Kilometer Zero marker

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Buenos Aires

  • Category: monuments
  • Section: Monuments
The work of the brothers Máximo and José Fioravanti, the structure was placed on the north side of Plaza Lorea on October 2, 1935; it was moved to its present location on May 18, 1944. An image of Our Lady of Luján (honored on the monolith as "the patron saint of the national road network") appears on the monolith's north face, a relief map of Argentina is on the south face, plaques in honor of José de San Martín are west, and on its eastern side, the date of the decree and the name of the relevant authorities.

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Today (25 April)
current weather in this location
15.6 ° C
14.1 ° (min)     17.2 ° (max)
1.2 mm
5.9 m/s
1015 hPa
Tomorrow (26 April)
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17.3 ° C
16.4 ° (min)     17.9 ° (max)
15.3 mm
5 m/s
1007 hPa
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