Ethiopian National Museum

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Addis Ababa

  • Kategorie: museums-history
  • Abschnitt: Museums - History Museums - Culture
The Ethiopian National Museum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is located close to the University of Addis Ababa Graduate School. The museum houses numerous antiquarian relics and archaeological artifacts showing the history of Ethiopia from prehistoric times to the modern day.

By far the most famous exhibit of the museum is the 3.5 million year-old skeleton of "'Lucy," the oldest hominid that has ever been found.

Archaeologists named her for the Beatles song, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds," which played often in the celebrations that followed her discovery.

Though not a sacred relic in the traditional sense, this ancient hominid naturally prompts reflection on what it means to be human, a question foundational to any religious or spiritual outlook. What was it like to be Lucy? Did she ponder the stars?

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Standort auf der Karte / Wie man dorthin kommt

Wetter in der Gegend
Heute (3 Mai)
das aktuelle Wetter an diesem Ort
19.1 ° C
15.1 ° (min)     19.7 ° (max)
3 mm
2.3 m/s
1026 hPa
Morgen (4 Mai)
Wetter morgen an diesem Ort
22.2 ° C
14.2 ° (min)     22.2 ° (max)
3 mm
3.9 m/s
1013 hPa
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