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  • Category: ancient
  • Section: Ancient
Mohenjo-daro (Urdu: موئن جودڑو, Sindhi: موئن جو دڙو, Hindi: मोहन जोदड़ो, English: Mound of the Dead) was one of the largest city-settlements of the Indus Valley Civilization of south Asia situated in the province of Sind, Pakistan. Built around 2600 BC, the city was one of the early urban settlements in the world, existing at the same time as the civilisations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece. The archaeological ruins of the city are designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is sometimes referred to as "An Ancient Indus Valley Metropolis".

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Today (26 April)
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38.9 ° C
27.2 ° (min)     40.2 ° (max)
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1003 hPa
Tomorrow (27 April)
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36.7 ° C
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8.5 m/s
1005 hPa
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