Andreas Andresen

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  • Category: companies-headquarters
  • Section: Companies - Headquarters Transportation - Cargo and Freight
Andreas Andresen A/S was founded in 1916 in Vamdrup by C. G. Søndergaard. In 1920, he moved the company to Padborg at a time when shipping and forwarding were still relatively unknown concepts. Andreas Andresen, who took over the company in 1928, managed it until his death in 1976. The company remained in the family and continued under the control of Luise Andresen until her death in 1992, where responsibility for the operations of the company was transferred to a fund.

Read more on the companys homepage.

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Today (26 April)
current weather in this location
8.3 ° C
2.2 ° (min)     9.2 ° (max)
6.2 mm
5.2 m/s
1003 hPa
Tomorrow (27 April)
Tomorrow weather in this location
10.5 ° C
1.7 ° (min)     12.9 ° (max)
1.6 mm
5.7 m/s
1011 hPa
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