Cminda Sameba (Holy Trinity Church) in Kazbegi (Georgia)

Located at an altitude of 2170 m above sea level the church is undoubtedly a showcase of Georgia and appears on the covers of most guides in this country. This is mainly due to its picturesque location, on the one hand with a view of the basin with Stepancminda, and on the other hand, to the top of the Kazbek mountain (5034 m).

Description of the building:,cminda-sameba
Cminda Sameba (Holy Trinity Church) in Kazbegi (Georgia)
06/11/2016     Redakcja

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8 years ago
Byliśmy tam z żoną, piękne miejsce i sam dojazd Gruzińską drogą wojenną jest super :) Tak więc szczerze polecam Cmindę, jak i całą Gruzję <3
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