Secrets of the Pyramids

To this day science, technology and literature draw on the achievements of ancient civilizations. We know a lot about them and more and more, but also a lot will always remain a mystery.

1. Pyramids
Egyptian giants open a list of 7 wonders of the world. Especially known are those from Giza - Cheops, his son Chefren and grandson Mykerinos. They were established about 2500 years ago. In the middle of each of them there are systems of corridors and traps to make it difficult for robbers to access the dripping id of gold and jewels of the Pharaoh's burial chamber.
The pyramid of Chefren is only 8 m lower and its side is 15 m shorter than the great Cheops (height 146 m., the side of the base is 230 m.), while Mykerinosa measures only 66 m. and the base is 110 m. long.

Centuries ago, the pyramids covered in white limestone shone in the sun... To this day, we know how great Egyptian engineers set up 2.5-tonne stone blocks to maintain the inclination of the walls. The ground on which the Great Pyramid stands is deflected from the ideal level by 2 cm !

Other pyramids (there are about 96 of them) are mostly dungeon dumps (the first one erected in the XXVII century BC for the king Jesser). They were no longer built because nothing and no one could protect them from the thieves who harassed them.
In August 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte, the great leader and most powerful man of the time, entered the centre of the pyramid of Cheops. He dismissed the guide and spent several hours alone inside the building. He is said to have experienced extraordinary experiences - for example, he had a vision of the future, left the pyramid, pale and forbidden mentioning this visit. Many years later he mentioned it himself - at St. Helena's he was going to confess everything to his friend, but he resigned and what happened inside this old building will always remain unexplained.

Cheops was never buried in his pyramid, so there were hypotheses about its purpose - it could be a large sundial, an astronomical observatory or a kind of mathematical horoscope. But these are only hypotheses, and the buildings have been looking at the desert for centuries - haughty, proud, unshakable - and silent ...

2. Religion
Researchers are still arguing whether the Egyptians were polymorphic monotheists (they believed in one God who appeared in many forms), polytheists or monotheists - each chose his own one, the most important deity ...

The importance of individual gods was due to the preferences of priests and rulers, when the city had a strong influence on the god - guardian, and the importance of the god was beneficial to the city.

The man consisted of two parts, one part and one part. The immaterial, well, separated with him again or freely wander the worlds; the caring ka lived in the grave with the body of the deceased. Initially, only Pharaoh had the possibility to live after death, but gradually his family, priests, dignitaries, and finally ordinary mortals gained access to him.
Before the deceased could enter the Land of Happiness, where he rushed to live a joyful and carefree life, he had to cross the underground, dangerous land of Dat, full of traps and monsters. Then he stood before the court of Osiris - on the first scale his deeds during his lifetime were weighed, and on the second lay the Pen of Truth. When good deeds prevailed, the deceased entered the Fields of Reeds, if not - the heart was devoured by the Heart Devourer and the man was lost forever.

In order the deceased had a chance to be reborn in the afterlife, the body needed to be preserved. For this purpose they were mummified - the complicated process lasted about 70 days and was expensive, so peasants buried relatives in the hot sand of the desert, which was equally effective - mummies survived for thousands of years ...

During the predynastic period, graves were shallow desert cavities, then mastabas and pyramids. During the New Kingdom period, the rulers were buried in tombs carved in the rock - in the Valley of the Kings mummies of about 60 rulers were found, but only one tomb remained intact.

3. Discoveries
Around 1860, the Frenchman Boris found in the pyramid of Cheops the corpse of a cat - apparently nothing interesting, on the contrary - horrible. But why does the cat look as if it was mummified without embalming and bandaging?! - The Frenchman wondered.

When the food products for the experiment placed in the model of the pyramid remained fresh longer, Boris concluded that these phenomena are the result of the "secret power of the pyramids".

100 years later, in Czechoslovakia, a man - Drbel - read the Frenchman's conclusions and decided to try the power on metal, more precisely: razor blades. It turned out that the razor blade kept in the pyramid for longer is sharp - even during the tenth shave. After obtaining the patent, Drbel sold the idea and Czechoslovak citizens started buying "pyramids for sharpening razor blades" from plastic.

They believed in their effectiveness.
And you?
After many years, Howard Carter found the intact tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen.
He described it as follows:

"With trembling hands, I made a small hole in the upper left year. Darkness and emptiness. A study with an iron probe showed that there was an empty room behind the wall. I widened the opening slightly, put in a lighted candle and looked inside. At first I did not see anything. The hot air coming out of the chamber caused the candle flame to vibrate. As soon as the eyes got used to the light, the details of the room began to emerge from the darkness: bizarre animals, statues and gold - the glow of gold everywhere. I was stunned by surprise. Lord Carnarvon asked me impatiently: Can you see anything? I could hardly expect it: Yes! Miracles!
However... During the laborious and long exploration of the discovery of the age, did he violate the eternal peace of the mummy and set free the curse cast by the priests upon the one who would prevent the ruler from resting forever, the curse from 3,000 years ago?
A few hours after the opening of the tomb a sandstorm raged, after which the falcon symbol of the Pharaohs was seen in the sky - the place of the Land of the Dead flying west!
When Lord Carnarvon died, the lights in Cairo went out, and in faraway England, Lord's dog wailed and died.
When several other visitors to the tomb died shortly afterwards and a lord jumped out of the ground, a cannabis urn from a known tomb was found in his room. - In the newspapers, sensational headlines appeared: "England is dying of terror" and "The curse will reach our country."
However, the hysterical puzzles became clear (or until the end?!) when a German professor in 1933 took a serious interest in solving them.
He proved that neither the old Lord Westbury, who jumped from the bottom, nor his son, also dead, had the slightest contact with the tomb and mummy, and counted on the curse of R. Bethell, ejecting treasures from the tomb, died much later due to natural causes.

American Carter, a stranger smelled by the press, was not an absolute friend of Howard Carter, who lived 17 years after the discovery of the tomb - a man whose curse should have reached the first one.
Later, the death of some explorers was also explained - in a tomb closed for centuries, some malignant bacteria "live", attacking the first visitors for centuries.

Although the curse was explained, Egypt did not become boring and prosaic - it still hides a lot of mysteries, quiet and undiscovered...

And did revenge reach this man?
You answer the question yourself...
He reached deep into the sarcophagus with his hand, not thinking that dust, dust and small stones were falling from the ceiling.
A few more jerks and a hand slipped under the lid of a sarcophagus dripping with gold. He's about to finish his job and find some treasures...

The ceiling tile couldn't withstand the violence and fell on the man. He was dying - did he think he was killed by his own greed? His hand was still stuck - so close to gold, and yet now gold will not help him! What a grotesque...

The skeleton covered with a shred of a coat, the skeleton of a robber, was found by researchers in 1970. In his pocket he had a leftover newspaper from the... 1944 n.e.n.e.

He got his way... But did the Pharaoh look at him with the eyes painted on the death mask... and he also finished his work.
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30/07/2005     Redakcja
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