Cathedral of Amalfi

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  • Kategorie: religious-christianity
  • Abschnitt: Religious - Christianity
Amalfi's Cathedral of St. Andrew the Apostle is said to house the tomb of the Patron Saint of Scotland. Its construction began in the 9th century and is a combination of Moorish and Norman architecture. Its main attraction is a bronze door given to the citizens of Amalfi in 1066 by former Amalfitan, Pantaleone di Mauro Comite, who made his fortune as a pioneer merchant, settling in Constantinople (Istanbul).

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Wetter in der Gegend
Heute (2 Mai)
das aktuelle Wetter an diesem Ort
16.4 ° C
9.8 ° (min)     18.5 ° (max)
16.3 mm
6.5 m/s
1014 hPa
Morgen (3 Mai)
Wetter morgen an diesem Ort
11.9 ° C
9.8 ° (min)     12.1 ° (max)
9.4 mm
8.2 m/s
1015 hPa
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