Jeffrey Gendell's House

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Edgartown-Massachusetts (MA)

  • Category: residential
  • Section: Residential
He is founder of Tontine Asset Management and a former billionaire before his funds lost much of their value and closed

Father worked for Proctor & Gamble. Gendell began work in Smith Barney's financal department. Started hedge fund Tontine Partners in 1997. Well timed bets on steel, housing have paid off; returned more than 100% in both 2003 and 2005.

He lives in Greenwich, Ct.

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Today (19 January)
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6.3 ° C
0.8 ° (min)     6.3 ° (max)
4.6 mm
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Tomorrow (20 January)
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-4.6 ° C
-5.1 ° (min)     1 ° (max)
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11.1 m/s
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