Winners of the competition for the architectural drawing of Ken Roberts were selected

On Friday, 41 winners of the Ken Roberts competition evaluating sketches and architectural drawings were selected. From among 424 works sent from 28 countries, winners in several categories were selected. The competition works could consist of any architectural drawings containing, for example, space, building, city or landscape.

The winning entries are:

author: Moh'd Bilbeisi

author: Matthew Bohne

author: Jason Jackson

author: Martin Medina

author: Mane Nalbandyan

author: Samuel Ringman

author: Ozayr Saloojee

Among the awarded works was also the work of a Pole, Artur Stępniak.

You will find more winning and final works on the following page: -delineation-competition-krob-2015-winners /
Winners of the competition for the architectural drawing of Ken Roberts were selected
03/11/2015     Redakcja

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