Iron Bridge
Coalbrookdale, United Kingdom

Iron Bridge (England) - first arch iron bridge

Where is located Iron Bridge?

Address of Iron Bridge is Coalbrookdale, Shropshire, England
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When was built Iron Bridge?

Built date of Iron Bridge is 1779 - completion of construction
1781 - opening of the bridge

Iron Bridge

Facts, informations and history of Iron Bridge

The Iron Bridge was the world's first major iron structure. It is an engineering icon and a symbol of the Industrial Revolution, whose significance transcends time and space.

Built between 1777 and 1779 over the River Severn in Shropshire, England, this iron bridge designed by Thomas Farnolls Pritchard and overseen by Thomas Telford played a key role in the history of construction and industrial development.

The Iron Bridge was the first bridge in the world to be made of larger iron, marking a breakthrough in construction and engineering.

Its design and construction symbolise the transformation of the Industrial Revolution, the epicentre of which was in Britain.

In 1934, Iron Bridge was closed to vehicles and listed as a historic monument. Today it forms the centrepiece of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum complex, which has been designated a World Heritage Site.

In 1979, on its 200th anniversary, more than 200 people gathered on the bridge, part of the bridge detached and fell into the water, and since then no more than 200 people have been allowed on Iron Bridge at any one time.

The main arches of the bridge weigh 5 tonnes each and the entire bridge weighs more than 384 tonnes. It is about 30 metres long and spans about 31 metres.

The design of the Iron Bridge was the work of Thomas Farnolls Pritchard, but Thomas Telford was responsible for overseeing its construction.

The Iron Bridge was inscribed on the UNESCO heritage list in 1986 as an important part of humanity's cultural and technological heritage.

The Iron Bridge in Coalbrookdale is not only a monumental structure, but also a symbol of progress and innovation. Its presence continues to inspire and remind us of the importance of the Industrial Revolution, which changed the face of the world.

The Iron Bridge in Coalbrookdale is recognised as a masterpiece of construction and one of the most important structures associated with the Industrial Revolution.

" This is one arch, one hundred feet long, 52 high and 18 wide wide, all cast iron, weighing a few hundred tons, I doubt if the Colossus weighed more. " - John Wesley

Architect of Iron Bridge

Architect of Iron Bridge is Abraham Darby III, Thomas Farnolls Pritchard

Construction/building type

Building Iron Bridge is of type Bridge

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Iron Bridge

How many meters have Iron Bridge?

Iron Bridge have length 100 feet
52 feet high
width 18 feet

What material is the building made of?

Iron Bridge is made of the following materials: cast iron

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Ironbridge Gorge

Is the building on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Yes, the building Iron Bridge is inscribed on the UNESCO List under the reference 371.
The listing took place in the year 1986.
Details of the entry are available on the Unesco website at

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

Comments to Iron Bridge (6) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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16 years ago
ja sie dzis tam wybieram postaram wam sie ładnie opowiedziec moje wrazenia
18 years ago
Coz wlasnie wrocilem z Ironbridge - fantastyczne miejsce. Miasteczko (oczywiscie z mostem na czele) polozone w malowniczej dolinie, (MNOSTWO zieleni). Jak ktos bedzie w poblizu (np studiowal w Talford) - powinien jak najszybciej odwiedzic Ironbridge i zrobic kilka fantastycznych zdjec :)
19 years ago
Co to jest?
19 years ago
Co to jest?
20 years ago
Oba zdjęcia się otworzyły, jestem pełen podziwu, jerry
20 years ago
strasznie dużo napisaliście

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