George Washington Bridge
New York, United States

George Washington Bridge (USA) - the bridge connecting New York with New Jersey

Where is located George Washington Bridge?

Address of George Washington Bridge is New York and New Jersey, New York, USA
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When was built George Washington Bridge?

Built date of George Washington Bridge is October 25, 1940
August 29, 1962 - opening of the second deck

George Washington Bridge

Facts, informations and history of George Washington Bridge

George Washington's name bridge connects New York with New Jersey.

As with Akashi Kaykio, the construction of this bridge was an unattainable dream for engineers for almost 100 years. This problem grew in the 1920s. People always wanted to work in the city center, but live outside of it. However, the use of slow ferries when traveling to work was cumbersome. People began to demand a permanent connection.

The official design of the bridge was made on the drawing board of the Swiss engineer Othmar H. Amann. Cass Gilbert was the architect, and Amanna was appointed chief engineer.

Construction began in 1925 and lasted 6 years.

Similarly as during the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge or Manhattan Bridge, there was no security for workers. Therefore, it was not without sacrifices.

The bridge was opened on October 25, 1931. During the opening ceremony, it was given the name of George Washington. It immediately became the longest suspension bridge in the world and the first in history, whose span was longer than 1 km.

At the end of the 1950s, the capacity of the Washington Bridge was insufficient. Instead of building a new bridge, a second deck placed under the first was created. The opening took place on August 29, 1962. Since then, kilometer-long traffic jams have ceased to exist, despite the fact that nearly 300,000 cars use the bridge daily.

How many American constructions from those years The George Washington Bridge has a great store of endurance. A massive, steel, truss bridge hangs on 4 ropes. Towers with a height of 194 m are also openwork.

Under the pylon from the New Jersey, the world's largest American flag is majestic. There is bus stop 4211 on the bridge.

Architect of George Washington Bridge

Architect of George Washington Bridge is Cass Gilbert, Othmar H. Amann

Construction/building type

Building George Washington Bridge is of type Suspension bridge

A suspension bridge is a type of bridge structure in which the main load-bearing element is ropes or chains attached to supports and supporting the girders or deck. It is a popular type of bridge, used worldwide for its efficiency and strength. Here is some information about suspension bridges, their precursors and the most famous structures of this type.... czytaj więcej.

Architectural style

Architectural style of George Washington Bridge is Modern

Modern architectural style is a style characterised primarily by simple and regular forms, a lack of ornamentation and the use of modern building materials. It is significantly different from other architectural styles, such as Baroque, Gothic or Renaissance, where more complex forms and rich ornamentation predominated. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

George Washington Bridge

How many meters have George Washington Bridge?

George Washington Bridge have length 1,450.84 m - the entire bridge
10 676,8 m - single span

What material is the building made of?

George Washington Bridge is made of the following materials: steel


Build cost of George Washington Bridge is $ 31 million

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. George Washington Bridge, Most im. Jerzego Waszyngtona

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

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20 years ago
Witam. Przęsło jest dłuższe 7 razy od mostu? Aż dziw ,że któreś ze zdjęć się otworzyło, bo inne budowle niestety nie. Pozdrawiam, jerry.
Piotr Talik
Piotr Talik
20 years ago
Podziękowania dla Krzyśka za znalezienie błędu w opisie

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