Hillbrow TV tower

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  • Kategoria: towers-communication
  • Sekcja: Roadside Attractions Towers - Communication
The Hillbrow Tower is a tall mast located in the suburb of Hillbrow in Johannesburg, South Africa. Construction for the tower began in June of 1968 and was completed three years later in April 1971. Construction cost Rand 2 million (USD 330,000, though at the time around four million USD) and produced the 269 metre (730 feet) tower that stands today. The tower was initially known as the JG Strijdom Tower after JG Strijdom, the South African Prime Minister from 1954 to 1958.

The tower was constructed for what became Telkom, South Africa's largest telecommunications company. As the general height of buildings rose in the central business district, it was necessary that the new telephone tower had to stay above the general height of the tallest building.

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