Hoover Dam
United States

Hoover Dam (USA) - concrete dam on the Colorado River

Where is located Hoover Dam?

Address of Hoover Dam is Arizona and Nevada, USA
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When was built Hoover Dam?

Built date of Hoover Dam is 1931 - 1936

Hoover Dam

Facts, informations and history of Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam is one of the most impressive and symbolic engineering structures of the 20th century. Built on the Colorado River, it is not only a marvelous feat of engineering, but also proof of how man can influence the world around him, transforming the untamed forces of nature to his advantage. In this article we will look at the history, facts and curiosities related to this monumental project.


History of construction and purposes of the Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam, named after President Herbert Hoover, was built with several key goals in mind. Primarily, it was intended to help control the Colorado River, which was known for its unpredictability and frequent flooding. Controlling the river was to ensure stable irrigation for agriculture in the region and enable the production of electricity.

Construction of the dam began in 1931 and was completed in 1936, although finishing works continued for several years. At the time, it was the largest dam in the world. Its construction used 2.5 million cubic meters of concrete, which would be enough to build a two-lane road from Seattle to Miami. In addition, it required 8.2 million tons of stone and an amount of steel comparable to that used in the construction of Empire State Building.


Impressive dimensions and structure of the dam

The Hoover Dam is truly impressive in its size. It is 201 meters long at its base and rises to 220 meters, which corresponds to the height of approximately a 70-story skyscraper. At the top, the dam is 375 meters long and 14 meters thick. This design provides it with extraordinary strength and stability, allowing it to retain a huge amount of water from the Colorado River.

An interesting fact is that the dam is so thick and strong that it would not have to be curved to withstand the pressure of water. However, engineers decided to curve the dam because they felt that residents would feel much safer with a curved dam.

On the northern side of the dam, Lake Mead was created, one of the largest artificial reservoirs in the world. The length of the lake is 177 kilometers and its coastline is 1,323 kilometers. Lake Mead is not only a reservoir of water, but also a popular recreation site, attracting thousands of tourists each year.


Energy significance of the Hoover Dam

One of the main purposes of building the Hoover Dam was to obtain electricity. The dam produces 4 billion kilowatt-hours of energy annually, enough to power 1.3 million people. This energy is used not only in nearby cities, but also in remote regions, providing electricity to homes, factories and other facilities.

Energy production at Hoover Dam is possible thanks to water turbines that are powered by water flowing through the dam. Water flows down at high speed, setting in motion turbines that generate electricity. This process is not only effective, but also ecological because it does not emit pollutants into the atmosphere.


Curiosities related to the Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam hides many fascinating facts and curiosities. An example is the fact that thousands of workers worked on the construction site and had to cope with extreme weather conditions and dangerous situations. Over 100 people died during construction, which proves the scale and difficulty of this undertaking.

Another interesting fact is that the Hoover Dam has inspired many movies and TV shows. Its monumental structure and historical significance attracted filmmakers who eagerly used it as a background for their productions.

Hoover Dam was also the site of many important events and visits. Over the years, it has been visited by many US presidents and other famous people. She witnessed many ceremonies and celebrations that emphasized her importance for the country and the region.


Movies and books

The Hoover Dam, with its monumental architecture and picturesque surroundings, has become the background for many film and literary productions. Its majestic structure and rich history attract creators from all over the world, making it not only a technical object, but also an icon of pop culture.

One of the most famous films in which the Hoover Dam played a significant role is "Transformers" (2007) directed by Michael Bay. In this film, the dam serves as a secret government base where unusual artifacts are stored. Its monumental size and impressive appearance perfectly fit into the setting of a film full of action and special effects.

Another film in which the Hoover Dam appears is "Superman" (1978) directed by Richard Donner. In one of the key scenes, the superhero saves the city from the disastrous consequences of a dam failure. This scene is one of the most memorable moments of the film, highlighting the power and importance of the dam.

The Hoover Dam also appeared in literature. In the novel "The Stand" (1978) by Stephen King, the dam plays an important role in the plot as a place that the characters must conquer in order to control water and energy resources in a post-apocalyptic world. King perfectly captures the atmosphere and meaning of this place, which further emphasizes its influence on the readers' imagination.

In the documentary world, the Hoover Dam has been the subject of numerous television and film productions. Shows such as "Modern Marvels" on the History Channel have devoted entire episodes to analyzing the construction and operation of the dam, allowing viewers to understand its technical and historical significance.

Hoover Dam remains one of the world's most fascinating engineering structures, serving not only key practical functions but also inspiring filmmakers and writers. Its presence in popular culture additionally emphasizes its unique place in history and the present.


Awards and distinctions

Hoover Dam, due to its engineering and cultural importance, has received numerous awards and distinctions. One of the most prestigious recognitions is the inclusion of the dam on the list of US National Historic Monuments. This status is awarded to properties of exceptional historical significance, emphasizing its role in American history and technology.

In 1994, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) named Hoover Dam a "Seven Wonders of the Modern World", ranking it among other extraordinary engineering achievements. This distinction is proof of the technologically advanced design and the impact it has had on the development of engineering.

The dam has also been recognized numerous times for innovation in water and energy management. Institutions like the U.S. The Bureau of Reclamation, which manages the dam, received awards for the efficient use of water and energy resources, as well as for their contribution to environmental protection.


The importance of the Hoover Dam today

Though built almost a century ago, Hoover Dam still plays a key role in the region and country. It provides stable hydration, produces electricity and protects against floods. It is also a major tourist site, attracting millions of visitors each year to see this monumental feat of engineering.

