Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu in Peru - XV century Inca city

Where is located Machu Picchu?

Address of Machu Picchu is Peru
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When was built Machu Picchu?

Built date of Machu Picchu is XV century

Machu Picchu

Facts, informations and history of Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is located about 100 km from Cuzco, between two mountains, 900 meters above the Urubamba River.

It was estimated that about 1500 people lived in this religious center, where the ratio of men to women was 1:10. Based on these studies, it was found that Machu Picchu was not a city only a place of sun worship and sanctuary for women called "Virgins of the Sun".

Buildings in the city are built of local stone, they use different types of walls, and the entrance openings have a characteristic trapezoidal shape, like some windows.

The steep slopes and the stone walls placed on them kept the soil in the garden, where potatoes, maize and other vegetables were grown.

In Machu Picchu we can see, among others: the Tower of the Sun - a building with a set of horseshoes with a window set specially towards the sun and the Temple of Three Windows - a building with standing in the middle of a rectangular boulder, important dates were calculated in these buildings based on observation of the sun, including date of equating the day with the night.

You can also see numerous gardens, terraces, aqueducts, fountains, baths and ceremonial buildings and palaces.

The way to connect huge granite blocks remains a puzzle, they were combined without using mortar. Many stones have been joined here with such carefully smoothed edges that they fit together almost perfectly, and the walls are very durable and have almost imperceptible seams.

In the Machu Picchu Reserve an important problem is the excess of garbage thrown away by visitors, because it has been included by UNESCO in the World Cultural Heritage, so you can not build there or containers are littered nor public toilets.

" I began to realize that this wall with the semicircular temple adjoining it ... was as beautiful as the most beautiful stonework in the world." I completely took my breath away. "- Hiram Bingham

Construction/building type

Building Machu Picchu is of type City

Architectural style

Architectural style of Machu Picchu is Inca, Pre-Columbian

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Machu Picchu

What area have Machu Picchu?

Machu Picchu have area of 2 hectares

What material is the building made of?

Machu Picchu is made of the following materials: Cut stone, granite

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Machu Pikchu, Stary Szczyt

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Machu Picchu is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 274.
The listing took place in the year 1983.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

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18 years ago
zajebiste miejsce mysle ze przed zniknieciem tego cudnego miejsca z powierzchni ziemi zdarze go jeszcze odwiedzic:]:]:]
18 years ago
Super strona, właśnie takie strony szukałam z ciekawostkami i informacjami na temat danej budowli. DZIĘKI TEMU CO JĄ STWORZYŁ!!!
Monia -
Monia -
18 years ago
moim marzeniem jest zobaczyc Machu Picchu!!!i wiem ze uda mi sie kiedys spelnic to marzenie!!!
KaRu$kA =D
KaRu$kA =D
19 years ago
Ciesy sie, ze istnieje wasa strona, poniewaz moge pouczc siem z niej na konqrs
19 years ago
boże jakie to śliczne.... ile bym dała, żeby tam popjechac aż trudno uwierzyc ze zrobil to czlowiek...
19 years ago
Przemagiczne miejsce. Coś niesamowitego. Marzę by tam kiedyś pojechać
19 years ago
Przemagiczne miejsce. Coś niesamowitego. Marzę by tam kiedyś pojechać
19 years ago
to nie ufo, tylko genialna technologia starożytnych
19 years ago
fascynujaca budowla... patrzac na takie zreczy zaczyna sie wierzyc w UFO:)
20 years ago
Fantastyczne. Myślę jednak, że na tej witrynie przydałby się też polski akcent, np.: budynek Biblioteki Śląskiej albo ten zameczek, który nasz prezydent chce wyremontować za 20 mln zł z naszych pieniędzy
20 years ago
O kulturze inkaskiej w formie fabularnej jest kilka dobrych rozdziałów w książce Zenona Kosidowskiego "Królestwo Złotych Łez" Polecam
20 years ago
Niesamowity wyczyn inkaskich budowniczych.
20 years ago
20 years ago
zapraszam na strone z zachęcam wszystkich o podobnych zainteresowaniach i lubiących pisać do współpracy...
20 years ago
niesamowite miejsce - raj na ziemii
Chani Atryda
Chani Atryda
20 years ago
Machu Picchu to moje ulubione miejsce^^ fajna lokacja i ładny krajobraz...musze tam kiedyś pojechać...
20 years ago
to jest dopiero budowla :D poszukuje wszelkich informacji o starozytnej kulturze Inkow dzieki

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