National Security Agency Satellite Earth Station

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Yakima-Washington (WA)

  • Category: covert
  • Section: Government - National - USA Covert Military - Communications
The "Yakima Research Station" is a secretive satellite earth station operated by the National Security Agency (NSA) to intercept satellite communications. The complex is located within the secure perimeter of the Army's Yakima Firing Range, in the relatively radio interference-free environment of eastern Washington. It was originally built in the 1970's to communicate with the Pacific Intelsat satellite, one of several satellites used for surveillance by the Agency.

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Today (28 April)
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11.3 ° C
3.5 ° (min)     13.9 ° (max)
0 mm
7.9 m/s
1015 hPa
Tomorrow (29 April)
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8.9 ° C
1.5 ° (min)     10.3 ° (max)
0.6 mm
8.9 m/s
1014 hPa
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