Chateau de Bazoches

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  • Category: castles
  • Section: Castles
Built in the twelfth century, halfway up a wooded hill, upon the site of an old Roman post on the gateway to Morvan, with a direct view on Vezelay (at 10 km), the feudal Château de Bazoches, has a trapezoidal architecture made up of four towers and a keep surrounding an inner courtyard.

The Marshal de Vauban acquired in 1675 Bazoches that had successively belonged to the lords of Bazoches, Chastellux, Montmorillon and la Perrière.

As soon as he set up in Bazoches, Vauban made there many fitting-outs and turned it into military garrison. Vauban, founder of the Engineers, carried out the studies and the plans of more than three hundred works and fortified towns in Bazoches, particularly in the large gallery of the Château, recently reconstituted. He also worked out the methods of attack and defence of the fortifications, which made of him an uncontested Master of the strategy of the sieges and military architecture. He meditated and redacted there his thoughts about a large amount of subjects, entitled with humour his “Idlenesses”. At last, he wrote in the Château the daring " Royal tithe", immediately prohibited.

Descendants of Charlotte de Vauban, elder daughter of the Marshal, the current owners keep with care many remembers of their famous ancestor, among a great furniture.

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