Quitsato Sundial

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  • Category: landmarks
  • Section: Landmarks
The Quitsato Sundial is a cultural-touristic place located at La Mitad Del Mundo, near to Cayambe, 47km at North of Quito. It was built at 2006 and inaugurated at 2007 as an independent, non-profit project in a 24756 ft² (2300 m²) area. Its main goal is to divulge crucial aspects of the astronomical knowledge related to Mitad del Mundo for prehispanic cultures who lived in the region, and to share to people's knowledge about astronomy. The expositions are carried by community members as a self-sustaining project.

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Today (18 April)
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18.4 ° C
11.5 ° (min)     18.5 ° (max)
7.8 mm
2.9 m/s
1015 hPa
Tomorrow (19 April)
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16.9 ° C
11.1 ° (min)     17.3 ° (max)
30.3 mm
2.5 m/s
1016 hPa
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