Bristol Cathedral

Позиція показати на карті


  • Категорія: religious-christianity
  • Розділ: Religious - Christianity
Bristol Cathedral was founded as St Augustine's Abbey in 1140. The chapterhouse, still standing, dates from 1165, and the Elder Lady Chapel from 1220. The Norman abbey church was rebuilt from 1298 onwards, but the new church was still incomplete at the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1539 and its nave was demolished. The nave was eventually built during the 19th century and the building was completed by two towers at the west end in 1888. It is a "hall church" with nave, aisles and choir all at the same height, and the most significant example of a hall church in Britain.

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Погода в районі
Сьогодні (15 травень)
поточна погода в цьому місці
16.2 ° C
10.3 ° (min)     16.9 ° (max)
0.1 mm
6.3 m/s
1004 hPa
завтра (16 травень)
погода завтра в цьому місці
15 ° C
8.8 ° (min)     15.3 ° (max)
10.6 mm
2.9 m/s
1006 hPa
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