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  • Category: castles
  • Section: Ancient Castles
Por-Bajin - stronghold in Eastern Siberia, built in the 8th cent BC. on an island of lake Tere-Hole. Some consider this stronghold to be a temple and call it 'Russian Shaolin'. Others believe that this construction serves as the northern gates to sacred place Schambala.

Por-Bajin is translated form Tuva language as 'clay house'. It's mostly built of unfired clay bricks. The monument has a complex structure - inside a regular rectangle of walls there is a whole labyrinth of buildings, which look like as a buddhist temple. The walls form a regular rectangle with side sizes 211x158 meters.

In 2007 an archeological expedition will search for clues to the latest archeological find of a tall Europeoid skeleton (height of 1,85 meter)

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