Castlerigg stone circle

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  • Kategoria: ancient
  • Sekcja: Ancient
Castlerigg Stone Circle (alt. Keswick Carles, Carles, Carsles or Castle-rig) near Keswick in England is one of the most visually impressive prehistoric monuments in Britain and is the most visited stone circle in Cumbria. Every year, thousands of people make the short journey from Keswick to the plateau of Castlerigg Fell and to Chestnut Hill, on which the monument stands. This plateau forms the raised centre of a natural amphitheatre created by the surrounding fells and from within the circle it is possible to see some of the highest peaks in Cumbria: Helvellyn, Skiddaw, Grasmoor and Blencathra.

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5 ° C
2.3 ° (min)     7.6 ° (max)
4.1 mm
6.3 m/s
1031 hPa
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9 ° C
6.7 ° (min)     9 ° (max)
0.6 mm
4.6 m/s
1031 hPa
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