information

Getting to Petra is relatively easy, and the place is well connected to the rest of Jordan. The nearest airport is in Amman, the capital of Jordan. From Amman you can reach Petra by car or bus. The journey takes about 3-4 hours.

It is worth remembering that visiting Petra requires a lot of walking, so it is worth taking comfortable shoes and enough water with you. The climate in Petra is dry and hot, especially in summer, so it is worth visiting in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the greatest heat.

Petra offers a variety of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to simple guesthouses. There are also many restaurants in the area that serve local delicacies such as falafel, hummus and traditional Bedouin dishes.


Petra as a symbol of modern Jordan

Petra is not only a historical monument, but also a symbol of modern Jordan. This place attracts tourists from all over the world, which is of great importance for the country's economy. The Jordanian authorities are investing in the development of tourist infrastructure to provide visitors with the best possible conditions for sightseeing.

Petra is also a place that inspires artists, writers and filmmakers. Its unique architecture and atmosphere attract artists who want to capture the beauty and magic of this place in their works.


Petra's influence on culture and art

Petra has had a huge impact on culture and art in both ancient and modern times. The Nabataeans who created Petra were not only talented builders, but also artists. Their architecture combines the influences of various cultures, creating a unique style that is admired to this day.

Modern culture also draws inspiration from Petra. This place appears in numerous films, books and works of art that try to reflect its extraordinary character. Petra is also the site of numerous festivals and cultural events that attract artists from all over the world.


Petra as an example of sustainable tourism

Petra is also an example of sustainable tourism. Jordanian authorities and international organizations are working together to protect this extraordinary site and ensure its preservation for future generations. Various initiatives are being implemented to protect monuments, control the number of tourists and educate about the importance and history of Petra.

Petra is also a place where the local community plays a key role in the development of tourism. The inhabitants of the Wadi Musa valley, descendants of the Nabataeans, participate in various tourist projects, offering guide services, handicrafts and traditional dishes. This allows them not only to earn money, but also to share their culture and history with visitors.



Petra is a place that delights, inspires and remains in memory for a long time. It is an ancient city carved in rock, full of secrets and history that has survived thousands of years. Petra is not only a historic cemetery, but also a symbol of the ancient power of the Nabataeans, who created one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Today, as one of the seven new wonders of the world and included on the UNESCO list, Petra attracts tourists from all over the globe who want to discover its extraordinary beauty and atmosphere. This is a place worth visiting and experiencing with your own eyes.

" A rosy-red city - half of these years, every time. " - J. W. Burgon

How many meters have Petra?

Height of Petra is 47 meters

how many meters have PetraScale

Construction/building type

Building Petra is of type Cemetery

Architectural style

Architectural style of Petra is Nabataean

What material is the building made of?

Petra is made of the following materials: Clay

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Petra is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 326.
The listing took place in the year 1985.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

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14 years ago
morze być całkiem całkiem było by jak byście jeszcze inne códy świata tu napisali
17 years ago
Nie jest to miejsce, które można by przecenić, posiada zbyt wielką wartość historyczną i emocjonalną dla zwykłego człowieka, który jest w stanie sobie wyobrazić czasy w jakich powstawała. W dodatku coś tak pięknego człowiek wzniósł w tak bardzo niegościnnym dla niego klimacie... Chylę czoła.
17 years ago
super praca.. troche wiecej zdjec by sie tu przydalo..
18 years ago
(...) w moim przypadku mialem tego lata przyjemnosc przyjechac do Petry z Wroclawia... Rozowa Landrynka, czyli rowerem! Faktycznie ostatni etap drogi z Mount Nebo do Petry byl bardzo trudny, ale jednak najpiekniejszy na calej mojej trasie. Petra byla dla mnie snem, ktory stal sie rzeczywistoscia! Choc w swoim zyciu widzialem jeszcze bardzo malo, Petra to nr 2 tuz za Jerozolima, do ktorej pielgrzymowalem w tym roku... ... kochani, rower - to jest swiat!
Crazy S.
Crazy S.
18 years ago
Beynadyieja i starocie blee
Krzysztof P.
Krzysztof P.
18 years ago
Byłem tam w latach osiemdziesiątych na wyprawie turystycznej. Przepiękne miejsce. Robi ogromne wrażenie. Zwłaszcza przejście wąskim wąwozem wiodącym do doliny. Zrobiłem tam mnóstwo slajdów, które gdy teraz pokazuję znajomym są nimi zachwyceni.
18 years ago
bylam tam,cos tam nagralam,wczoraj pokazalam to swoim przyjacielom ktorych nie widzialam od 3 lat.Byli zachwyceni a ja zaluje ze nie mogli byc tam ze mna bo wiem ze tez by ich to magiczne miejsce zauroczylo. Czy ktos byl na "kawie" w "kawiarni" naprzeciw amfiteatru. To tez lekko magiczne miejsce
19 years ago
to jest poprostu niepowtarzalne miejsce!
19 years ago
19 years ago
niepowtarzlne miejsce!!!
19 years ago
jest pięknie jak ktoś nie widział to niech nie wypowiada się na ten temat.Ja byłam i polecam
19 years ago
to naprawde piękne miejsce.można się nim zachwycić. opis beznadziejny.
19 years ago
Mnóstwo bzdur na tej stronie oraz koszmarnych błędów. A wystarczyło wziąć dobrą książkę o dawnej stolicy Nabatejczyków. El-Khazneh nie jest skarbcem!
19 years ago
Żeczywiście jest to ładna budowla widziałam ją na własne oczy! Bo byłam tam mówie ci warto to zobaczyć na własne oczy!
19 years ago
Niestety zauważyłam błąd, ponieważ sprawdziłem w Atlasie Geograficznym i Jordania nie leży w Afryce, tylko w Azji!!!!!!!!!
20 years ago
Dzięki za wyprowadzenie mnie z błędu, bo byłem przekonany, że Jordania leży w Azji.
20 years ago
warto bylo zobaczyc
21 years ago
bardzo ładny zabytek,
21 years ago
piękność wśród miast ...............
21 years ago

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