Château de Belœil

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  • Category: castles
  • Section: Castles
Château de Belœil is a château situated in the municipality of Belœil in the province of Hainaut, Belgium. Since the 14th century it has been the residence of the Prince de Ligne. The château lies in the middle of a magnificent Baroque garden designed in 1664. The château and gardens can be visited during spring and summer.

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Today (14 January)
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1.2 ° C
-7.5 ° (min)     2.4 ° (max)
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3 m/s
1037 hPa
Tomorrow (15 January)
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3.9 ° C
1.5 ° (min)     4.4 ° (max)
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2.3 m/s
1035 hPa
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