Pointe-à-Callière Museum
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- Category: museums-history
- Section: Museums - History Museums - Culture
Pointe-à-Callière Museum is the Montreal museum of archaeology and history located in Old Montreal.
It was founded in 1992 as part of celebrations to mark Montreal's 350th birthday.
It was founded in 1992 as part of celebrations to mark Montreal's 350th birthday.
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Today (15 January)
-7.4 ° C
-15.1 ° (min) -6.9 ° (max)
0 mm
4.1 m/s
1019 hPa
Tomorrow (16 January)
-6.7 ° C
-16.4 ° (min) -6 ° (max)
0 mm
2.6 m/s
1011 hPa
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