Philips Dam

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  • Category: dams
  • Section: Dams Bridges - Automobile
The Philips Dam can be divided into two parts. The northern part runs from the lock complex on the Plaat van Vliet (in the Volkerak) to the connection on the Grevelingen Dam. The southern part runs from the lock complex to Sint-Philipsland. The dam was placed as far back as possible on the Oosterschelde, because otherwise the salt marshes of Sint-Philipsland would have ended up behind the dam. The stagnant freshwater would have meant the end of the salt marshes. The construction of the Philips Dam was facilitated by temporarily closing down the Oosterschelde Barrier. This method was also used for the construction of the Oester Dam.

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Today (19 April)
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9.6 ° C
7.6 ° (min)     10.2 ° (max)
8.1 mm
12.1 m/s
1010 hPa
Tomorrow (20 April)
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7.8 ° C
6.4 ° (min)     8.5 ° (max)
1.9 mm
10.8 m/s
1024 hPa
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