Hoover Dam is a symbol of human determination, innovation and the ability to transform the natural environment in ways that serve society. It is also a reminder of the challenges that engineers and builders face, and of the achievements that can be achieved through cooperation and commitment.



Hoover Dam is not only a concrete dam on the Colorado River, but also a symbol of human ingenuity and determination. Its construction was a monumental undertaking that required enormous amounts of work and resources. Today, the dam not only ensures stable irrigation and electricity production, but also attracts millions of tourists, being one of the most important engineering structures of the 20th century. Hoover Dam remains a testament to how humans can transform and control the forces of nature to serve society.

Architect of Hoover Dam

Architect of Hoover Dam is Bureau of Reclamation, Henry J. Kaiser, Gordon Kaufmann

Construction/building type

Building Hoover Dam is of type Dam, Dam

Architectural style

Architectural style of Hoover Dam is Contemporary

The contemporary architectural style is characterised above all by modern solutions and the latest technologies. It is a style that focuses on minimalism and simplicity of form, but at the same time does not sacrifice high quality and functionality. In the case of residential buildings, the contemporary style is characterised by large glazings, which allow for optimum interior lighting and create an impression of spaciousness. In the case of public buildings, the contemporary architectural style pays attention to the comfort and convenience of the users and the adaptation of the building to the needs of people with disabilities. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Hoover Dam

What capacity have Hoover Dam?

Hoover Dam have capacity 1.24 trillion cubic feet

What material is the building made of?

Hoover Dam is made of the following materials: Concrete


Build cost of Hoover Dam is 165 million dollars

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Hoover Dam

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is http://www.usbr.gov/lc/hooverdam/

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4 years ago
to ta z gta5
Overall rating: detailed ratings
14 years ago
ciekawie się zapowiada panorama tej zapory wraz z budowanym w tle mostem :)
14 years ago
Tama zbudowana przez bobry (ponad 2x dłuższa od zapory hoovera), widać ją z orbity :) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/canada/7676300/Worlds-biggest-beaver-dam-can-be-seen-from-space.html
Marko from Tychy
Marko from Tychy
16 years ago
Zapora znacząco wpłynęła na rozwój całej południowo-zachodniej części USA. Duża część wytwarzanej energii jest przesyłana do Los Angeles oraz pd. Kalifornii. Oprócz tego wspomaga również Las Vegas i Phoenix, które obecnie są najszybciej rozwijającymi się miastami w całych USA.
18 years ago
ta zapora jest troch za wielka na te ameryke może jest nie zniszczalna bo bomba atomowa by wybuchłda tą zapore by rozwalił
18 years ago
Zapora jest bardzo spox :) ale wyobrażcie sobie co by bylo jakby ktos albo cos rozwlilo tą zapore
18 years ago
Witam piszę pracę na temat Hoover dam i szukam szczegółowszych informacji na temat tej zapory, a dokładnie przebiegu budowy, materiałów wykorzystanych do budowy tego dzieła. Bardzo proszę o pomoc. mój mail czoczo_1985@o2.pl
18 years ago
Byłem tam w pażdzierniku 2005 robi wrażenie.Posiadam zdjęcia
18 years ago
Ten beton to juz dawno sie zwiazal - konstrukcja byla wylewana stopniowo, metr po metrze, zatapiajac kolejne warstwy zbrojenia. Ciekawostka jest to ze od sciany tam odbija sie wiatr, kierujac sie w gore, wiec jak sie splunie woda, to ona leci do gory na druga strone drogi lol.
19 years ago
oglądaliście beavis and butt head do america?
19 years ago
bylam tam i zrobila na mnie niesamowite wrazenie ta budowla,rewelacja.pa
19 years ago
19 years ago
Jak ktoś chce sobie obejrzeć jak to wygląda z góry: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=36.014732,-114.738754 &spn=0.005676,0.007918&t=k&hl=en
19 years ago
Ta ciekawostka jerst do niczego jkeśli orjętujecie się jak zastyga beton to dojdziecie do wniosku że to bzdura. Rozwiązanie zagadki -- beton wiąże chemicznie -- czyli jakim cudem do dzisiaj? Jeśli Terkot jest taki mądry to niech odpowie
19 years ago
ciekawostka - beton w srodku zapory stygnie do dnia dzisiejszego (jest tak gruba)
19 years ago
Potrzebne mi są schematy zapory Hoovera i wogóle wszystkie dostępne materiały do pracy na ten temat, oprócz zdjęć.Przyślijcie mi jak możecie.
19 years ago
bieda to coś
19 years ago
Ja tez tam bylem i troche sie opalilem wszystko widzialem, nikogo nie pobilem Hej.........
19 years ago
Ludzie bylem tam i.... nic szczegolnego. Solina tez jest spoko. Amerykanie umieja wszystko dobrze zareklamowac i sprzedać.
19 years ago
dla amerykanów nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych zapora hoovera jest tego przykładem
20 years ago
tamy budują bobry, ludzie buduja zapory!!! w typie możecie skrślić słowo 'tama"
Karolina 15
Karolina 15
20 years ago
to musi być niewiarygodnie olbrzymie,aż nie mam słów by to opisać......
20 years ago
Suupppeeeerrrr!!!!!!!!!!!! Ale ............... zarazem straszne!!!!!!!!
20 years ago
moze nie wygląda imponująco, ale pod wzwlędem konstrukcyjnym to CUDO!!!
20 years ago
według mnie to ta tama nie jest wcale taka wielka a pozatym to nic ciekawego

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