Valencia Cathedral

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  • Категорія: religious-christianity
  • Розділ: Religious - Christianity
Another of the highlights of Valencia is its Cathedral. This religious building is currently dedicated to "Santa Maria" (Saint Mary). Some centuries ago, It used to be a mosque, but when El Cid conquered the city, it became a Roman Catholic cathedral. Later the city was reconquered by the Muslims, and the cathedral became again a mosque. But things would change again, when the Christian king, Jaume I, reconquered Valencia. It has been the main Cathedral in Valencia to this day.

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Розташування на карті / Як туди добратися

Погода в районі
Сьогодні (9 травень)
поточна погода в цьому місці
20.5 ° C
14.1 ° (min)     21.7 ° (max)
0 mm
7.5 m/s
1019 hPa
завтра (10 травень)
погода завтра в цьому місці
20.4 ° C
14.9 ° (min)     20.4 ° (max)
0 mm
6 m/s
1019 hPa
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